I like your proposal better than 75 each!In testimony at the interim TRW, where I opposed the fee increase for NR's, the bill was changed to PER APPLICATION. Meaning for $75 you can apply for deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, sheep, goat, bison, etc. and pay the one time $75 fee.
The trouble I see, and I haven't checked, is whether all the applications are open at the same time, if they are, you can do them all at once and pay the $75 and rock on. There was robust discussion and the intent when it was amended was per application, with no regard to how many species you applied for.
If, and that's a big IF this passes with what they wanted, I would apply for everything at once then modify or withdraw your application as necessary.
Thanks for explaining it better. Appreciate that you are involved and seemingly fair minded in your approach to this. It’ll be interesting to see how this shakes out.