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Major Climate Change Rules the Trump Administration Is Reversing

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didja listen to Mr. Patagouchi himself on the meateater podcast? His answer seemed more like employing a bunch of small farmers to combat to rise in industrial agriculture it's inherent reduction in the work force.

If you couldn't afford gas at twice the current cost, you have bigger issues than the price of gas.
That's a good idea. When you lose your job due to high energy costs brought on by cap and trade, you can still get a job hoeing weeds!

Regressive's, the newest incarnation of the old progressive's.
Interesting article on Tom Steyer's patagouchi style ranch. It's his money, and he can spend it how he sees fit to spend it. The media gave him some attention to what he's doing here, but is not over hyping it. If he comes up with a few good practical ideas I say great! If he doesn't, oh well, it was his money to spend .

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Ah Ben, she lost her job! Where's the compassion? 😏

Seems a par for the course reputable source, all things considered. Matches politics, Climate deniers or climate, "sky is falling"... Both have their vaulted, prized contributions. 😉
97%, white papers, credible sources, fossil fuel the debbil, TDS...blah blah & whatnot

The first article is a from a guy who doesn't deny human-caused climate change, just disagrees with modeling. He's not a climatologist, but a mathematician who works in some way around climate change. Still, he's often cited by deniers who don't understand his work well, nor do they care, since his position reinforces their belief that climate change isn't real, and therefore any writing that contradicts others is good info. Like all things in the world, it's much more complex that people make it out to be. Still, he's a much better source than others that you've linked too. Nice job getting it 50% right.

As for the battery deal, every energy source has an environmental impact. If this source proves out, then it's a big step forward in some aspects. There are often new technological advances that look promising to begin with, but then peter out when they try to scale them up to industrial applications. Interesting article.
Sacrifice must be made for the sake of the greenies... Enjoy your electric cars. Or, try the Flinstone style and hire children to push your car around... #cheapchildlabor4mycar

Sacrifice must be made for the sake of the greenies... Enjoy your electric cars. Or, try the Flinstone style and hire children to push your car around... #cheapchildlabor4mycar

Add slave labor/prison labor for rare earth materials in China too, Charles.

Everything has an impact. O&G developments cause massive upticks in crime, especially in human trafficking and sexual abuse, drugs and violence in rural areas. Coal mining kills miners, creates toxic waste and is a leading cause of climate change. Nuclear energy is volatile and toxic, yet relatively safe compared to other forms of energy. Biomass has some interesting applications, but still produces CO2 that goes into the air, further complicating the issue.

The real issue is how to create a world that is less polluted & volatile, rather than revert back to the tribalism of fossil fuels versus the world.

MSHA maintains the best mining safety in the world. Yet, Americans are forced out of mining job opportunities due to the #Notinmybackyard - leave it to the #BloodBatteryKids for my jolly ride...

I'm skeptical of the recyclable aluminium fuel cell technology. They are talking about using cheap off hour hydro power to power the recycling energy requirements. Similar to the power source Columbia Falls aluminum plant used. Didn't turn out to be too good environment wise.

As for CO2 being released when biomass is combusted for energy production, I thought the whole issue was with combusting sequestered fossil fuels? #movingthegoalpostagain

MSHA maintains the best mining safety in the world. Yet, Americans are forced out of mining job opportunities due to the #Notinmybackyard - leave it to the #BloodBatteryKids for my jolly ride...


Not really. It's about global economics. If only Americans would work for pennies a day, then they too could be a part of the profit center for multi-nationals.

I'm certainly not anti-mining. My extended family works in Trona, Coa, Palladium and has worked Steel & Uranium mines in the past. Dad died because of working in an Uranium mill in the early 60's. Cousin died on the job at Stillwater. Mining is a noble profession, and when done right, can be reclaimed. That doesn't change the fact that coal is causing dramatic climate effects, or that management's profit comes before workers jobs. While there is some resistance to mining for various minerals in areas of concern, I don't think that people are anti-mining so much as anti-destruction of sacred places.
As for CO2 being released when biomass is combusted for energy production, I thought the whole issue was with combusting sequestered fossil fuels? #movingthegoalpostagain

I'll say it again for the slow kid in the back of the room: All energy has environmental costs. That's not saying one is worse than the other, but recognizing that anything we do to produce energy will have environmental costs associated with it.
Right here at home I live where the last glacier stopped. I wonder if the peoples who were living here then had their SUV's crushed by said glacier as they were heating their penthouse with coal burning stoves. Pesky climate change anyway, it had the audacity to re-route the Missouri River! If only the people who caused that would have stopped burning coal, running cattle, and driving SUV's. I guess history really does repeat. :)
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