MTNTOUGH - Use promo code RANDY for 30 days free

Poaching, Partnerships, and Profits

envy is one of the 7 deadly sins.
can Erik run further and lift heavier than most of us?
but he does it in the name of personal growth and to show others what is possible.
it is not pride.
If you’re going to hunt “beyond the wire” you’d better be faster and stronger or else you’ll get caught more often. Probably be a bonus to be the best at hurdling too.
its not a glassing pad. its the game changer bino system.
My bad. Does it come with a pocket to hold all your defense attorney’s business cards?
One for landowner permission forms on the other side.

Of course it will never be an Eberlestock Recon Modular. That is actually a system.
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Damn just yesterday I left this thread at page 6 and it was kind of slow. Busy all day with work n kids, then bam!! 9 pages of gold to catch up on. Appreciate y'alls hard work here.
Erik Van Woerkom, AKA “Muley Freak”, should have long-since hung up his 1000-yard wounding stick, and joined the ranks of washed-up former hunting influencers. Poaching for content conviction in Utah? Fool me once, I guess. A second offense in Idaho in 2022, I see a pattern emerging… Not only did he get convicted a second time, he added injury to insult by whining to the judge that he could not weather a second “hunting” ban, because no poaching = no social media content = sale revenues and corporate partnerships dry up. And of course, he never admitted wrongdoing either.

A corporate sponsorship with Muley Freak should be a poison pill for any outdoor company. Rather, it is a profit-booster. Sales tick, more $$$ pours into Erik’s “poaching for content” coffers.

That the Muley Freak franchise continues to exist at all in 2024 is a testament to the average values US hunters espouse. The privilege to hunt hangs in the balance in multiple states - the last thing we need at this juncture is establishing a reputation as sponsors and sympathizers of poaching and poor sportsmanship.

Do you still use any of these brands? They all currently do business with Muley Freak.

MTNTough Fitness Program
Nightforce Optics
Black Ovis / CamoFire
Sportsman’s Warehouse (Cabellas, Bass Pro Shops)
MTN tough? Nope, I have access to a gym and YouTube. Nightforce? Nope, I personally prefer a scope that isn't the size of a Saturn V rocket and weighs 10 lbs. Black Ovis/Camofire? Guilty, but I'm a cheapo on a government salary. Sportsman's warehouse? They lost me when they stopped selling ARs in my state 😅
These companies can hire whoever they want to promote their products. Most hire people that have the same values or ones that make them look better in the space they are in. Just don't see how he is helping any of them, but I guess he still has a ton of fan boys that will believe whatever crap he is pushing. They also have to know that they will be pushing a lot of people away at the same time.

It just is not a good look for hunting in the long run, maybe they don't care about that either. Just get in and make as much as you can then sell.

If this was a onetime thing not sure there would be as much push back, but it is not. He has a history of this, it is a matter of time before it happens again.
Shelbycoltd provide your background. Your experience in hunting. Not asking who u are. Just who u are without providing real info.

Randy n. Not randi b. Yes profits off of everything. Works out.. hopefully I can at his age. But what he is... is very honest. He regardless of party in my opinion wants best for the public land hunter and sets a very good example. Reminds me of my dad. Too old for this shit.
envy is one of the 7 deadly sins.
can Erik run further and lift heavier than most of us?
but he does it in the name of personal growth and to show others what is possible.
it is not pride.

I will run distance/do any lift against that clown any day, as long as i can wear my athletic system. I call them 'shorts and shoes'.

Roids dont lend themselves to long distance running.
Any action or response from MTN Tough re: their partnership with muley freak?
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