Idaho Fee Increase Proposal

A 2012 quote from fish and game director Virgil Moore-

"We see a direct correlation with marketing money and nonresident tag sales," he said. "Remember, one out-of-state tag is worth, fiscally, about 10 to 12 in-state tags."

"A resident Idaho elk tag costs about $31, while it costs an out-of-state hunter $416.

The department relies more on nonresident hunters for money than its own population base--19 percent of revenue is from in-state hunters while 22 percent is from out-of-state hunters. The more hunters and anglers from outside Idaho, the more wildlife Idahoans can enjoy."

If residents want a say in how game is managed in Idaho, better game management and things like habitat restoration (think of the mule deer who winter on the wma's that recently burnt) than us residents better start putting our money where our mouth is.
as an outsider,,i don't have a problem with a resident fee increase,,again ,I just don't want it to float up into higher non-res fee increases
I am learning where I wont be applying for, certain units that ive had poor luck in.that is a learning curve at times until you have tag in pocket and boots on the ground.
I fully support a resident fee increase in ID over an auction scheme similar to Utah's! I think in the long run, even the residents would be unhappy with the latter...

Agreed. It is absolutely time for a resident fee increase. Especially when the alternative is a hair-brained, greedy political move to force auction tags into Idaho.

Non-Residents and Residents, please contact the Idaho Legislature and ask them to pass a CLEAN fee increase bill.
As a long time Idaho big game hunter I have watched the license fees sky rocket over the years for residents and nonresidents. Yes, it's blatantly clear nonresidents pay a disproportionate amount of money to support wildlife management within the state but there has never been any corresponding improvement in big game numbers or hunt quality for the increased revenue these fee increases generate. Increasing resident license and tag fees create hardships for many hunters living within what one might describe as economically depressed areas of the state. And most of the state meets that distinction. These are criticisms I have presented to IDF&G officials over the years along with countless others with the usual respnse. You know, " Our new director is Ms. Helen Waite so if you have any suggestions or complaints than go to Hell and Wait." I rest my case.
As a long time Idaho big game hunter I have watched the license fees sky rocket over the years for residents and nonresidents.

. Increasing resident license and tag fees create hardships for many hunters living within what one might describe as economically depressed areas of the state. And most of the state meets that distinction. These are criticisms I have presented to IDF&G officials over the years along with countless others with the usual respnse. You know, " Our new director is Ms. Helen Waite so if you have any suggestions or complaints than go to Hell and Wait." I rest my case.

Dude, as one economically disadvantaged guy to another, I don't think we have much of an argument to make.

Cost of Idaho licenses:

Idaho Hunting.jpg

Cost of a 18-pack of 16oz Cans of Keystone Light:

Keystone Light.jpg

We can buy a morning's supply of Keystone for less than the cost of our hunting license.

Idaho residents are getting a bargain.

And those are the big cans....
I have lived in Idaho my whole life (only a shot 27 years) and not once have I thought that our license and tag fees are too the last survey that Fish and Game sent out asking about license increases, I voted for it. I think our commission in way underfunded, and auction tags are NOT the way to try to fund the commission.
Sorry Bro but I don't drink Keystone, it's poison. And if anyone within the state would like to purchase my license or tags for me or supplement my fee increases I'll be more than happy to accept their offer. PM me and I'll send you my address. The point is that when you spend a dollar you (meaning most rational people) expect something in return for their money, not rhetoric or continuous requests for more money. There are other options you know like cutting costs etc.. I guess spending our way into an everlasting prosperity might be a viable option. Many Americans seem to think so, but don't forget your income is finite so you do need to conserve and spend wisely. Reduce costs, significantly reduce nonresident license and tag fees and find other innovative options for generating revenues. The blank check mentality of most legislators is irrational, obsolete and clearly on it's way out.
Sorry Bro but I don't drink Keystone, it's poison. And if anyone within the state would like to purchase my license or tags for me or supplement my fee increases I'll be more than happy to accept their offer. PM me and I'll send you my address. The point is that when you spend a dollar you (meaning most rational people) expect something in return for their money, not rhetoric or continuous requests for more money. There are other options you know like cutting costs etc.. I guess spending our way into an everlasting prosperity might be a viable option. Many Americans seem to think so, but don't forget your income is finite so you do need to conserve and spend wisely. Reduce costs, significantly reduce nonresident license and tag fees and find other innovative options for generating revenues. The blank check mentality of most legislators is irrational, obsolete and clearly on it's way out.

Resident fees have not been increased since 2005. IDFG is starving financially and have cut programs to minimums. You expect premium service from IDFG but don't want to pay for it.

How about this. Give IDFG its price increase and give them two years to work with an improved budget. You can complain once IDFG has the funding to do the job, not before.
Sorry Bro but I don't drink Keystone, it's poison. And if anyone within the state would like to purchase my license or tags for me or supplement my fee increases I'll be more than happy to accept their offer. PM me and I'll send you my address.

I will gladly pay an extra voluntary $1 on my license fees to be put toward helping poor people be able to afford the increased license fees. I think we should encourage more low-income people to hunt and fish, it is some of the cheapest forms of entertainment there is. I think I likely spent 25 days hunting in 2016, so, approximately $0.50 per day for some of the bester entertainment there is. Idaho, for residents, is a BARGAIN.

Contact your legislator and your Fish and Game Commissioners and have them get to work on raising the fees and setting up a voluntary fund to help poor people. I will support you 100%!!!

