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Muley Freak in trouble?

I just couldn't get worked up about the situation. I mean, obviously the guys a jerk and pretty low down. But goodness gracious, how are you lobbing that many bullets past 600 yards when you're obviously not capable? I just have a hard time feeling sorry for someone in that situation. 100 yards and a first timer gets the shakes on a big buck, pulls the shot and then some yokel "finishes if off" and takes the deer, yeah I'd be all up in arms. Can't really find the outrage for this deal though.
There are some solid, and I mean SOLID memes on this thread, which is now locked but really good stuff.
We really need to up our meme game around here.
Long range rifle hunting at its best. I hope the punishment for both parties is nobody gets the deer. Appears UDWR is now involved and all the good posts came down.
I didnt know about any of this. I just spent $200 on a pair of muley freak bino harness/range finder combo this weekend. I really like the design actually. This guy seems like a douche
There are some solid, and I mean SOLID memes on this thread, which is now locked but really good stuff.
And, it is now unlocked…
Although I try to avoid that site, I must admit there are some world class memes on there.

The Nancy Kerrigan one....chef's kiss.
That whole thing is quite the chit show. I couldn’t take a deer from a woman regardless of how bad her shooting was. Guy sounds like a tool. If I thought she hit it first and I accidentally shot it’s knee off i’d offer to help her finish it.

But the memes are hilarious🤣
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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