I had to ride a lot of ATV miles......

Matt the problem with guys like Buzz is that he thinks his way "is" the only way... And the plain truth is we are all differant...Look at your post if you walked out 100yds from your truck and killed a Monster, why would that diminish your hunt than if you walked 10 miles? I am 50 yrs young and have hunted all of my life and i have walked forever and sometimes seen game and scored ...but i have also scored right by the highway...This i`m Daniel Boone mentality is pure zane grey Bullshit...and Buzz knows it but he is so insecure ... that he just can`t admit it.....yes Matt you do make a good point sometimes a hard tough hunt is more rewarding than an easy hunt......but what the hell, how many hunters will pass on a good critter that they are looking for just because its easy? ZERO. ps. you can always go out and bust your ass after your deer/elk is hanging is camp...you can help your buddy or go on a nature hike.whatever... its just way way to mush crap to think you always have to walk or hike forever to enjoy a good hunt.
MattK said:
TB- One obvious difference, Buzz isn't hunting while traveling in his vehicle. He hunts by foot in a gated public area.

The other difference is in the story you can tell at the end of the day and the sense of achievement that a person can have.

At the end of my hunt in a gated, walk-in area, I can speak of the conversations I have with my family on a hillside while scoping an area for elk and deer. I can get more "in-touch" with nature by tracking animals through a skiff of snow. I can hear the grunt of an "average" 4 point buck as it follows a doe across a hillside. I can go on and on but to those who use the walk in method of hunting it would all be repetitive. In the past when I road hunted my stories were always, "I was driving down this road when I saw a buck run across the road. I quickly got out and shot. Here it is. The end."

The reason Buzz travels that far on a road may be to hunt with his family and friends which I believe he previously posted.

Any more questions?
Glad to see you back :D
I'm sure I'll have lots of questions for you hump
MattK said:
TB- One obvious difference, Buzz isn't hunting while traveling in his vehicle. He hunts by foot in a gated public area.

The other difference is in the story you can tell at the end of the day and the sense of achievement that a person can have.

At the end of my hunt in a gated, walk-in area, I can speak of the conversations I have with my family on a hillside while scoping an area for elk and deer. I can get more "in-touch" with nature by tracking animals through a skiff of snow. I can hear the grunt of an "average" 4 point buck as it follows a doe across a hillside. I can go on and on but to those who use the walk in method of hunting it would all be repetitive. In the past when I road hunted my stories were always, "I was driving down this road when I saw a buck run across the road. I quickly got out and shot. Here it is. The end."

The reason Buzz travels that far on a road may be to hunt with his family and friends which I believe he previously posted.

Any more questions?

MATTK, I don't hunt while I ride down the road either. When riding, my rifle is cased in a hard case, and NOT readily accessable. You seem to sufer from the same misconception that BUZZ suffers from. I ride my ATV to the location/area that I'm hunting, I don't ride my ATV to hunt. I usually hunt during the week alone, or with freinds and kids during the weekend. I took this buck during the week(alone). I'm sorry that you were/are a road hunter that would bail out of your truck and shoot at deer that ran across the road (shame). But what I find to be even worse is that you would now attempt to cast YOUR shadow of SHAME onto another you know nothing about (other then I use an ATV to pack with). I have hunted with calls and rattling for years, it affords me the luxury of being selective in the animals I take.

I too hunt in gated public lands, and in some cases gated timber company owned lands that are open to the public.

Do you truly believe that there is no sense of achievement when an ATV hunter kills an animal? Please.

So, again I ask, what is the difference between the miles I ride to get to where I hunt and the miles BUZZ travels to get to where he hunts?
Since I was not hunting with you I could only use the information you had written. I guess I had a misconception of the "I had to ride many atv miles to get a buck." This sounds to me as a person who is hunting from the road as opposed to someone who is using an atv as a means to merely get to a gated fence from which to walk. The fact you said that the buck was shot 80 yards from the atv trail would also give a person the idea that you didn't do a lot of walking into the hunting area.

