Straight Arrow
Well-known member
Consider this nightmare currently experienced; with a stroke of the pen in the Oval Office, Custer National Forest belongs to Montana and there will be no trail work as Montana has no such funds. But there most likely will be "Drill, Baby, Drill" and "Mine, Baby, Mine", with many new roads into your "honey hole", with the wildlife heading to the private ranches even moreso to escape the noise.Who will do the trail work?
There is no doubt that Congress is authorized and responsible to mitigate the deficit problem and also to mandate increased governmental efficiency, but to compare private business to the federal government is a watermelons to giraffes analogy. It reflects a common misconception regarding complexity of the problems and the departmental issues. Unfortunately, it seems to be a misconception manifesting itself in this sweeping devastation of jobs and paychecks. The nexus with this forum is clear in the potential for many adverse impacts to public lands, wildlife habitat, and the wildlife we all love ... and love to hunt!No private business would be hiring anyone if it was running a $1.8 trillion deficit the year before.