Yeti GOBOX Collection

Muley Freak in trouble?

22 creedmoor wouldn't crack my top 20 list of bear rifles.

Don't go to rokslide then, its all they do. I'm pretty sure they're eventually going to try air rifles on moose cause 'tHe bAlLiStIc CoEfFiCiEnT iS wHat MaTTeRs'. It does, but not in the way they think. You'd think recoil had f*cked all their wives, they're so scared of it.
Don't go to rokslide then, its all they do. I'm pretty sure they're eventually going to try air rifles on moose cause 'tHe bAlLiStIc CoEfFiCiEnT iS wHat MaTTeRs'. It does, but not in the way they think. You'd think recoil had f*cked all their wives, they're so scared of it.
I don't agree going super small cartridges for big game but there is something to be said about placing bullets where they need to be and smaller cartridges tend to be easier to shoot more accurately and often. I do think many people shoot way bigger cartridges than they need to.
I don't agree going super small cartridges for big game but there is something to be said about placing bullets where they need to be and smaller cartridges tend to be easier to shoot more accurately and often. I do think many people shoot way bigger cartridges than they need to.

Sure I would agree with that. I would even say that a well-constructed bullet from a 6 Creed or 243 would be more than capable of taking a moose or elk…from close range. But in the long range hunting sub forum they have over there, they brag about using a 22 creed on deer 500+ yards away. And the knob slobbing over a few specific know it alls is ridiculous. The love for that autistic (pretty sure, he writes and interacts with people like it) guy Formiludosis or whatever that dude is called is embarrassing. Just people pushing their own narratives cause their skinny bird chests and shoulders can’t handle slight pushes from rubberized pads.
Sure I would agree with that. I would even say that a well-constructed bullet from a 6 Creed or 243 would be more than capable of taking a moose or elk…from close range. But in the long range hunting sub forum they have over there, they brag about using a 22 creed on deer 500+ yards away. And the knob slobbing over a few specific know it alls is ridiculous. The love for that autistic (pretty sure, he writes and interacts with people like it) guy Formiludosis or whatever that dude is called is embarrassing. Just people pushing their own narratives cause their skinny bird chests and shoulders can’t handle slight pushes from rubberized pads.
I'd agree with a lot of that but I would have no problem shooting a deer/antelope at 600 yards with a 6cm. Matter of fact I'm building a 6cm right now to do that very thing.

4 days ago I shot a spring bear at 565 with my 6.5-284 with 156 bergers that left a fist sized exit behind the shoulder. A 108gr from a 6cm is pretty potent.
I'd agree with a lot of that but I would have no problem shooting a deer/antelope at 600 yards with a 6cm. Matter of fact I'm building a 6cm right now to do that very thing.

4 days ago I shot a spring bear at 565 with my 6.5-284 with 156 bergers that left a fist sized exit behind the shoulder. A 108gr from a 6cm is pretty potent.

When does it end though? Lol
why do guys on this board care what kind of bullet other guys shoot? Really I seriously don't understand. Oh maybe they need some science to proof things a bit.
If a high bc berger vld heavier to caliber hits a deer/elk/sheep/moose in the vitals within a 2moa circle out to say 600yrds or 700yrds or 100yrds or 200yrds
I would not be afraid to bet that the horrible berger high bc bullet would if tested on thousands of animals we would find
1. bergers kill quicker
2. more drop in their tracks kills
3. impacts closer to POA
I don’t get it. Does a reputable company like NF with huge GOV and tactical sales really need these low-rent instafamous influencers?
Great point. I can’t imagine they need any help getting product sold and how do they decide the help they need is working with a convicted poacher
why do guys on this board care what kind of bullet other guys shoot? Really I seriously don't understand. Oh maybe they need some science to proof things a bit.
If a high bc berger vld heavier to caliber hits a deer/elk/sheep/moose in the vitals within a 2moa circle out to say 600yrds or 700yrds or 100yrds or 200yrds
I would not be afraid to bet that the horrible berger high bc bullet would if tested on thousands of animals we would find
1. bergers kill quicker
2. more drop in their tracks kills
3. impacts closer to POA

It surprises you when a hunting forum has discussions about firearms, bullets and calibers on it?
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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