The point is that when you spend a dollar you (meaning most rational people) expect something in return for their money, not rhetoric or continuous requests for more money. There are other options you know like cutting costs etc.. I guess spending our way into an everlasting prosperity might be a viable option. Many Americans seem to think so, but don't forget your income is finite so you do need to conserve and spend wisely.

Fish and Game Department income is finite. They can only spend what they take in from license sales. (and a few other sources). Fish and Game spends wisely, from what I have seen. And, from the poaching I have seen lately, they need to spend far more on enforcement than they do.

Reduce costs, significantly reduce nonresident license and tag fees and find other innovative options for generating revenues. The blank check mentality of most legislators is irrational, obsolete and clearly on it's way out.

Can you share with us how much you want to "reduce nonresident license and tag fees"?

Can you share with us what the "other innovative options for generating revenues" would be?
A $15 license is the least expensive part of hunting. Its nothing and you know it. It seems like you would prefer our fish and game department underfunded?
My friend your memory and records which you cite for nonresident and resident increases are clearly short term and convenient for support of your position. Study the long term record of increases which precede 2006 for both resident and especially non residents. And what have you received for these additional fee increases? The same rhetoric and requests for more money to feed the "starving programs" of the IDF&G and it's undernourished employees. They received their requested increases and have worked with their corresponding " improved budgets " and as history has shown each and every time the IDF&G Department is never sated. So where do you draw the line ,so to speak,with my money and that of others? Come down from your mansion on "Pill Hill" orHarrison Blvd. in Boise or is it Ketchum where you reside? Face the real world in Idaho and adopt a more responsible attitude about public funding and the burdens it creates on Idaho residents and nonresidents.
My friend your memory and records which you cite for nonresident and resident increases are clearly short term and convenient for support of your position. Study the long term record of increases which precede 2006 for both resident and especially non residents. And what have you received for these additional fee increases? The same rhetoric and requests for more money to feed the "starving programs" of the IDF&G and it's undernourished employees. They received their requested increases and have worked with their corresponding " improved budgets " and as history has shown each and every time the IDF&G Department is never sated. So where do you draw the line ,so to speak,with my money and that of others? Come down from your mansion on "Pill Hill" orHarrison Blvd. in Boise or is it Ketchum where you reside? Face the real world in Idaho and adopt a more responsible attitude about public funding and the burdens it creates on Idaho residents and nonresidents.

This∆ is rhetoric.
So after all that you said, all the dreaded fee hikes we are up to $12.75 for a hunting license. Never satisfied!? How about you calculate the inflation since the last increase and tell me what a inflation adjustment should come out to?
Thank you for your comments and question Mr. Moore, but I'm certain even you realize that rewarding financial irresponsibility is always an exercise in futility which can frequently result in financial "insolvency." Do we agree on the logic flow?And I'm certain that you and your predecessor Mr. Groen are true altruists who consider the welfare of both residents and nonresidents when deciding to ask the Idaho Legislature for fee increases. You clearly have done a great deal of soul searching prior to coming to your decision for those requests. I mean after all the inflation rate has impacted operations. It's unfortunate that salaries and wages haven't kept up with the increased costs of living of the poorer residents of the state but that's not your problem. And I will commend you on your very convincing argument that Idaho was created and the IDF&G Department began operation in 2006. Therefore, we have only a ten year period in which to analyze costs, spending and the corresponding fee hikes which were unfortunately implemented. And let's ignore the foreigners (nonresidents) in our analysis. Nonresident increases aren't relevant and their financial welfare certainly not worthy of consideration. You are a true altruist.

You're fighting a losing battle with guys like Hannibal. They would whine if tags were free.

What guys like this don't understand is that Management costs money. Salaries, vehicles, fuel, etc. etc. etc. all cost more than it did in 2006. There are people that think the IDGF should be driving a horse and buggie, wardens should make $3.50 an hour, and their deer tag should only cost 50 cents.

Hunting is a privilege and not a right...we pay for the privilege of hunting. Residents are not being forced out of hunting due to license fees in any state. We're talking literally a couple months of pocket change to hunt as a Resident in nearly all states, including Idaho. I probably have enough change in the ash tray of my truck to pay for a Resident hunting license and deer tag.

As far as NR's go, they absolutely should pay a lot more. They don't live in the State, don't pay taxes there, likely aren't involved with local sporting groups, aren't volunteering to teach hunters safety, etc. So, they should have to shell out for the privilege of hunting ID's wildlife. Even at that, its still a bargain, IMO.

Hunters spend more on the latest mickey-mouse gadget, elk piss, camo, optics, lunch, fuel, etc. etc. than all of their license fees combined. Cheapest part of the whole operation is the license fees...even NR license fees. I pay them, and greedily.

Don't worry about it, just get the legislation passed and ignore the "their pricing us out" whiners.
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Jose, drinking Keystone and reading really don't mix. It has obviously had an adverse effect on your reading and comprehension skills, particularly my recommendations for generating revenue and operating a more fiscally responsible government agency. But the futility of offering such suggestions reminds me of what John Steinbeck once said about advice, " You know how advice is. You only want it if it agrees with what you wanted to do anyway."

You're fighting a losing battle with guys like Hannibal. They would whine if tags were free.

We needed someone to play devil's advocate. With his emotion based Opinion's and agenda against IDf&g he has helped get some more information out there. Anyone who reads this thread can make up their own opinion on what side is reaching.

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