A sad day for hunters and wildlife

Does this mean Nut is gonna get to watch Buzz on TV this weekend?? ....ooops straying off topic-
Bad dog! Bad dog!

I don't know much about dam breaching and salmon so I won't attempt to answer that question. But if Pres. Bush breaches Dworshak dam where would the corporal hunt?

Ten beers,

You arent serious.

I want to see proof that elk are increasing in number in the panhandle in OTC areas with easy access.

Show some proof or shut the pie hole.

I cant name you a SINGLE area in MT. ID, or WY where easy access and OTC licenses has resulted in more elk or mule deer and better hunting.

If that were the case, there wouldnt be a single NR elk or deer tag left for you to purchase your second one. If the hunting was that great, the NR hunters would snap up the easy tag and the easy elk/deer...

You arent making sense.

I dont believe you and I need to see some numbers.
Nemont- My biggest fear with Bush for a second term is budgets. In trying to get/keep the conservationist/environmentalist vote he had to at least toss a cookie in that direction. I'm afraid now that will even dry up. I know of some fed. offices whose wildlife budgets were lower this past year than anytime in the last 20. Granted I know that the House appropriates budgets, but being the 'big dog' in the leading party GW has the influence to sway them more than any single person. Heck, there's even been a buck or two trickly out of DC for the Healthy Forest Initiative, but will that continue? Especially once one considers that was only started after a high-profile wildland fire year of which we did not have last year?

Nut- FYI, Barnes Bullets is looking for a machinist.

If you think that 4 more years of Dubya is going to be harmful to the sportsman, then why didn't you do anything about it? All you do is whine and bitch, whine and bitch. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...........

I know, you claim to be from a state that was not in play and your vote did not count. What a cop out. If you were really motivated, you, buzz, and couple hundred thousand of your green weenie comrades could have got off your high horses, moved to Ohio, held your noses, and voted for the opposition.

You didn't, and now when G. W. spends his "political capital" quit whinning. You guy's helped him earn it!

BHR, Of all the posters here, you've been the most consistently wrong about the issues you've commented on and the most consistent anti-wildlife.

You have no way of even knowing what I've been doing, or what anyone else has been doing.

Go back and check some of your anti-wolf topics and comments before you took your vacation. Your half assed predictions, based on some uninformed looney tune theory, are going to get crammed down your throat when your rancher buddies in the WY legislature are finally forced to quit holding up the delisting process.

In the meantime, how about explaining why the MT Chapter of FNAWS would go along with killing bighorms on WMAs. Talk about a cop out!! The MT FNAWS Board of Directors must be idiots, and the members who elected them should be disgusted.
BUZZ, I can only tell you what I get from the checkstations and sportsmans breakfasts (both are run by the f&g). We have ONE elk controlled hunt in the panhandle, and it is a cow elk hunt on farm fields in december. We have some of the highest road density areas in the state (or country, ask IT he's looked all that up in the past), and we have over 40 calves per 100 cows for production (they say that equals growth). If you want numbers why don't you call the f&g office 208-769-1414, ask for Jim or Dave (the wildlife managers), and ask them for some numbers. The reason I say for you to call them is because I know you wouldn't trust anything I pot here as being the truth. The hunting regs are easy to find online (need a link?) For general elk season we have almost a month of bull season with a 5 day cow season thrown in, and depending on the A or B tag one would buy, archery or muzzleloader seasons are pretty extensive also. We hunt elk from the end of AUG through the later part of DEC. Our deer seasons are pretty liberal too (AUG - DEC). Nobody (other then you) said that hunting around here was easy. I just said that it was done with OTC tags, we have areas that are heavily roaded, we have an OTC elk season that includes cow elk hunting, and anyone that wants can buy a second (or third) NR tag as long as there are some available.

[ 11-08-2004, 11:29: Message edited by: Ten Bears ]

Montana is giving some of our excess sheep to Idaho this year. We must be doing something right. Your welcome in advance.

I know you are a closet Kerry supporter. When the minipulated exit polls were leaked to the internet, there you were on this site getting a woody over it. Then when reality hit and your narrow little mind finally figured out that Bush won, I thought you were going to cry. Too funny!


First you support Dean and then when he falls on his head, you become a closet Kerry supporter. What was about Kerry that attracted you to him?

Was it the multiple cars, mansions, boats, and jets, that his "family" owned?

His darling wife?

His vote against the first gulf war?

His vote not to fund the second?

Or was it his 100% rating with the humain society. (that is until he decide to murder that goose in cold blood)

Face it IT, your just a big LOSER. If you need one way bus fare to get to Canada, let me know. I'll start up a collection for you.

Till then, I'm going hunting. BYE BYE

Somebody strucka nerve.
TenBears, ROFLMAO.

Quote from Ithaca,

"You have no way of even knowing what I've been doing, or what anyone else has been doing."

Dang Ithaca ,Now that is some funny chit.
If he doesn't know what you have been doing ,WHY is it that YOU seems to have a handle on what the rest of us are doing ??????????
Ithica.. Funny how you can Figure out all the worlds Problem but when Someone puts in one wrong letter you can't figure it out :D :D

I'll help ya.... Delu = DelW

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