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NRA: Obama wants to "erase" the 2nd Amendment if re-elected

So Topgun, Obama has spent four years making us feel safe and, if re-elected he will "erase" the second amendment. He can't even get Catholic hospitals to pay for birth control for their employees, but he can amend the constitution.
Nor should he be able to on either account. It's the ramroding of beliefs/ideals that have me worried about the administration if he's re-elected. There's nothing to lose at that point.
The RAMBLING of beliefs and ideals that has me worried about all politicians. For $10 million, Gingrich has promised a Vegas mogul to move the US embassy in Jerusalem if he is elected. Hopefully the structure of the US government can trump "nothing left to lose".
Nor should he be able to on either account. It's the ramroding of beliefs/ideals that have me worried about the administration if he's re-elected. There's nothing to lose at that point.

Right, just like tax payers shouldn't have been forced to fund faith-based non-profits, or DOMA, or any other number of bullshit beliefs forced on all american people by the other party. ;)

And let's be clear about the contraceptive issue, it's not forcing the catholic church to provide contraceptives, it's forcing a private employer - a hospital - to provide coverage to women that allows for contraceptives.

Nothing is forced, except a decent medical plan. Goddmaned commies! :D
I'm not really worried about anybody taking my guns...Now back to the pile!
I let my NRA membership lapse a few years ago, and it's stuff like this that keeps me from rejoining.

About a year ago I got a phone call one evening from the NRA explaining to me how the UN was coming to get my guns. Also, I still get the occasional mailer filled hyperbolic rhetoric that just makes me shake my head. Nowadays when I get them, they just go straight into the trash.

I think gun rights have become another "third rail" in the American political landscape. I'm sure that's due in no small part to the NRA, but it's still awfully tough for me to support an organization that openly professes a massive conspiracy by the Obama administration to erase the second amendment.
After the NRA came out strong against I-161, I called up and told them they were meddling in Montanans affairs, and shouldn't be getting involved. It was a lose lose situation for them by doing so. They took the side of Montana's far right wing. It shows how far off kilter they are right now. I'll never give them a dime again.
I believe the first time this was posted was courtesy of Randy11. Still applies to 2nd amendment and wolve threads. :D

Nice work Mr. Oak;):D

Haha good times.

Obama hasn't been much on gun control, but I wouldn't put it past him in his second term.

And the Supreme in fact a big deal. Heller and MacDonald were both 5-4 decisions.
My post was taken for just the opposite of what I intended it to!!! If BO is reelected and Holder as his AG, you can bet your azz that they will step up the anti gun campaigning with both of them being Lame Ducks! I don't like the way the NRA does things sometimes, but if it wasn't for their clout up at the Capitol we would be in deep dodo as far as gun ownership, especially with this present guy as Pres. If there weren't so many other pressing issues in his first term, he would have been more open in trying to surpress our Second Amendment rights and I firmly believe that!
Looks like a few fellas will be buying the shelves clean of primers and buwits again.:rolleyes:
Right, just like tax payers shouldn't have been forced to fund faith-based non-profits, or DOMA, or any other number of bullshit beliefs forced on all american people by the other party. ;)

And let's be clear about the contraceptive issue, it's not forcing the catholic church to provide contraceptives, it's forcing a private employer - a hospital - to provide coverage to women that allows for contraceptives.

Nothing is forced, except a decent medical plan.
Goddmaned commies! :D
Being a private employer I still feel they should have the option to not offer that type of medical plan if they choose. No one's forced to work there.

However, I admit to having a bit of bias on things such as that, much of which stems from where I went to college.
Never have been able to figure out why NRA types and firearms sales folks hate Dem's so much. Gun hype and sales do the best during wacko liberal scare periods:eek:. Hell, the Obama administration scared me into buying a 16 gauge last fall:D:rolleyes:

As a matter of fact, I believe I bought my .41 Taurus and my Win stainless .270 during the Clinton scare. Maybe I better vote GOP just so I'll quite buying so damn many guns..... Being a hunter first and foremost, I really won't need my over/unders and bolt actions anymore if the republican party - Oh wait, I better remember my own words...."if only wolves and politicians were our biggest problems..."
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Being a private employer I still feel they should have the option to not offer that type of medical plan if they choose. No one's forced to work there.

However, I admit to having a bit of bias on things such as that, much of which stems from where I went to college.

Bob Roberts University? :D

It's funny that we as a society have gone from: decent, middle class wage earner being able to supply a good standard of living for his whole family, including healthcare...

Don't expect anything except bargain basement wages and crappy health coverage.

The one time that life was actually better back in the 50's and 60's, and so many Americans ignore it.
Solo, five years ago you couldn't carry in a national park now you can.Wayne's just crying wolf again , he's got to spread the fear to keep that money rolling in.

The gun desk guy at Dicks said there are more and more new rules being added every month, His call to approve my sale went to W. VA to a call center, they can take up to three days to approve or denie the sale, and they dont have to tell you why they denie it.
We used to show our CCW,s as proof of background checks, not any more, When they do lift a flag ( as in my case) the lift is only good for 48 hrs then they purge the info used to approve the sale, next time I gotta wait again. or maybe be denied as I dont know why I am flagged for review????
Bob Roberts University? :D

It's funny that we as a society have gone from: decent, middle class wage earner being able to supply a good standard of living for his whole family, including healthcare...

Don't expect anything except bargain basement wages and crappy health coverage.

The one time that life was actually better back in the 50's and 60's, and so many Americans ignore it.
Not Bob Roberts, but Wabash College a all-male, liberal arts school in Indiana. One of only a very few (I think 2) all-male colleges left. They are all-male by choice and I see no reason why that should change.

Folks can still have that ideal if they chose too. IMO, too many now aren't willing the make the sacrifice or decisions that allow for that. If you don't like the wage or the benefits, why take the job? :confused:
Not Bob Roberts, but Wabash College a all-male, liberal arts school in Indiana. One of only a very few (I think 2) all-male colleges left. They are all-male by choice and I see no reason why that should change.

Folks can still have that ideal if they chose too. IMO, too many now aren't willing the make the sacrifice or decisions that allow for that. If you don't like the wage or the benefits, why take the job? :confused:

Try and work at a hospital in Boise and NOT work for a "non-profit" Catholic owned institution. The government allows Catholic hospitals to have monopoly status, plus allows them tax exemption that does not allow competition.

It is great to see a bunch of guys dictating women's health issues.
Fast & Furious

“This administration has consistently favored the reinstitution of the assault weapons ban. It is something that we think was useful in the past with regard to the reduction that we’ve seen in crime,and certainly would have a positive impact on our relationship and the crime situation in Mexico.” -Eric Holder