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Muley Freak in trouble?

I have hunted on private land my entire life, not once has my permission been revoked. Maybe, just maybe, getting your permission revoked is a sign that you are doing shit the landowner either said you could not do and/or is illegal. AKA, being a giant D-bag. Maybe he is innocent, but, in general, innocent people don't act like petulant brats.
^ i think i agree

whatever the truth really is, if indeed permission was revoked, if it was indeed ever given... that seems to say more about the muley tweaker than the landowner... on it's face at least.
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Alright. Don't lie. Which of you guys used the discount code "badfishcop" for merch?
He definitely has potential as a used car salesman. Never miss an opportunity to sell something. Hopefully this little diddy ends his career as an outdoor influencer putting him on a better career path for us all. I’m hopeful for a lifetime hunting and fishing ban across the compact states. That would be ideal.
"Behind every man tweeting his side of the story is a lawyer eating Tums and begging him to just stop talking." Erin Scafe
Is there a part 2 to his story? Or did the gag order stop the release of that? Court filings show a March 20 gag order
There needs to be a balance. Maybe that Idaho statute or the permission form got amended after issues arose involving some bad apple hunters who overreached while hunting, or refused to leave after doing something stupid (like blasting at a herd of elk and when the smoke cleared, there were 4 or 5 extra dead cow elk no body had a tag for).

On the other hand, the statute as written now seems pretty broad -- "at any time". Does that mean the landowner can revoke even after the hunter downs something? If so, I don't think any hunter with a valid permission form would want that to happen. What's to stop a landowner who also has the same tag, let someone hunt, watch them down a big one, then revoke the permission and kick the hunter off the property so the landowner can tag it? It's an absurd result, which Idaho probably didn't intend.

Maybe the statute should say, "may be revoked at any time by the landowner or his agent: before the hunter legally harvests an animal for which the hunter has permission to hunt." Still has some holes, but could clear up some confusion or vagueness in the statute.
Im sure it happens but keep in mind the politicians in Idaho happen to own a lot of land.
Is there a part 2 to his story? Or did the gag order stop the release of that? Court filings show a March 20 gag order
The screengrab I pulled this morning was from his video titled “Gag Order Denied” I think this is his 4th? Video on it. It’s fun to watch the comments.
Not true. If I’m a landowner who gives someone permission to hunt my place and then decide I want them to stop hunting there that’s not a breach of contract. The hunter isn’t a tenant and has no rights to my property other than what I give him.
If as a landowner you give someone permission to hunt, the implication is that they have the right to hunt for the day. There is an agreement: "You can hunt my property today as long as you respect the property and any specified conditions." Verbal agreements are as binding as written leases ... albeit more difficult for the hunter to make binding. Difficult maybe, but not impossible.

If I decided to ask permission to hunt private property (an extremely unlikely event) and the landowner agreed, I would be confirming it instantly with a text message. I would hate to ask specifically for written confirmation as some might take offense. "What, you don't trust me?" Just drop him a line thanking him BEFORE I start hunting. If he doesn't respond negatively then, he would be on thin ice trying to pull a fast one later.
Just to keep the rumor mill going, I saw on IG comments that he allegedly shot the buck out from under a dad and kid, so maybe thats why he got his permission revoked?

Watching his vids, he talks in a way stupid people are drawn to and find believable. I want to make a spoof vid and just wear a hat almost covering my eyes.
Just to keep the rumor mill going, I saw on IG comments that he allegedly shot the buck out from under a dad and kid, so maybe thats why he got his permission revoked?
Sounds like good cause to terminate an agreement ... if there was one.
View attachment 269328Might not want to say that….as mentioned before even if he’s a sh***y dude, the landowner can revoke permission at ANY time in Idaho.
Fact: He was over a mile from where he was told he could "cross" the property while bow hunting, the same area where dozens of other hunters cross to reach the BLM, including myself.
Fact: He never asked permission for someone else to be with him when crossing the property. The person that was with him (the cameraman) had previously been told to stay off the property. My guess is that's probably why when the landowner showed up the cameraman took off and hid in the brush never to be seen again that day.
Fact: Neither one of them had permission to be on the property to hunt or film. Note: A release form is required to film on private property when the footage is used for advertisement or commercial use, both of which they were filming it for. I haven seen them proudly brandishing that document anywhere. There's a lawsuit I'm sure they haven't considered.
Fact: He nor his cameraman had permission to drive his truck across the property and into the landowners irrigated field. (Someone should ask him to comment on that on his forum)
Fact: He and his cameraman then drove a four wheeler, without permission from the landowner, through his pasture for almost a mile to retrieve the deer they poached.
Those last two facts you will never here them talk about in their videos.
Fact: The permission that he got from the owner of the adjacent property to hunt was nine months prior to the hunt through an e-mail (thumbs up was all that was sent) and it was sent through the previous owner of the property.
Its guys like this that make it almost impossible to get landowners to give permission to hunt anywhere.
This is how absurd these guys are, while watching the video of the younger guy with hair. He said in the court transcript "the landowner looked through the scope of his gun" as if it proved the fact that they had permission. If that's the case I'm going to go see how many landowners I can dupe into looking into my new optic, then even I can hunt anywhere I dam well please.
I have hunted on private land my entire life, not once has my permission been revoked. Maybe, just maybe, getting your permission revoked is a sign that you are doing shit the landowner either said you could not do and/or is illegal. AKA, being a giant D-bag. Maybe he is innocent, but, in general, innocent people don't act like petulant brats.
Well said. I know the owners personally, its a great property for deer and elk. They usually give hunting access to first time hunters or folks that are struggling and need the meat. This year it was a young lady her husband and their young son. This guy was told repeatedly that someone else had been given permission to hunt there.
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