Caribou Gear Tarp

Muley Freak in trouble?

It's not free speech regulation unless government is involved in controlling or suppressing the speech. Like what happened at twitter (or not, depending on your party affiliation).
I know. Just a bit of tongue in cheek. Newspapers have always been able to pick and choose whose letter to the editor they wish to publish. Social media is no different.
Go watch the 2 videos he put out on the muley freak IG if you haven't.

He mentions something about telling the landowner to have his nephew text him so they could coordinate hunting
on the opener. Maybe Erik pissed off the nephew? His arraignment is tomorrow.
Or maybe Erik was just blowing bullshit out his ass on tape to cover his ass if he got caught?
Go watch the 2 videos he put out on the muley freak IG if you haven't.

He mentions something about telling the landowner to have his nephew text him so they could coordinate hunting
on the opener. Maybe Erik pissed off the nephew? His arraignment is tomorrow.
What isn’t it totally normal to take pictures of the thank you card you’re giving to the landowner before you’ve even hunted the property? Or to have your daughter just accidentally take pictures and short no context videos of you getting permission?
Unless I intimately know the property owner, I am NOT hunting on that property without WRITTEN permission. We've all heard stories of landowners blackmailing hunters after giving verbal permission. I value my privilege to hunt too much to risk having it suspended for a couple of years ... or spend time in jail for punching out a landowner. At age seventy there may not be many years left in my tank to waste.
I posted on the social media posts thread about this, but in the regs it says on pg. 99 that he needs direct written permission or the little permission card on Page 2 of the reg. book filled out by the landowner. It also states that the permission can be revoked by the landowner at ANY TIME - which could lead to a crappy landowner trying to pull a fast one, but according to Section 18-7008 "permission" is clearly defined as written, and the new Section 36-1402 allows flor "permission" to be granted with the cards from Pg. 2 of the rule book.
What isn’t it totally normal to take pictures of the thank you card you’re giving to the landowner before you’ve even hunted the property? Or to have your daughter just accidentally take pictures and short no context videos of you getting permission?

Seems a bit convenient ehh.

Good lord this dude is ballsy, by putting these videos out on IG before any sort of resolution. Shows his level of intelligence.
The level of crow he's gonna eat online if these charges don't get dismissed could be downright epic.
Seems a bit convenient ehh.

Good lord this dude is ballsy, by putting these videos out on IG before any sort of resolution. Shows his level of intelligence.
The level of crow he's gonna eat online if these charges don't get dismissed could be downright epic.

I mean I hope you’re right. But if there’s anything to learn from Bowmars situation or any politician that gets caught on video banging a donkey they’ll just pretend it never happened and people will still support them. There doesn’t seem to be any real accountability in the influencer sphere.
Go watch the 2 videos he put out on the muley freak IG if you haven't.

He mentions something about telling the landowner to have his nephew text him so they could coordinate hunting
on the opener. Maybe Erik pissed off the nephew? His arraignment is tomorrow.
Its not the landowners nephew, its his nephews kid, his brown nosing cameraman that was told years earlier to stay off the property. When the Freak was caught trespassing this loser ran and hid in the brush because he knew he was in trouble.
What isn’t it totally normal to take pictures of the thank you card you’re giving to the landowner before you’ve even hunted the property? Or to have your daughter just accidentally take pictures and short no context videos of you getting permission?
The first time the landowner ever saw the gift certificate and thank you card was as exhibits in a hearing. This guy lies like its the National pastime. Bookem Dano
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Its not the landowners nephew, its his nephews kid, his brown nosing cameraman that was told years earlier to stay off the property. When the Freak was caught trespassing this loser ran and hid in the brush because he knew he was in trouble.
Sounds like you have some real info , could you tell us more ?
I am dying to read this idiot's foolishness and watch him bawl in court but be damned if I'll give him some viewer stats. I'm unfamiliar with how social media operates. So he can delete negative responses to his Instagram and Facebook stuff? Isn't that stomping on people's free speech rights?
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