Caribou Gear

Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park


I guess i should have read some threads on HT before i posted.

No one will ever believe this but i didnt see this until now.
Some of my favorite people are boomers...
View attachment 314425
I should correct my post to say "Yeah, I'm not popular with the boomers on HT, so I get it."

I get along great with them in person. Clearly not the kind of boomer that goes on HT. Or maybe they just grossly misunderstand me. I don't really care though. It is the internet after all.
I should correct my post to say "Yeah, I'm not popular with the boomers on HT, so I get it."

I get along great with them in person. Clearly not the kind of boomer that goes on HT. Or maybe they just grossly misunderstand me. I don't really care though. It is the internet after all.
Technically I’m a millennial that identifies as boomer.
No offense taken. I’m just amused by folks who get wound up about influencers who don’t mention holding wildlife managers accountable to set season structures and issue tags in proportion to what a resource can handle without harm.

Plus, I’m bored and easily amused by mental gymnastics.

But not all of us live in Montana. I live in a state that I feel does do a passable job managing its wildlife, and I also have plenty of places within a few hours drive where I can have a fairly unspoiled outdoor experience. Thus I am interested in these principles, as I'd like to see the status quo continue.

No argument from me that Montana appears to have bigger fish to fry, however.

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