Panic, road rage, or oblivion?


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2012
Wow, in this video (looks to me to be mischaracterized as a "narrow escape") you think the SUV driver

A. Panics, and doesn't realize they can just continue driving forward to avoid the train?

B. Is so pissed at being rear-ended they get out to affront the offender? And that leads to C below...

C. Is just oblivious to the fact a train is coming?

D. Attempted murder. SUV driver stole pickup drivers fav hunting spot. Pickup driver intentionally pushes SUV onto the tracks while train is coming.
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People do weird things in stressful situations.

I've seen trained and prepared individuals completely give in to fear when faced with danger. I've also seen underdogs shine and become absolute warriors.
I've always wondered how people walking along RR tracks get hit by trains. It's not like they can sneak up on you. :unsure:
I've always wondered how people walking along RR tracks get hit by trains. It's not like they can sneak up on you. :unsure:
In the late 80s in a town called Perry Michigan there was a guy jogging down the railroad tracks listening to his walk man. He worked at the local hardware store of course they hated us , we lived in a trailer park. I found out about it by going into the hardware store, everybody standing around depressed. I said who died. They pointed at the obituary on the counter .
I smiled a little bit after I read the story , and they saw it.
They asked me what’s so funny and I told him I know the last thing he was thinking. Oh yeah, what they asked me. I guarantee you he was thinking that’s funny , I don’t remember a train in this song.
The only time I had to fight my way out of a hardware store.
True story