Influencers Ruining Stuff

  • Thread starter Deleted member 53219
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Franz Ferdinand, who was the nephew of the Austro-Hungarian emperor, was killed by a group called the Black Hand. And because they were a Serbian nationalist society, the empire declared war on Serbia. Then Russia, which was bound by a treaty, was forced to mobilize, which meant that Germany had to declare war on Russia. Then France declared war on Germany, and that was World War I. Because the emperor's nephew was killed.

Ha yep, the Archduke went down and the whole thing just went nuts!
I don't like seeing spots getting blown up on the internet as much as the next guy, but to be honest if every spot in the world gets blown up on the internet, they'll eventually all get so diluted that it has little to no effect anymore right?
This dude playing chess while we are all playing checkers. If Randy won't put this content behind a required login to keep bots from indexing then the next best thing is to just start posting random unit numbers with bad information to dilute the real stuff 🙃
I wonder how many more views he got because of this?!

"Secret Spots" aren't really a thing. Dependent on the time of year and the weather and pressure, good spots move around... My best fishing spots are good at certain times a certain way. Pressure changes fish and animals. Once a "secret" is out, the animals or fish will move to a new area. Who cares!
Franz Ferdinand, who was the nephew of the Austro-Hungarian emperor, was killed by a group called the Black Hand. And because they were a Serbian nationalist society, the empire declared war on Serbia. Then Russia, which was bound by a treaty, was forced to mobilize, which meant that Germany had to declare war on Russia. Then France declared war on Germany, and that was World War I. Because the emperor's nephew was killed.
Maybe it was just a great excuse to fight and blow shit up?
Franz Ferdinand, who was the nephew of the Austro-Hungarian emperor, was killed by a group called the Black Hand. And because they were a Serbian nationalist society, the empire declared war on Serbia. Then Russia, which was bound by a treaty, was forced to mobilize, which meant that Germany had to declare war on Russia. Then France declared war on Germany, and that was World War I. Because the emperor's nephew was killed.
Old Franz was a huntin’ SOB. Kept a journal of kills that tallied nearly 300,000 critters. Here’s one of his trophy rooms.

Maybe Gavrilo Princip was one of the “antis?”

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Sure influencers are bad, for a variety of reasons. But in the end, its public land isn't it? People are not breaking any laws going there if they can figure out where it is. With how popular outdoor sports are getting, just a matter of time for anywhere really.

I've had enough run-ins with inbred hicks from little podunk towns trying to threaten me off crown land here in Canada that I have every right to be on, that I really have no patience with people trying to claim public land as 'their own' or 'locals only'.

I completely agree with you on locals thinking they own the place. Same way that those who lease crown land have to allow reasonable access to their leases but I've always been told to get bent. The worst answers I've had with regards to hunting access has been about access to leased crown land. This is OUR land that is being controlled by greedy lease holders who have been essentially controlling crown land for decades for essentially peanuts. I've also had locals try, and sometimes succeed, in pushing me off of public land. Either pretending it's private or just by being aggressive or threatening.

On the other hand, most of those influencers generate revenue from their posts/videos and I highly doubt any of them have permits to film/picture the public land they are on. These permits generate revenue, small and sometimes insignificant, but it's something at least. They are not only ruining your spot, but they're making money in the process of doing so, and are doing it off of our backs. That, I have a huge problem with.

If people want to discover my spot and use it as much as they want, more power to them. But for some POS influencer to ruin my spot by attracting people who would've never found the spot in the first place, that I have issues with. Our public lands have been seeing more use than ever. Trails are f'ed, more garbage, etc. These influencers are irresponsibly bringing in more people on the landscape without giving them the proper etiquette to do it.

Also, they're bringing in some people who are in it for the wrong reasons. Everyone wants to post big bucks and fish online with ridiculous hashtags. #Kuiu and #Vortex don't care that you shot a basket buck, but they sure thank you for promoting them, no matter how insignificant your help was. I just feel that certain people are in if for the wrong reasons, then again, who am I to say what is a "good" reason to hunt.
Without question, the least known, most impactful man in history.
For sure. WWI and its aftermath led to an unparalleled change in nearly all facets of western society and culture. It was one of the subjects I really gravitated toward as an undergrad.
Without question, the least known, most impactful man in history.

Total Casualties
Total Mobilized ForcesKilled or Died*WoundedPrisoners or MissingTotal Casualties
Allied Powers42,612,8105,211,80913,003,0044,124,89022,165,291
Central Powers22,850,0003,386,2008,388,4483,629,82915,404,477
Grand Totals65,462,8108,598,00921,391,4527,754,71937,569,768
Special spots absolutely exist. I've seen some of them disappear over the last 9 years literally watched them deteriorate with my own eyes. I still have a couple that I think are safe from overuse only because if your not a billy goat you ain't going there to often. Problem with those spots is I'm not getting any younger and elk stay the same weight.
Total Casualties
Total Mobilized ForcesKilled or Died*WoundedPrisoners or MissingTotal Casualties
Allied Powers42,612,8105,211,80913,003,0044,124,89022,165,291
Central Powers22,850,0003,386,2008,388,4483,629,82915,404,477
Grand Totals65,462,8108,598,00921,391,4527,754,71937,569,768
This was just the appetizer for WWII. Hence, NATO, Israel, Vietnam, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Ukraine. . .
Says the guy that probably never really had a great spot to hunt or fish. They absolutely are a thing and what makes a good spot into a great spot is when nobody else is there.
Thank you for confirming that you are as dumb as your name suggests.

You're delusional if you don't think someone else knows about "your" secret spot.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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