Yeti GOBOX Collection

Major Climate Change Rules the Trump Administration Is Reversing

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This thread is amazing. So many facts, so much reading. So much controversy. Thank you for enlightening me on both sides of the table. Now to digest all the information and make a rational, scientific, decision of my own. So are any of the Democrat President hopefuls not going to "ban guns" and disarm America? I haven't kept up with politics of late and was wondering if any of them have read the Constitution and Bill of Rights yet? That thing they will "swear to uphold and defend" after getting elected POTUS.
I'm sure the preponderance of insightful, objective, informed, and well meaning information contained in the 260 some threads comprising this discussion will assist your quest for a rational and scientific (be careful of that one) decision.

"Mark's" post is now helping ht'ers make political decisions.:ROFLMAO:

"This thread is amazing. So many facts, so much reading. So much controversy. Thank you for enlightening me on both sides of the table. Now to digest all the information and make a rational, scientific, decision of my own." To this independent moderate, that reads as a refreshingly reasonable approach for a newbie with 25 posts under his belt.

"So are any of the Democrat President hopefuls not going to "ban guns" and disarm America? I haven't kept up with politics of late and was wondering if any of them have read the Constitution and Bill of Rights yet? That thing they will "swear to uphold and defend" after getting elected POTUS." Then suddenly the contradictory radical right wing rhetorical cynical questions jump out to put a hollow ring to the refreshingly reasonable approach.

Carry on, TN - Junkie. I'm certain Rush, Sean, and Fox have already answered your questions.
I think it’s awesome that they were using a fossil fueled powered fire truck and wasting water.
More fake news... from the link provided:

The average precipitation for September in the contiguous U.S. was 2.42 inches (0.07 inch below average), which puts the month in the middle third of the 125-year record.
No disagreement with "Climate Change"... The % caused by humans of the past (Darn Neanderthal caused warming) and human caused % of present vs earth... being earth.
If you like your particular flavor of fake news you can keep can even pretend your side doesn't use it...
No disagreement with "Climate Change"... The % caused by humans of the past (Darn Neanderthal caused warming) and human caused % of present vs earth... being earth.
What if anything could be presented to convince you it is being caused by current human actions?

I'm not the type of person that would look at 97% of any group of experts and claim to know their field better than they do...

Its the % human caused vs the % good ole Mother Nature / Earth drama, "As the World Turns"... that IMHO, is the cause of most friction in our excellent differences.
Interesting conundrum.
More info available at human fingertips than at any time in the species history.
But no matter the subject - science, politics, what's the best rifle sling - someone or vast groups of people will claim "fake news".

I think we are entering a new very bizarre era of "the dark ages", folks again afraid that the earth really isn't flat - because the politics of those who say it ain't are just plain unpalatable..................

One of the many examples of changing climate (not to be confused with weather for the easily confused), and it's effect on the 40 years of my adult life spent mostly outside of the walls of a building in a city/town:
I've hunted Blue Grouse in the September mountains of SW MT for 3.5 decades. Used to go out at 2:30 in the afternoon wearing a long sleeve shirt over polypro undies.
In recent times I am done most days by 10:00 am because it's already too hot for my dogs. Something has changed. Who gives a shit why/how. Ignorant as hell to poo-poo it because you disagree with the politics of the subject, regardless of the cause.

So like everybody else has their reality, that's my version (of how old Lady Nature has changed, thus changing my hunting habits). Real story. Open for labeling as false news.

But then again, it just snowed four feet in Browning MT, so this whole thing must be a hoax.........................................................................................
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