Memos Show Bush Suspended From Flying

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
And Dubya is trying to make an issue out of Kerry's time in Vietnam!!! :D :D

"WASHINGTON - The White House released memos Wednesday night saying that George W. Bush was suspended from flying fighter jets for failing to meet standards of the Texas Air National Guard.

The Vietnam-era memos add new dimensions to the bare-bones explanation of Bush's aides over the years that he was suspended simply because he decided to skip his annual physical exam. The exam was scheduled during a year in which Bush left Texas, where he had been flying fighter jets, to work on a U.S. Senate campaign in Alabama.................."
Ummm, Kerry is trying to make an issue of Kerry's time in Vietnam. What has Bush ever said about Kerry serving other than it was admirable? Don't start spouting the Swift boat crap again either. I think it is funny that the Kerry campaign cries about Bush denouncing those but Kerry never denounces any of the pro-Democrat 527 ads. It is also pretty bad that the same people that said that there was nothing wrong with Klinton dodging the draft are now attacking Bush. Heck, at least Bush stayed in his own country, and he was signed up in the guard. GO ahead, make fun of the National Guard. I dare ya to.
What a wierd turn of events. Also very strange that these memos were taken out of Bush's records.

Oh well, at least Bush doesnt have a bunch of purple heart medals that he cant prove he deserved. He just avoided service in vietnam, like Cheney and Rumsfield. No big deal.
A link for Ithaca!

Speaking of record's?
Are those the same "record's" that Kerry won't sign so we all can see them?
I think Bush signed and Kerry still won't sign to make those public.

As wyomingtim pointed out

"It is also pretty bad that the same people that said that there was nothing wrong with Klinton dodging the draft are now attacking Bush. Heck, at least Bush stayed in his own country,"

"And Dubya is trying to make an issue out of Kerry's time in Vietnam!!! "

Remember it was John Kerry himself that started running his campaign on his war record .
I hated that Clinton was a draft dodger. Id love to see what you all would say about Kerry if were him that had avoided service in vietnam and missed his guard tests.

Please explain why Bush's guard service is acceptable to you? without turning it into a reverse attack if you can.
Why is anyone's Vietnam service the MAIN issue of this campaign? Granted I don't like Kerry but his service doesn't really matter. His actions afterward are an issue.

Bush logged 330 hours of flight time. That is a lot of flying. If he was suspended then it was most likely his choice not to have a rectal digital exam and decided to quit flying.

Well said Nemont.....people in charge of campaigns will dwell on issues they think will sway votes, whether they have anything to do with real issues is a mute point with them. At times they really leave a candidate out on a limb.....the more Edwards does his knee jerk puppet routine the more his respect goes down in the public's eye. These meaningless issues that are constantly being plugged is what is pulling Kerry's ratings long as Bush himself stays above these negative rantings, the bigger his victory margin will become.
".....George W. Bush failed to meet standards of the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam war, that he refused a direct order and that his superiors were in a state of turmoil over how to evaluate his performance after he was suspended from flying.........."

Dubya refused a direct order!!!!! Kinda sounds like a real big double standard we've got going here. Kerry serves and gets medals. Dubya refuses a direct order and nobody ever remembers seeing him at the meetings!!!! But that's OK with all you Dubya apologists. Unbelieveable. Shows how some people can't think rationally. Kinda hypocritical to make fun of Purple Hearts (demeaning their value for everyone who ever received one), but it's OK to refuse direct orders! Dubya should have been dishonorably discharged. What do you suppose would have happened to him if his father didn't have connections? Would Dubya's superiors even have been worrying about what to do if Daddy wasn't a VIP? Suppose his Daddy was a poor black from a ghetto in Houston?

I'd like to hear some of you explain why Kerry didn't deserve his medals, but it's OK for Dubya to refuse to obey orders and desert his unit!
Why is anyone's Vietnam service the MAIN issue of this campaign?
I don't think it would be an issue had Kerry not made it the centerpiece of his campaign. I read that Clinton told Kerry over the weekend to either slow down or stop promoting his service in Vietnam as his qualification for CIC.

Still, I have yet to hear Bush say that he is qualified to be CIC because of his National Guard service.
Sorry Ithaca.....Kerry demeaned his Purple Hearts himself.....have a deserving vet pull up his shirt sometime and show you what it really means to earn a Purple Heart! :mad:
RockyDog, Do you remember the scene from Forrest Gump, where President Johnson asks Gump "I sure would like to see that" (talking about where Gump got shot in the Butt). I just had a flash of President Bush saying to Kerry "Man, That rice must have stung!" :D
Originally posted by RockyDog:
Maybe Bush and Kerry should just compare wounds they received during the war?
Why? If Kerry has made his military service the centerpiece of his campaign while Bush has not, why does there need to be any comparison?
First, it is an embellishment to say that Kerry has made it the CENTERpiece of his campaign.

Second, just because Bush hasnt mentioned the NG in his campaign (lately anyways, in 2000 he was always on TV talking about flying jets) doesnt minimize that fact that he disobeyed an order to show up for a national guard physical.

Using that same confused logic you could say that just because Kerry doesnt make his anti-war rally attendance a part of his campaign means that no one should be concerned about it as an issue.

For the life of me i dont understand how you guys cant see the hypocricy in letting Bush off on this. In my experience there is only one reason a guy will refuse a physical........
Odd how none of these stories ever point out how many points Bush had , 50 or so were required each year , after four years he had enough points for like six. I do believe he gained a little over 50 points the year he was "AWOL"

Gee '73 - '74 seems like the War was winding down then and there wasn't that great of a demand for pilots anyway especially interceptors. add to that it wasn't uncommon for Air guard officers to ask for time off to work on political campaigns and other endeavors.

Yeah yeah Kerry went but Bush didn't, think he would have gone if his unit had been activated??

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