
I had to ride a lot of ATV miles......

a raghorn is not 4 1/2 years old dumbass, these other guys were right around here you don`t know anything about elk, and 280 is a caliber moron
280 said:
a raghorn is not 4 1/2 years old dumbass, these other guys were right around here you don`t know anything about elk, and 280 is a caliber moron

Yeah, you were right, I forgot you knew how old the Elk was. I guess that is the advantage of hunting on Elk Farms behind fences.... :D
That was some funny shit...but trust me there are plenty of Zonies that would gladly take a 4x5 bull. or just get a tag and a chance.
It was "average"...Now Millers/etc. and others are what you should have used as an example.... I was refering to the wyoming muleys posted last month.
cjcj, take another look at the mass and length of the tines on mtmillers and his friend's deer and then look at the length and mass on the deer Buzz and his brother got. None of those four deer are "average". They are all real good whitetails. We gotta get a better picture of Buzz's deer though, because it's not real clear. I suspect it's better than it looks in the picture Buzz posted first.
Ithaca the real point here is that sometimes there is "Shear Luck" involved in hunting... the biggest Coues whitetale that i killed was after busting my ass walking about 10-12 miles ... i hopped in a little boat that evening to go across the lake ...and out jumps a huge Coues... so i whack this deer [[the warden said it was the largest he weighed in the last 10 years] i could see my camp on the lake about 1/2 mile away....with campers and picknickers nearby... so you never don`t always have to bust your ass to get at large trophy game ...i have seen this happen many times in my hunting life...trophy deer and Elk killed right by golf courses and right near city limits..I have seen Huge deer killed in the city limits of Cave Creek AZ... I have seen Big Bull elk killed in the Flagstaff city limits .or right on town borders near "paved" roads. I believe you gettum where you can.. as long as its legal and you have a tag.
cjcj, I agree. Miracles happen. I hope you don't expect to find huge elk and deer within the city limits very often, or standing next to a road either. But maybe you should spend all your time hunting inside the city limits. I'll get far away from the roads, campgrounds and golf courses. Who do you think is going to see more big deer and elk?
Ithaca 37 said:
:D BTW, Up in the deer section Buzz shows us what kinda deer he can get by not riding lots of miles on an ATV! :D

No i don`t hunt inside city limits... and i like to get away from most other hunters...and its not a happens more often than you think....but if you are in your unit driving down a paved road and you see a "trophy" or what you are looking for would you take it? Or would you say nope i`m going to bust my ass and walk all day and "hope" i see another one..try to give me an honest answer here.
cjcj, Yup, I'd shoot a real monster if I were riding down a paved road and saw it. I'd have to make sure the land was OK to hunt, and I'd have to make sure I got far enough off the road to be legal. By then it would probably be gone. :D I'm not a road hunter, so it would be pretty unusual.
I'm glad theres plenty of ass-clowns that believe riding around in trucks and ATV's is an effective way to hunt older age class big-game. I wont argue, they obviously know what they're doing. The guys on this board that are successful, year in and year out, on the best critters arent road hunting, and thats a fact. But, believe what you want.

cjcj, I really liked the average means alot coming from a road hunter like you who is able to judge animals while "hunting" 75 MPH down the blacktop. An 8+ year old buck killed on public lands is not average. I also dont think killing 5+ year old whitetail bucks, year after year, on public lands is "average". It takes a pretty fair hunter to do that, and I dont know many people who do, and the few I know that do, arent hunting from a truck or an ATV.

Good luck to you on your next ATV/Truck road hunting expedition and the trophy class animals you're assured to take...I'll just keep hiking and stacking up them "average" old bucks.
Buzz i knew that "average' comment would get the veins sticking out of your neck! thats why I made it [i love to mess with ya] like you do . In all honesty you are a damn good hunter and have killed some nice deer....But i have always been succesfull at filling my tags...when i was in great shape i filled them... and even as a handicapped hunter i fill them... Yes Buzz i am also one hell of a "road hunter".. And just think i used to hate those damn "road hunters"... But Buzz the truth is the get them however you want/can... I am not about to quit hunting because of a little "mobility" problem... Your 75 mph comment was pretty funny though.
ElkGunner said:
That is funnier than Hell that our local 3rd Grade Edjumacated Fat-Assed ATV rider goes out hunting in hopes of impressing Buzz. How insecure and immature can he be that he only wants to impress Buzz, even to the point of not shooting an animal he prefers (younger deer) but shooting one that he doesn't want, just in hopes to fit in....

Oh, and Ten, you might take your "I leave those smaller bucks for guys like IT, EG, & MOOSIE. " comment and shove it up your tail pipe, as I am pretty sure my muley is way bigger than your road kill, both in the horns and on the hoof. hump

EG, I was not trying to impress BUZZ with anything. I was making my point that ATV riding hunters, if they chose, could also kill large mature bucks, nothing more. You got the picture of my buck, where's yours (did I miss that in the deer section?). :rolleyes:

What I hear here is a lot of upset, jealous, ATVophobes that are mad because one of the ATV crowd killed a nice buck. :cool: Get over it. Depending on the few steaks I cut off this one, and the mass of sausage I plan to make of the rest, I may try for another large buck next year, or not, whatever I DECIDE TO DO. :D :p

Here's a tribute for those that are ATVophobic. |oo |oo |oo |oo

EG/IT/BUZZ, what is the difference between the miles that I spend enjoying a ride on my ATV, and say, BUZZ traveling miles to hunt somewhere in MT? Since none of you has the "oysters" to answer my previous ???'s, I don't really expect you to grow them to answer this one either. :rolleyes: :D
Ten Bears said:
EG/IT/BUZZ, what is the difference between the miles that I spend enjoying a ride on my ATV, and say, BUZZ traveling miles to hunt somewhere in MT? Since none of you has the "oysters" to answer my previous ???'s, I don't really expect you to grow them to answer this one either. :rolleyes: :D

I would expect as LITTLE from you IT.

You really are an ATV-o-phobe. A closed mind is a terrible thing to possess.
TB- One obvious difference, Buzz isn't hunting while traveling in his vehicle. He hunts by foot in a gated public area.

The other difference is in the story you can tell at the end of the day and the sense of achievement that a person can have.

At the end of my hunt in a gated, walk-in area, I can speak of the conversations I have with my family on a hillside while scoping an area for elk and deer. I can get more "in-touch" with nature by tracking animals through a skiff of snow. I can hear the grunt of an "average" 4 point buck as it follows a doe across a hillside. I can go on and on but to those who use the walk in method of hunting it would all be repetitive. In the past when I road hunted my stories were always, "I was driving down this road when I saw a buck run across the road. I quickly got out and shot. Here it is. The end."

The reason Buzz travels that far on a road may be to hunt with his family and friends which I believe he previously posted.

Any more questions?

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