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MT Legislature - Week 8

What is so sad, besides the hunting/fishing bills, is that there are around 2000 other bills to look at and try to decifer.

Making myself crazy.
Could one of you guys give me a little bit of an idea what you guys write to the committees or legislators? You get 1200 words on that form. Do you write long messages? Or short sweet and to the point?

I am just curious. Do these committees get these and read them, then laugh at the minions? Or do they take emails seriously?

I usually make them short and sweet. Some actually respond. Some don't
I can't keep up with this stuff. I just decided to write an email to the entire GOP leadership on my thoughts about a few bills and the attack in general on us as sportsmen. I hope, as someone stated earlier, that a short and sweet note will have an impact. To everyone who spends time lobbying for us (sportsmen), I thank you all for your time and commitment.
It is amazing, prior to joining this site and seeing OYOA, I was simply a joe hunter, enjoying the opportunity to spend time with friends, outdoors - camping and hunting.

Ya, sure - we would b.s. around the camp fire about someone hearing about this or that being implemented into the hunting regs, etc...

Since then - to be flat out honest - it is almost* overwhelming! EYE OPENING! I made a simple draft form. I add the Bill # and place a sentence or two on my desire to see it supported or opposed.

*almost = not overwhelming, though if not using the principle: KISS, (Keep it simple stupid)... I would be overwhelmed and lose interest in pursuing such.

Much greater reach then simply a jaw dropping forum of monster lopes,bulls n bucks... and a well designed television show.
Thanks Randy and crew, Lamb and all those behind the scenes. It is good to be involved in my own backyard recreation.
Sytes, being involved in the process of protecting what we love and trying to make it better puts being an outdoorsman on a more personal and intimate level, for me at least. I'm pretty sure for others too. No fault assigned, but many of us have so much fun enjoying the bounty (especially in a place like MT) & taking for granted how good we have it, we have no idea how fragile this stuff is, left in the hands of folks that don't care how important it is to us. Getting into the arena makes me appreciate on a different level the critters, the habitat, the access to it, and the work behind it all. I hope folks enjoy being an actual part of the process as opposed to being irritated at having to be. Now if I can only try to be less irritated by the SOB's and look at them as an "opportunity".........I don't live well in the world of Pollyanna...I hope you and everyone else on this sight actually enjoys getting into the mess, regardless of teh mess.
From a member up in the Flathead:

It takes every fiber of my being not to just chew their ass with a cuss word ridden email. What a bunch of pot-licking jackwagons. I am getting a whole new idea of what Republicans are all about. Shame on me.
No net gain of state land. If a once in a lifetime piece like Spotted Dog comes up we won't be able to touch it.
"pot-licking jackwagons"........Drathaar is too kind. But if his name has anything to do with his canine associate(s), his gentlemanly nature shone through in his comments.
Ben can you explain how a bill like hb 159 - never got out of comittee before transmittal, has a blank fiscal note attached which states "no fiscal impact" - is not denoted as "missed transmittal? Does a blank fiscal note somehow act as [ underhanded, fraudulent, good old boy politics] place saver after transmittal deadline?? thanks.