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Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

Matt's little video is like watching a rerun of Babe Ruth crushing it, still.

'glute jabbin' comment...56 is old?

"A drink created by a rich drug addict whose barely hunted and a narcissistic self absorbed old guy jabbing testosterone in his glutes so he can keep up with all the 25 yo flat bills.

No thanks"
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It doesn’t seem that long ago that Steve Rinella was leading Rogan around the breaks like a helpless child, which is essentially what he was. I’m pretty sure if you gave Joe a Montana, Wyoming or Idaho general elk tag on public land he’d still look just as helpless, even with that Vietnam tiger stripe camo and 110 pound Hoyt.
Not scanning all pages of this, so forgive if it was brought up. But there were some pretty interesting rumors about Joes Tejon elk hunt in CA.
Wondering if they are true.

Matt’s podcast appearance I saw was a real good listen.
I would enjoy a Matt Rinella hunt quietly pod cast with this guy…

That’s a little different take on sitting water. He needs to try that on a November hunt in the northern climes. Might have more shrinkage than just ground shrinkage 😂
I'll be there. It looks like a really good panel discussion. Student/Pro mixer that evening. I'll buy you a real beer, Kurt. Not that hoppy crap.

And by that I mean a whiskey.
Greenhorn can’t make it, but I will be there. I like whiskey and not picky.😁. That being said, if you are picking up the tab, top shelf it is.🥃

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