MT Legislature - Week 10

HB 286 was just crushed by the House 22-78.

This bill would have caused a diversion of PR/DJ monies and forced hunters and anglers to pay Wildlife Services to kill coyotes for sheep producers.

Galen Hollenbaugh D-Helena (my rep) stood up for hunters and anglers today and helped get this bill killed.

Write him and send a hearty thanks.

I know folks are tired and feeling beat up, but I cannot stress enough that your voice is being heard, and we will continue be a force. This is a big win folks. We continue to gain ground and we continue to light up the emails and phones.

Keep fighting.

Are we actually getting through to some of these supposed distinguished gentlemen and gentlewomen? Yup. The first time I personally protested a federal sportsmen fund diversion bill was, I think 2003. They wanted to divert PR money to compensate the game farmers for "takings" after the MT voters abolished game farms. Every session since (& I'm sure some before??) then has had 'em. Maybe these yayhoos in legislature should study some fairly current MT legislative history and see that everytime they have tried this insane crap, sportsmen/women have nailed them up on a cross. I think and hope this year will be the biggest lesson for them yet, if they are teachable. Echo others who voice the need for us to keep the heat on these dolts...and thank those legislators who stand up for these issues.
Oh, and Ben....not tired or feeling beat up at all. Even though we are on the defensive, we're the ones dealing body blows. I have a sneaking hunch that some certain legislators are the ones feeling tired and beat up....good on 'em. Well trained athletes have the ability to find enough guts to win late in the game....let's see who is in better condition.
Tomorrow is a big day. Senate Fish and Game will hear SB 390, which is a mirror bill of HB 286. It is another attempt to take license dollars for coyote control.

In the House, two bad bison bills will be heard. SB 144 and SB 174 are up.

The fight continues. Keep landing those body blows.
More good news:

SB 134, which would have made FWP provide Economic Impact Statements on seasonal rules died in committee.

This is another huge win. It was an attempt to make money more important than sensible wildlife management.
Tomorrow is a big day. Senate Fish and Game will hear SB 390, which is a mirror bill of HB 286. It is another attempt to take license dollars for coyote control.

In the House, two bad bison bills will be heard. SB 144 and SB 174 are up.

The fight continues. Keep landing those body blows.

This fact has been knocked around by others (Shoots) but legislature trying to piss away federal matching funds is about as hypocritical as it gets. Many legislators in Helena receive federal farm subsidies, some receive BIG $$. If they want to deny the citizens federal dollars dedicated to management of our public resources, maybe they should turn back their subsidies and exist in the free market for real....seeing as how they preach the virtues of it. Flipside is, one of the big subsidies is CRP, a boon to sportsmen. Things always are complicated.....
One last post on here for the night. I did some quick and dirty research into "fish and wildlife" bills introduced in the legislative sessions 1999-2011. This data doesn't include bills under other headings which may [have] affected F&W issues.

1999 - 65 (rough hand count)
2001 - 46
2003 - 66
2005 - 82
2007 - 61
2009 - 77
2011 - 102

Somewhat bumpy, but the trendline goes up. This year is a standout. I hope it's a large blip due to the nature of this years crop of wingnuts, if not, :mad::(:eek:. Another session like this one may make a lot of folks :W:. I would graph this and send it to the capital, but data even this bonehead would :confused: too many of them.
Sorry guys, but my wife is wanting to get on the Red Cross website to check into giving a donation to the Japan relief deal. Made me think. I gotta tell ya, the world stuff going on makes a guy want to fight to protect how good we right here in MT have it. Those that are so blind as to ruin a thing that is so good for so many - for profit, personal axes to grind, etc - are ignorant at best, despicable actually comes to mind. When old mom earth can come along and give us a reality check in a heartbeat, or a dictator can hose his own people "over there"....makes me appreciate the fact I can hunt, fish,and enjoy what I have. Also makes me all the more determined to stand up for this stuff. Echo the sentiment "keep fighting".
HB 286

I watched this debate on 286 on tv. It looked like quite a few stood up and voiced against this bill. I will be sending a few e-mails to thank them.
JCS - name names so everyone can send thanks. :)

We're gearing up for more action today. SB 390 is up in Senate Fish and Game. SB 174 and SB 144 are in House FWP.

Kill them bills!
Waiting for results on SB 390, the ditch bill - HB 309, and HB "whatever the hell it is" that changes the classification of mountain lions.

One bill causes an $20 million annual hit to FWP so we can fund a program to reimburse sheep operators for coyote losses.

One bill changes the current definition of a ditch, to include many streams currently accessible under our stream access law.

One bill would put our mountain lion season in jeopardy by making lions a varmint and getting rid of all the data we collect that allows us to defend the lawsuits other states have faced.

In most states, that would take five years to wreak such damage . Here in Montana, they can schedule that in one afternoon.

Next Tuesday looks like another round of bad ones. Friggin' idgits.

If common sense and intellect is what powered our Capitol building, the combined legislature couldn't power the fan in the womens' bathroom.
Randy's post contains a hint of "'this crap is getting old". Was on the Lower Gallatin today. Spring weather, lotsa deer, roosters crowing in the puckerbrush, eagles, two otters and a mink. Yeah this crap is getting old but get out, smell the roses, and it makes the whole shitaree worthwhile.
SB 390 had a good hearing today. Headwaters, MWF, MT TU, Walleyes Unlimited and some sportsmen from Conrad came down to testify against the bill.

The Lion bill had roughly 20 opponents and no proponents. I believe it will be tabled.

HB 309 keeps getting pushed back as they try to bail out the rising waters.

The tide is turning. Next week will be a big push, but it is close to over. Two more weeks of fast and furious action and we can have a well deserved rest.

No Quarter. Keep fighting.
Does the William Wallace look scare any one? Maybe I should go as Predator.

A bunch of us could go up there as Homer Simpsons, be mistaken for legislators, sit in on committees, and get business taken care of.

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