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Is this what we’ve become?

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I still find it crazy how many times Trump shows that he prioritizes his self-interest, spinning up some money making scheme, basically fleecing his own supporters and yet they still like him. The guy has no shame, and millions of people just watch and cheer it on. The leader of the free world is touting a meme coin that is closely followed by “fartcoin” in volume. An easily available resource to buy influence.

Eventually the continued argument of whatabout-ism to justify lunacy has to end.

He nailed it really. Pick off the working class with funny tweets and distractions, continue building the framework of the last 40 years that concentrates wealth at the very top. Most billionaires ever in the incoming administration and I read Trump is now among the top 25 wealthiest in the world with his crypto coin counted. What could go wrong.

Question for all the passionate trump haters, why are you so disgusted with a guy who's doing what he's done his whole life? Shouldn't your rage be more directed at the democratic party (or whatever party it is you wanted to win) for not coming up with literally anyone else to run against him? Serious question.

I mean shouldn't "is this what we've become" been a question 4 months ago?
OK , I hate Trump , BUT , he summed it up in 2016 in the Hillary debate when she accused him of not paying taxes .
He said if you want me to pay taxes , change the tax laws . But you won't do it because your friends and supporters use the same loopholes as I do .
What kills me is neither side cares about us , but both sides have supporters that raving lunatics about what they think is important.
They keep us fighting over gay marriage and abortion while stealing our tax dollars .
Been going on all my life .
That’s what you think people are upset about? Which by the way I was joking generally. But really you don’t see any issues with a chit coin issuance that pads the pockets of a public official to the tune of billions of dollars by leveraging our nations highest office for personal profits not to mention the potential security issues with that?
You might want to look at the change in net worth for lifelong politicians. You can start with Biden. Math does not math.
You might want to look at the change in net worth for lifelong politicians. You can start with Biden. Math does not math.
I’m very aware of the changes in net worth. This one is the grand daddy of them all. Not even close. That’s what I’m saying. Again, no one has ever seen anything like it. But we continue with the equivalency arguments. It should piss all of us off. Royally
OK , I hate Trump , BUT , he summed it up in 2016 in the Hillary debate when she accused him of not paying taxes .
He said if you want me to pay taxes , change the tax laws . But you won't do it because your friends and supporters use the same loopholes as I do .
What kills me is neither side cares about us , but both sides have supporters that raving lunatics about what they think is important.
They keep us fighting over gay marriage and abortion while stealing our tax dollars .
Been going on all my life .
I couldn't agree more.
It's a shame that politicians don't spend as much time serving the people they were elected to serve instead of spending that time and money attacking the people they disagree with. "By the people,for the people" needs to be changed to "the chosen few"
So you hate the country in general including the founding fathers.
There absolutely are things about this country that I hate, the biggest being how folks run around with the big foam #1 finger when they don't have the right to.

I hate things like greedy bastards trying to steal my public lands.

I hate that the US has the most expensive health care in the world and doesn't even break the top 20 in quality of health care.

I hate that the US is number 1 in medical bankruptcy.

I hate that the richest country in the world ranks 55th in life expectancy.

I hate that the U.S. doesn't invest but a pittance of what we should for mental health, drug addiction, etc.

That's just to name a few things I hate. What I really hate the most is we send 535 people to D.C. to work on those things and we get a big pile of shit for a return on that investment.
It is somewhat telling that the guests of honor for the inauguration are the wealthiest people in the world. Both Trump and them have their reasons, and I really doubt it is how do we help the situation for the average American.

I'm an aging boomer who really can't complain about how my life has turned out. From early adulthood to retirement, I made better than average money. Life has been good to me. I can see that it has not been easy for many. My children are not where I was, at the same age. It is more difficult today, to start getting ahead. This is a trend starting, really, when I was a young man.

There were paths for nearly everyone, back in the day. Now, it is really only the top 10 to 15% of earners who make enough to really get ahead. Nearly everyone else is getting by as best they can. The tax policies have made it very likely that the concentration of wealth will continue to benefit the most wealthy among us.

An unexpected glimpse into the anger of society happened when the insurance executive was gunned down in NYC. There was far more sympathy for the shooter than the man killed. That, as much as anything informs us to where we are.
What I hate about him is...

Honestly there's so much, I'm not going to take the time to express it all. But #1, is that there even is a president I could hate. I didn't hate Bush senior or junior. They were both stand up human beings with different ideologies. But the weaponizing of the "other side" that's Trump has so successfully mastered, the over the top blatant lies (and truth's, like "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,"), which is so morally opposite from how I try to live my life, conduct my business, and most importantly teach my kids, that it is a close to actual hatred as I can get for someone I've never met.

And that bugs and disappoints me, because I voted mostly red on my ballot this year, I was ready to agree we needed a change but I simply couldn't/can't stomach him.
There absolutely are things about this country that I hate, the biggest being how folks run around with the big foam #1 finger when they don't have the right to.

I hate things like greedy bastards trying to steal my public lands.

I hate that the US has the most expensive health care in the world and doesn't even break the top 20 in quality of health care.

I hate that the US is number 1 in medical bankruptcy.

I hate that the richest country in the world ranks 55th in life expectancy.

I hate that the U.S. doesn't invest but a pittance of what we should for mental health, drug addiction, etc.

That's just to name a few things I hate. What I really hate the most is we send 535 people to D.C. to work on those things and we get a big pile of shit for a return on that investment.

Once more for those in the back...
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