I had to ride a lot of ATV miles......

Calm down cjcj I don't want you to have a heart attack. All I was saying is that to some getting an animal is successful. I said nothing about it having to be a big one for the hunt to be successful. I also didn't say that one who doesn't work his ass off to get an animal isn't doing it right. It's all relative, that was my point period. I don't know how to kill big animals as I've not done it, but those who do consistently put in LOTS of effort to do so.

Did you eat some bad Mexican last night or something?
Sorry if i overreacted at you 1pt. I apoligize for that...My anger is directed more in general terms at the Buzz Boys out there who imply that they have the only way to hunt... i respect the way they hunt...but i feel they should also respect the way others hunt ..if done legal and ethical...whats the problem? i don`t see where TenBears did anything out of the ordinary or wrong in any way.

Ps. don`t worry 1pt. the old ticker is in good shape ...i do over a mile in the pool 5 days a week. :)

Please quote the part where I accused Ten Beers of anything illegal...

I wont ever respect anyone with an ATV glued to their ass while hunting. Sorry bud, but thats just the way it is.

What part of Ten's adventure do you respect? Do you respect the effort he put into the hunt? Do you respect the amount of respect he showed to a beautiful White Tail by taking crappy pictures with its' tongue hanging out, on an ATV. Do you respect his hunt as being a good example of why hunting should be protected from the anti-s?

There was a letter to the Editor in today's paper from some Fat-Assed ATV rider trying to claim the FS was removing hunting areas in National Forests, by restricting ATVs. As if somehow, if an ATV can't go there, then, in effect, hunting is prohibited. The Fat-Assed crowd is costing hunters in the court of public opinion, BIG TIME! :MAD
Here's the idiot's letter: Keep forests open

Attention users of the national forest system: The U.S. Forest Service is proposing closure of more roads in your forest. To obtain a copy of the roads to be closed, contact your local ranger district. If you hunt in areas 22, 23, 32, or 32A, contact Payette National Forest offices, Supervisor's Office, P.O. Box 1026, McCall, Idaho, and ask for a copy of the proposed changes to the travel management plan. Or you can call (208) 634-0700, fax (208) 634-0744, to have a copy sent faster.

Do not let the USFS make these important decisions without your input. This does not only apply to hunters, but to ATVs, camping, huckleberry picking, cutting firewood and horseback riding.

Please get involved and let the USFS know that you do not want more of your forests closed. Write your congressional representative and ask them to become involved as well. These decisions that affect all of us here are decided by the bureaucrats back in Washington, D.C. Get involved and keep your forests open.

Don Mello, Council

He has the same mentality as MD4M and all the other fatassed ATV riders. If they can't ride there, it's closed and they're "Locked out". And then people wonder why obesity is a national health problem!
BuzzH said:

This says a lot about you and your views on hunting:

cjcj said, "Look at your post if you walked out 100yds from your truck and killed a Monster, why would that diminish your hunt than if you walked 10 miles? "

If you have to ask that question, you just dont "get" it...

Buzz. thats the problem "you" think i don`t get it...[maybe you can explain that] I absolutley understand how you hunt, and i think it is great. but i just cannot understand why you cannot see how others prefer to hunt..just go look at CMC`s hunt in the elk section [i don`t want to drag him into this] but look at how happy him,his dad, and his brother are...they are having a great time...it looks like they drove over to load up the cow elk and all are proud and happy...and i see that as a "positive" hunt......I know what its like to bust ass and score so i do "get it"... But i also know and have used other methods [road hunting per see] Gunner doesn`t like Tens deer picture with the ATV why? would it be ok in the back of a 4x4....Hey i understand that you guys "hate' ATV`s.. but there are responsable ATV hunters out there..Moosie/Delw/ and others have used them, :) :) it seems Ten Bears is one....I know your not going to change your mind about ATV`s ......[wouldn`t want to] but all ATV`s hunters arn`t bad....Maybee i`m not seeing as many a-holes hunting with them down here...hell i see lousy hunters all of the time. walking and driving by the very game that they are after....i just think more for me...and i didn`t say you said that Ten Bears did anything illegal [did i] if i did then i was wrong...just my opinion .Ten Bears is a hunter just like all of us are.
"Do not let the USFS make these important decisions without your input. This does not only apply to hunters, but to ATVs, camping, huckleberry picking, cutting firewood and horseback riding."

