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Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

But not all of us live in Montana. I live in a state that I feel does do a passable job managing its wildlife, and I also have plenty of places within a few hours drive where I can have a fairly unspoiled outdoor experience. Thus I am interested in these principles, as I'd like to see the status quo continue.

No argument from me that Montana appears to have bigger fish to fry, however.
Colorado is under a pretty strong attack from the antis at the moment and Washington's hunting is a joke due to politics as well. Most places have bigger problems that bickering between hunters.
Do you think the antis would have as much fuel if we didn't advertise predator hunting so hard?
I believe they would. Predator hunting is a pretty small percentage of the hunting out there. These guys have a strong agenda and a lot of money. Not to mention all of there propaganda is emotionally based. The only real fuel they need is Sarah McLachlan and a sad song to push what they are after.
They certainly wouldn't have material for their commercials. We are our own worst enemy. All because of our drive to play the look at me game.
Sure they would. People make hour and a half long productions that are completely made up. It would cost them more but make no mistake they are that committed.
Colorado is under a pretty strong attack from the antis at the moment and Washington's hunting is a joke due to politics as well. Most places have bigger problems that bickering between hunters.
That's 3 states out of 50.......
That's 3 states out of 50.......
Add California to the list. And didn't they go after bear hunting somewhere on the east coast. Your statement is the classic example of the "not in my back yard" mentality. If you like the fact that the antis and poor management don't effect you I would suggest you step up and help the people who are dealing with it. Otherwise when they get to your state we won't care anymore to help you because we lost our hunting already. Trust me they don't intend to stop with CO.
randy newburg .. another “hey look at me “ kook like Rogan and Meathead. self promoting kooks who ruin hunts and tags for everyone. newburg meathead and rogan are weak hunters. very weak minded (in regards to strategy), that is if their shows are truly indicative of how they hunt which they probably are not. then you have fred eichler who sure can sit water well and shoot a bow from water really well but spot and stalk nope.. only one worth a salt is Keep Hammering. he’s a real beast and badass hunter who never misses. he earned his ego.
Add California to the list. And didn't they go after bear hunting somewhere on the east coast. Your statement is the classic example of the "not in my back yard" mentality. If you like the fact that the antis and poor management don't effect you I would suggest you step up and help the people who are dealing with it. Otherwise when they get to your state we won't care anymore to help you because we lost our hunting already. Trust me they don't intend to stop with CO.
Perhaps I'm not communicating my ideas clearly.

I live in a place and do a few things that haven't been "discovered" yet, although it's probably only a matter of time. My state does a pretty good job, albeit not perfect, of managing wildlife. I'm not telling anyone to slack off in promoting good management, I'm just saying that there are still places that haven't been compromised, and I see Matt Rinella's thoughts to be relevant to keeping those places like they are. Just because the Custer has been ravaged doesn't mean some places can't be spared. Thus, I really don't want influencers getting involved in some of the things I hold dear.

And if you can show me instances where content marketing has made real conservation differences, I'm interested. I haven't seen it.

I do hunt CO as well, and I would agree with you that there are some troubling things happening. I just don't see how selling more camo and fancy coolers is helping.
randy newburg .. another “hey look at me “ kook like Rogan and Meathead. self promoting kooks who ruin hunts and tags for everyone. newburg meathead and rogan are weak hunters. very weak minded (in regards to strategy), that is if their shows are truly indicative of how they hunt which they probably are not. then you have fred eichler who sure can sit water well and shoot a bow from water really well but spot and stalk nope.. only one worth a salt is Keep Hammering. he’s a real beast and badass hunter who never misses. he earned his ego.
And just like that, a new contender for most unhinged poster enters the ring.

His name is Cam Hanes btw. ‘Keep Hammering’ is his dumb slogan, and also what he tells his doc to do with the tren shots to his buttocks.
randy newburg .. another “hey look at me “ kook like Rogan and Meathead. self promoting kooks who ruin hunts and tags for everyone. newburg meathead and rogan are weak hunters. very weak minded (in regards to strategy), that is if their shows are truly indicative of how they hunt which they probably are not. then you have fred eichler who sure can sit water well and shoot a bow from water really well but spot and stalk nope.. only one worth a salt is Keep Hammering. he’s a real beast and badass hunter who never misses. he earned his ego.
randy newburg .. another “hey look at me “ kook like Rogan and Meathead. self promoting kooks who ruin hunts and tags for everyone. newburg meathead and rogan are weak hunters. very weak minded (in regards to strategy), that is if their shows are truly indicative of how they hunt which they probably are not. then you have fred eichler who sure can sit water well and shoot a bow from water really well but spot and stalk nope.. only one worth a salt is Keep Hammering. he’s a real beast and badass hunter who never misses. he earned his ego.
Who is Randy Newburg?
randy newburg .. another “hey look at me “ kook like Rogan and Meathead. self promoting kooks who ruin hunts and tags for everyone. newburg meathead and rogan are weak hunters. very weak minded (in regards to strategy), that is if their shows are truly indicative of how they hunt which they probably are not. then you have fred eichler who sure can sit water well and shoot a bow from water really well but spot and stalk nope.. only one worth a salt is Keep Hammering. he’s a real beast and badass hunter who never misses. he earned his ego.
And just like that, a new contender for most unhinged poster enters the ring.

His name is Cam Hanes btw. ‘Keep Hammering’ is his dumb slogan, and also what he tells his doc to do with the tren shots to his buttocks.
wow; this site is hilarious. i’ve got a guy correcting me on Cam Hanes’ name. is everyone this dry ? Since you’re so tight with Cam, why don’t you two get a room since you’re so interested in shots to his buttocks …
wow; this site is hilarious. i’ve got a guy correcting me on Cam Hanes’ name. is everyone this dry ? Since you’re so tight with Cam, why don’t you two get a room since you’re so interested in shots to his buttocks …
You’re the one who seems to be idolizing that tool there bud. I don’t think I’ve heard someone use the ‘get a room’ line since middle school either, you should work on your material.
You’re the one who seems to be idolizing that tool there bud. I don’t think I’ve heard someone use the ‘get a room’ line since middle school either, you should work on your material.
i’m sure a keyboard genius like
you will provide me with a ton of material to work with.. keep tying…
Perhaps I'm not communicating my ideas clearly.

I live in a place and do a few things that haven't been "discovered" yet, although it's probably only a matter of time. My state does a pretty good job, albeit not perfect, of managing wildlife. I'm not telling anyone to slack off in promoting good management, I'm just saying that there are still places that haven't been compromised, and I see Matt Rinella's thoughts to be relevant to keeping those places like they are. Just because the Custer has been ravaged doesn't mean some places can't be spared. Thus, I really don't want influencers getting involved in some of the things I hold dear.

And if you can show me instances where content marketing has made real conservation differences, I'm interested. I haven't seen it.

I do hunt CO as well, and I would agree with you that there are some troubling things happening. I just don't see how selling more camo and fancy coolers is helping.
I would agree that some aspects of it are not helping but these companies have the ability to help rally people to these good causes as well. I just think we should put some of that stuff aside and ask these platforms with large reach to step up and help spread the word of the work that needs to be done to save hunting as we know it. Not shun them into a corner and tell them they are the death of hunting.

Also my 2 cents. Matt is extremely out of touch and the general summation of his ideas are that every hunter should be completely out for himself and to hell with the "community".
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