Kenetrek Boots

Is this what we’ve become?

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I don't really talk politics with people because it turns into an argument. I vote for the best person sometimes means more republicans on my ballot other democrats. This last go around i didn't vote for either president candidate. I learned long ago most of these people do not care about us common folks but their own self-interest. But the bigger the division they can make the more that us common folk fight with each other. Yes we will disagree on certain things but if we really sit down most of us want the same things, how we get to those things differ.

Tik tok shutting down then coming back is fishy, making a coin that they own 80% of is fishy, allowing politicians to make stock trades while in office is fishy. The list goes on. But we continue to allow them to do it time and time again because we argue with each other. We live in a us vs them mentality when it comes to politics. Win or lose mentality if your "party" doesn't win. At the end of the day we are all Americans. But until we can work together nothing will get done other than those in Washington keep getting richer.
I don't really talk politics with people because it turns into an argument. I vote for the best person sometimes means more republicans on my ballot other democrats. This last go around i didn't vote for either president candidate. I learned long ago most of these people do not care about us common folks but their own self-interest. But the bigger the division they can make the more that us common folk fight with each other. Yes we will disagree on certain things but if we really sit down most of us want the same things, how we get to those things differ.

Tik tok shutting down then coming back is fishy, making a coin that they own 80% of is fishy, allowing politicians to make stock trades while in office is fishy. The list goes on. But we continue to allow them to do it time and time again because we argue with each other. We live in a us vs them mentality when it comes to politics. Win or lose mentality if your "party" doesn't win. At the end of the day we are all Americans. But until we can work together nothing will get done other than those in Washington keep getting richer.
I'll repeat what I have posted here before.
"Politics has never made friends out of enemies, but it has made many enemies out of friends."
An unexpected glimpse into the anger of society happened when the insurance executive was gunned down in NYC. There was far more sympathy for the shooter than the man killed. That, as much as anything informs us to where we are.
Right, even I had mixed emotions about a murderer taking out a serial killer.
Joe Biden is going to give James Buchanan a run for his money in the history books.

"If I was Lady McBiden, I’d put on my big girl pants, play the long game and think about my husband’s legacy,” Alexandra Pelosi, the former speaker’s daughter, told me Saturday. “There aren’t that many people left in America who have something nice to say about Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi is one of them.” The younger Pelosi made clear she was speaking only for herself."

Looks like a civil war is brewing in the Democrat party. If they keep it up they will be going the way of the Whigs.
I’ve never understood why everyone is surprised when those that run for office act in their own self interest - how many of you act in the interest of the public good everyday rather than the best interest of you and your family? Always lots of self righteous folks saying “he should/shouldn’t have done that”, then cry and bitch all day long and never have the nerve to run for any office…we just sit around and wonder why “those guys” are assholes - it’s because that’s the only type willing to run. I’m going to fly the flag and be a proud American - warts and all - and not go running around saying how much I “hate” this or that… I hope the new president is successful in the majority of his campaign promises…and unsuccessful in a few others.
I’ve never understood why everyone is surprised when those that run for office act in their own self interest - how many of you act in the interest of the public good everyday rather than the best interest of you and your family? Always lots of self righteous folks saying “he should/shouldn’t have done that”, then cry and bitch all day long and never have the nerve to run for any office…we just sit around and wonder why “those guys” are assholes - it’s because that’s the only type willing to run. I’m going to fly the flag and be a proud American - warts and all - and not go running around saying how much I “hate” this or that… I hope the new president is successful in the majority of his campaign promises…and unsuccessful in a few others.
The first thing you might want to give some thought to is not accusing others of not running because they'll only serve their self interests.

To be successful running for office, you're fugged from your opening move if you have a conscience and actually want to act other than in the best interest of your team and campaign donors. I don't even think its always about self interest, other than the self interest of holding the seat and the power and control they "think" they have.

I promise to not to act in my own self interest, hey brother, can you spare me some pocket change?

It's not because honest people don't want to run, its because they can't compete with the billionaires that buy their politicians, its that simple.
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