I did hunt from the road, mainly because the area I hunted had so many roads and people that it made it nearly impossible to get away from them. Also, I didn't care for getting up early and for that matter I didn't care for excercise.

Since the time I was 12 until now, I have discovered an entirely new reason to hunt. It isn't just to shoot which was my idea of hunting at that time. I guess you could say I grew up.

I don't care if you hunt from a highway. I congratulate you on a fine buck and one that I too would not pass up. The buck I got this year was extremely rewarding for many reasons. At the end of dragging the buck out 3 miles I felt as though I deserved to get that buck. It is of little consequence to anyone but myself but that is how I feel. I was rewarded for my effort. No different than a person who studies a ton to get a good grade and the person who gets the same grade with little to know effort. One has achieved, one has received. I would rather achieve I guess.

As a footnote to the buck I got this year, it is in an area that has many roads but the roads are gated with signs. I bet you would never guess what I saw while I was dragging my deer out 2 miles from the gate....times up...an atv. After all my walking and dragging, I get to see a 50 year old fat-ass on an atv in a gated walk-in only area. This was the only negative part of my entire hunt that day. This is one of the reasons I don't care for atv drivers. This was also the second atv driver I saw in this area. The price I pay for being legal I guess.
No fence were I hunt. :D

Congrats on your deer MATTK (MK), I think I said that in the DEER section.

What price will the guy on the ATV pay? You did turn him in, right?????

I saw a pickup truck in the area I was hunting. Silver Dodge Diesel, turned him in to the fish cops too.
To be honest I was about 300 yards on a hillside dragging my deer when I saw him. I yelled to get his attention to turn him in. All I got was the sound of an atv revving his engine to get the hell out of dodge. I think he knew he would be turned in. I'm no match on foot for the speed of an atv.
Oh, there are no fences where I hunt either! The roads have been gated in areas to deter people from going around them. Kind of on the honor system. The problem is atv users will cause the area to be completely closed if they keep it up.
At least he knows is "trespass" was seen. Better luck next time catching him. My guy with the truck wasn't so lucky. He drove off road to the knob across from me at about 250 -300 yards, and turned his truck towards me with his license plate facing me.

This says a lot about you and your views on hunting:

cjcj said, "Look at your post if you walked out 100yds from your truck and killed a Monster, why would that diminish your hunt than if you walked 10 miles? "

If you have to ask that question, you just dont "get" it...

As to your comments on busting your ass helping other people...I did plenty of that this year. I saw 24 antelope, 12 deer, 4 elk, and a bighorn sheep hit the dirt this year...and I packed all or parts of every single one.
Hey Buzz didn`t you say you hunted turkeys for 3 yrs in AZ? any luck? if not next time just ask me i`ll be glad to put you on them. Same with Elk/Deer/ pigs or just about anything else in AZ. Your welcome in advance.
I could have swore that 280 (Remington) was a chambering or a cartridge and not a caliber. The caliber designation would be .284", same as the 7mm Express (first name of the 280 Rem.).

IIRC I don't think Buzz or anyone said that mature animals could not be taken with the use of an ATV. What they did say was that those who consistently bag mature animals don't use an ATV. Big difference IMO.

Either way, congrats on nice buck TB. Wish I would've found him while I was up in ID.
1_pointer said:
I could have swore that 280 (Remington) was a chambering or a cartridge and not a caliber. The caliber designation would be .284", same as the 7mm Express (first name of the 280 Rem.).

Looks like 1-Ptr schooled ol 280.... :D

Here is the way I can evaluate Ten's buck, from my point of view. Did I enjoy reading the story? Nahhh... Driving "a lot of miles" doesn't make for interesting reading (unless it has to do with driving all night to get to a hunt, throwing beer cans out the window at 75mph, and taking shots at Freeway Exit signs with the 357.... :cool: )

And then if you look at Ten's pictures, you sure don't get the feeling that you want to "poach" the picture for a screensaver, and you sure wouldn't hang the picture on a wall to remember the hunt.

