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Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

randy newburg .. another “hey look at me “ kook like Rogan and Meathead. self promoting kooks who ruin hunts and tags for everyone. newburg meathead and rogan are weak hunters. very weak minded (in regards to strategy), that is if their shows are truly indicative of how they hunt which they probably are not. then you have fred eichler who sure can sit water well and shoot a bow from water really well but spot and stalk nope.. only one worth a salt is Keep Hammering. he’s a real beast and badass hunter who never misses. he earned his ego.
Uncle Cammy is that you??
Sure they would. People make hour and a half long productions that are completely made up. It would cost them more but make no mistake they are that committed.
Well we give them the connivence of not even having to be creative. Theres plenty of pretty crazy material "We" as hunters put out there.
kook is such a doug word. but i don't think doug has been holding a sleeper account for a little over two years just to bring it out now just so he could tell us we have to suck dead cow elk tit to make proper use of the animal.

or maybe that's exactly what he would do 🤷‍♂️
I would agree that some aspects of it are not helping but these companies have the ability to help rally people to these good causes as well. I just think we should put some of that stuff aside and ask these platforms with large reach to step up and help spread the word of the work that needs to be done to save hunting as we know it. Not shun them into a corner and tell them they are the death of hunting.

Also my 2 cents. Matt is extremely out of touch and the general summation of his ideas are that every hunter should be completely out for himself and to hell with the "community".
They certainly have the ability, but it doesn't seem like they are taking advantage of the opportunity they have.

I don't take from Matt that he's anti community. He's just against people using dead and dying animals to sell products.

I don't really consider social media personalities part of my community, either.
I put $1000 on Matt, Vegas had him as a heavy favorite.

It was a good plenary. I think @Nameless Range's estimation of Matt is spot on.

Randy and Matt had a tense exchange at the end about gatekeeping hunting but more importantly the rec land managers for the BLM, usfs were interesting and Beth Shumate from FWP did an amazing job talking about fwp is working on the issue with their properties.

The person who was far & away the most impressive was Malou Anderson-Ramirez from the Tom Miner Basin talking about grizzly coexistence on a generational cow-calf operation. She said something that really resonated with me & several others I spoke too afterwards: "We found out that we had to learn how to speak the language of agencies, and they had to learn our language "

I think if folks like Matt R adopted that philosophy, he'd go farther.

Actually, if we all did that, it would be a much better world.
It was a good plenary. I think @Nameless Range's estimation of Matt is spot on.

Randy and Matt had a tense exchange at the end about gatekeeping hunting but more importantly the rec land managers for the BLM, usfs were interesting and Beth Shumate from FWP did an amazing job talking about fwp is working on the issue with their properties.

The person who was far & away the most impressive was Malou Anderson-Ramirez from the Tom Miner Basin talking about grizzly coexistence on a generational cow-calf operation. She said something that really resonated with me & several others I spoke too afterwards: "We found out that we had to learn how to speak the language of agencies, and they had to learn our language "

I think if folks like Matt R adopted that philosophy, he'd go farther.

Actually, if we all did that, it would be a much better world.
We will see how that philosophy turns out for our wildlife.
Grumble grumble I hate these Youtubers and them feeding the antis propaganda material. I did however like the we almost died video enough to watch 80% of it.
I clicked through it after seeing it brought up here

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