A sad day for hunters and wildlife

LOL Moosie,good answer.

It doesnt matter anymore what Kerry would of done ,the only thing that does matter is how the america people voted .
They proved they were smarter then to let " The Michael Moore" type supporters make up there mind for them and tell them who to vote for.

It must suck to be running around with that big " L " on there forehead.
BUZZ? Have you got a hold of those wildlife guys to get your answers yet about our OTC hunts, easy access, and growing elk populations?

Thats for you to prove, I say you're full of shit and I've seen you post nothing to the contrary.
Amazing you wouldn't call them. They seem to be real nice guys most of the time. Here's one for you BUZZ. Why, if you can't have OTC elk hunts, easy access, and healthy elk populations, did the f&g change the opening day from 10/10 to 10/09 this year for elk, thus adding one more day to the general (OTC) elk season? Do you need a link to the idaho hunting regulations on line? Do you need me to reference the pages for our elk hunting regulations? Like I said, short of inviting the wildlife guys here to tell you themselves, maybe you should call them with you own questions (wildlife managers Dave or Jim 208-769-1414). If you have to have links let me know what links you need, I'll look for them for you.
Here BUZZ,I started looking up the information for you. http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/hunt/nonres/hunting.cfm#nonresident
I can't seem to find the elk count numbers on the site. You'll just have to call them yourself. Here's the general season regs. http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/hunt/rules/bg/elkzone.pdf
In addition to the general hunts, Idaho offers 21,339 Controlled hunt tags for elk. 30 of those tags are a muzzleloader hunt in the panhandle. :eek:

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