I guess we all hunt for different reasons, but I am not sure why Ten hunts, as it must not be for the meat, as he said this one wasn't a good buck for eating, must not be for the pictures, as they were crappy pictures. Must not be for the memories, as it doesn't seem like anything memorable happened.... :eek:

I've never had a turkey tag in AZ, but I did help a friends 12-year old nephew kill one in AZ, called it into 15 yards where he killed it with a single shot 20 gauge. Turkeys in AZ arent much of a challenge, they're dumb as rocks.

My wife and I each killed a turkey about 2 weeks ago in Wyoming though, shot them with a browning BPS 28 gauge that I use for quail hunting...they were just about as dumb as the turkeys in AZ.

The only thing I've ever held a tag for in AZ is a javelina, and I spent a total of 3 days to kill 2 with a bow.

As to needing your help on anything in AZ, I doubt I'll need much help. Coues deer are pretty tough to hunt from the road, I dont have any desire to spend $$$ on a NR tag to kill a spike bull or a 2-point mule deer either, so I dont think you'd be much help to me when I draw a tag there...
I could have swore that 280 (Remington) was a chambering or a cartridge and not a caliber. The caliber designation would be .284", same as the 7mm Express (first name of the 280 Rem.).
Sorry Tyler, but I think it was the 280 before it was the Express. :p
Nice tongue. 10-bears, you should really blow that picture up to a 16" X 20" and have it nicely matted and framed for your living room next to the mounted head.
I saw a big buck out on the street the other day. I see him every year during rut. There's a golf course on one side of the street and the creek bottome crosses the road and goes into a neighborhood. One time I saw him chasing a doe down the neighborhood street. He's the biggest live deer I've seen so far this year.

He knows its a safe place, pretty much, here in the city. What do you guys get out of bashing somebody who got a nice deer on their ATV?

Be happy, don't worry. I've had ATV people drive animals to me. I've had them scare them away too, I think. We could do an experiment and show which effect is bigger if people predict the results differently. What's your prediction? My prediction is I should stand away from the ATV, there will be more deer there. Anybody dissagree?

I guess you could cover more miles with the ATV. I predict the proportion of deer seen running away is a lot bigger on the ATV than walking.
Tom thats the whole point...you never know when or where that "big one" might turn up.. I have scouted for my game and got all excited ..only to walk and glass all day and its like they Dissapeared...then had them run across the road or walk into camp... now of course i "prefer' to get out and "hunt".... but for now i`m limited to where i can go...but honestly i have killed just as much game by "road hunting" [not driving around] just waiting for something to run out in front of me. but by driving to points and knolls etc. to glass and look...one time in the "strip AZ" i spotted a nice 4x4 at over 1 1/2 with a spotting scope.. and i was able to drive within 1/4 mile of the canyon it was in...it was an easy kill. You don`t have to bust your ass to be succesfull..you can be smart...But we have a few Daniel Boones who think their way "IS" the only way.....Why do they use any "modern" tools at all.. I don`t see them using a tomahawk and a spear!....Its just ridicules that they would "belittle" Ten Bears and his Nice DEER.
cjcj- Successful is a relative term. I'd say to just shoot an animal, no you wouldn't have to bust your hump. To consistently shoot big, mature animals...I'll let those who do that and post pictures of such here tell you how they do it. It has to do with some hump busting...
Yea i see these same guys killing doe antelope and deer and also cow elk.. tell me how they had to bust ass to get one of those? Maybe you can`t see the "whole' picture. You gona tell some kid he didn`t hunt "right" or he isn`t that good of a hunter because he didn`t work hard enough for it...its all bullshit that other people [daniel boone`s] can rag on TenBears or anyone else for the way they hunt..they have a tag... they hunt legaly...they are HUNTERS and they are having fun...these same guys claim to pack out an elk from 10 miles off the road without wasting any meat [total bullshit] in most cases...but someone who picks his up in a truck/ATV and uses 100% of an elk is somehow below their level...gimme a break... I like a good hunting story but i can only take so much of their "'Zane Grey bullshit" up and down 10 miles of steep canyons with 400 lb`s of Elk on my back...[Sure/Right] Sorry buy we are "ALL" hunters...and "WE" all hunt the way we see fit..its not one size fits all.

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