Eastern hunters are overly defensive over spatial distribution!

247 yards? That's it?

Can you even get a sweat going in 247 yards? Comments on there make it sound like an Everest expedition... :ROFLMAO:
I changed the thread title, because while I meant it tongue and cheek, apparently eastern hunters are quite defensive on a point that was really just... hey look at this, if you walk a little ways further you can get a pretty different experience, maybe better, maybe not, as others have pointed out. But the consistency is pretty shocking.
That's hilarious
A lot of hunters, regardless of home state, are lazy. I see it here at home, and it has been interesting to watch the locals road hunt the unit we hunt for elk.

Having said that, I hunt where the animals are, to the best of my ability. Sometimes that takes you further from the road, sometimes less.

I filled 2 deer tags last year on public land here in MO, on the same morning, and packed both of them over a mile to the road.

A week or so ago, in our early antlerless season, I shot a doe less than a 100 yds from my truck, on private land. I enjoyed both of those scenarios!

Oh, and I think the title is hilarious!
My laziest hunt in NC on Shearon Harris game lands. I was 75 yds from the highway, 50yds from people in bass boats on the lake I was hunting, and 200 yds from the marina where they were actively launching boats. Took 2 fat does from that location

the lake point made for a great funnelScreenshot_20231017_182250_onX Hunt.jpg
Way back in the dark ages when I started deer hunting we had to physically take our kill to a check station whole. We don't have to now but I don't think too many people around here would even think about packing one out. We're just going to drag it where we can get it with the atv. Lazy? Maybe compared to western hunting but around here it's all we've known our entire life!
Iirc technically legally they have to he taken out whole in illinois.
The carcass removal is a big barrier to going in deep in some areas.

Wisconsin has a law where you can quarter them, but you have to remove the full skeleton this defeating the purpose. Really stupid rule imo but it is what we have to deal with.
Yeah, I don't really let a description bother me too much. Here in Illinois there isn't A LOT of public ground and I haven't hunted any. My deer hunting has all been on private so I never had to hike very far to get to a spot to hunt. I did manage to try elk hunting in Idaho twice and got a small taste of the experience even though I had a base camp set up to hunt from. Even then, there were a lot of roads crossing through.

Carry on.
I think the gray areas are producing just fine for they who do hunt. I looked it up and this year's limit is ten (10) antlerless, two (2) 4pt/15” spread making the normal tag take 12 deer per hunter.

Not saying it’s fish in a barrel there or just close your eyes and mag dump into the woods. I am sure GA hunters find these crafty whitetails to be a most elusive quarry every Fall.
I hunt a lot of public ground in the Midwest. That article is spot on in my experience. Hills ,ravines, swamps, thorns and thickets make excellent fences to keep less ambitious hunters out. I regularly wear waders to access some spots to get away from people. But if your goal is just filling the freezer and hunting with the crowd doesn't bother you why go to all the trouble to get into the nasty spots? I do it to get away from people, and pretty sure that's why the deer are there too.
Not sure. It's never been an issue for me except for the one buck I cut in half to get up out of the ravine.
Same. In all honesty though I've had some drags that were way worse than some pack outs. Out of the bottom of a ravine in an ice storm stands out. Thank God my brother was there. We had hook a leg around a tree flop the deer to the next guy and repeat for about 400 yards. That was a good time. The last 50 yards took over an hour.
My laziest hunt in NC on Shearon Harris game lands. I was 75 yds from the highway, 50yds from people in bass boats on the lake I was hunting, and 200 yds from the marina where they were actively launching boats. Took 2 fat does from that location

the lake point made for a great funnelView attachment 297550
That spot looks really good!
I remember dragging deer with my dad. Id complain my back hurt and he said i was too young to have a back lol. The only time i drag a deer now is to get it into my atv trailer. I have had times i had to winch them out of spots or tie a rope on them and push over cliff. Atvs have really made it easy for retrieval.
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Same. In all honesty though I've had some drags that were way worse than some pack outs. Out of the bottom of a ravine in an ice storm stands out. Thank God my brother was there. We had hook a leg around a tree flop the deer to the next guy and repeat for about 400 yards. That was a good time. The last 50 yards took over an hour.
Maybe we're not so lazy after all? ;)
I think it's an interesting study, but their statement lacks evidence.

They say "inadvertently creating deer sanctuaries in more remote and rugged areas"

Like someone mentioned already, they don't have the deer collared, so who knows if there are even deer in those areas.
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