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Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

Can't you make money doing anything? As long as you record it and post it to YouTube you can make money.

Is it bad to post fishing videos on YouTube? Or mushroom hunting, orrrr picking berries??
All bad.
All bad. All of it.
Just ask the guys who fished or picked berries before youtube.
Interesting! I fished before youtube, didn't notice any difference. I'd say the biggest change I've seen is the recent blow up of high-school and college bass teams. Seems to be a lot of those kids running around now.
What about influencers who influence folks to think it’s bad to draw attention to hunting drawing attention to hunting by talking about influencers? Is that bad? Am I bad for asking if that’s bad?
My answer was tongue in cheek. But yes as a whole, life was better for everybody before the influencers existed.
Lol you guys act like youtube and influencers changed EVERYTHING.

Think about your cell phone - gps, safety device, map tool. Think about your modern backpacking gear. Think about your comfortable camo clothes and cost effective wool. Your sleeping bag thats light yet warm, and again cheap.

Access to technology made as big of a difference as anything.
I can tell you take offense and you certainly should. All in fun.
No offense taken. I’m just amused by folks who get wound up about influencers who don’t mention holding wildlife managers accountable to set season structures and issue tags in proportion to what a resource can handle without harm.

Plus, I’m bored and easily amused by mental gymnastics.
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