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Muley Freak in trouble?

His attorney got him a settlement of admission of trespassing and disturbing the peace. Small fine, 90 day suspended sentence, 18 month probation, 100 hours community service, and loss of hunting and fishing in Idaho for three years. Either his attorney wasn’t Harvey Specter or a guilty person saw an easier solution to his crimes.
First off Harvey always settles, never go to court
Don't go to rokslide then, its all they do. I'm pretty sure they're eventually going to try air rifles on moose cause 'tHe bAlLiStIc CoEfFiCiEnT iS wHat MaTTeRs'. It does, but not in the way they think. You'd think recoil had f*cked all their wives, they're so scared of it.

I know the rifles I shoot the best and enjoy shooting the most aren’t the ones f*cking my wife.
I don’t even think he is paying rent anymore he must own the place

'Rent-free' is the default statement of two-brain-celled sports enthusiasts when talking about players on their team not well liked by other fanbases. I applaud you for committing to it so hard in this instance. So in a thread bashing one hunting influencer for being an idiot, you get your panties in a bunch about another one being talked about? That shouts 'fanboy' to me
With this light of a sentence, it is only a matter of time before he does it again. This will only make him bolder.
'Rent-free' is the default statement of two-brain-celled sports enthusiasts when talking about players on their team not well liked by other fanbases. I applaud you for committing to it so hard in this instance. So in a thread bashing one hunting influencer for being an idiot, you get your panties in a bunch about another one being talked about? That shouts 'fanboy' to me
Far from I left rokslide about the time they booted buzz. My username is the same over there maybe I can get a couch or something to crash on.
Far from I left rokslide about the time they booted buzz. My username is the same over there maybe I can get a couch or something to crash on.

I don't know if you would enjoy the state that the couch would be in

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