The ATVs can go , but HUCKLEBERRY PICKING ! Is nothing sacred anymore ? How will Aunt Bee make her famous huckleberry pie ?

Where do you pick huckleberries on national forests anyway , I thought they only grew between Mayberry and Mt. Pilot ?

This may start a whole new topic ; " ATVs to ruin huckleberry picking "
Sheese!! Smells like an elk waller in here, all the pissin' goin' on.

IMHO, ATV's, should stick to roads and designated trails and use 'em if you want. More power to you. Disabled folks who need to road hunt or ride ATV's to get out in the field (wheelchairs suck and are not practical off paved surfaces), I think they are being unfairly maligned due to the lack of ethics by the able bodied ATV 'slop' hunters. The 'slop' hunters know who they are.

Those who want to walk ten miles both ways, uphill with 400 lbs. on your back, it's you body, hope it lasts you for a lifetime. Glad you have the ability and stamina to do it. Y'all can get to places and see things that road hunters never will, and you should be proud and and feel honored because you can do it.

Just my $.005
Well, let's see, I don't go out and try to make the hunt more memorable then the last (must make me a bad hunter). The hunt is memorable, all the country I saw change through the seasons, the vast number of ground pounders in the woods, many asking if I could help them haul out their game when they got it down. You see, I don't just cherish the trip that ended with a kill, I cherish the season. As for the eating deer comments, older bucks tend to be more for making sausage and salami out of, and I prefer some steaks (even small ones).

I think what riles some around here is that I killed a nice MATURE buck, and used an ATV as a tool in the hunt. If I hadn't used an ATV, first nobody around here would believe that, but then there wouldn't have been all the ATVophobic clammer.
TB- Maybe if the center piece of your hunt was something other than the ATV, people would not have had the ATVaphobic comments. When I get a deer, I don't center my story on my feet. I tend to focus on the moment. I don't care what I drove in on. If you need a pat on the back for the deer you got "Good Job" (pat, pat, pat). I still don't like ATV's and the way people use them especially (but not limited to) during hunting season.
cjcj- I have no problems with them if they are on legal roads open to passenger vehichles. Same as with ATVs. I feel there should be motorized routes and non-motorized routes, that's it.
MATTK, I can ride my ATV from my house and onto a vast road/trail system that can take me from the Silver Valley to Dworshak Reservoir, and even farther south if the rider knows which roads/trails are open (it would take a few days). I can access another system that runs well into the north country to and beyond Clarkfork if I like. I don't use my truck for much these days. For me to say that I had to ride a lot of miles on my ATV, is no more then someone saying it was a long drive from Boise to get to Lewiston or Orofino for their "farmfield" hunt. I could also have said that I covered a lot of miles and passed on numerous smaller deer (without the ATV being mentioned), but I use the ATV as a tool of the hunt, and will whether others like it or not.

As far as the part about the tongue sticking out; it is a dead animal, and if people are going to be offended by the tongue stisking out, they're also going to be offended because it's dead. I have numerous photos of dead critters, and most all have their tongues hanging out, they're my critters, my photos, and I'm not bothered by it.
Ten Bears said:
As far as the part about the tongue sticking out; it is a dead animal, and if people are going to be offended by the tongue stisking out, they're also going to be offended because it's dead. I have numerous photos of dead critters, and most all have their tongues hanging out, they're my critters, my photos, and I'm not bothered by it.

You obviously have fine taste in Art. |oo
I still don't have a tomb in my home in which I display the bones of my querry/trophys. :rolleyes:

I see now that IT objects to the public comment process. :rolleyes:
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