Kenetrek Boots

Governor-Elect Gianforte Names FWP Transition Team

I’ll preface this to make sure it’s not seen as politically biased. I’m a 4th gen MT, raised on family ranch/farm. I despise most all politicians, regardless of team/color.

..if you knew you’d get away with it- would you hit Kerry White?


But fellas, he apologized and promised it won't happen again. ;)
If he’s going to comment on his view of a woman who advances her political career by having an affair with a married politician, the least he could do is stick by it.
Trying to explain that his “hoe” reference is because she is politically and ideologically entrenched is amusing to say the least. If that’s the new definition of “hoe” then, pot meet kettle.
If he’s going to comment on his view of a woman who advances her political career by having an affair with a married politician, the least he could do is stick by it.
Trying to explain that his “hoe” reference is because she is politically and ideologically entrenched is amusing to say the least. If that’s the new definition of “hoe” then, pot meet kettle.
The actions of one excuse the actions of another, right?
I would suspect most politicians have dirty do most of the general population.
But let me clarify...I never once judged any local representatives by their party. I focus on their record.
News to me of an affair and that it was politically driven. I applaud your unique ability to understand the underlying emotions and intentions of other people.
In any case, I view the actions of all politicians at a Federal level to be a lost cause. However at a state level, specifically Montana, I naively hope our citizens could better process the potential actions of all candidates.
Ultimately a no win situation, especially if ones ideology lies smack in the middle.
Guess we will see.
Mark my word. This won't be the last time we hear Kelly White make an ass of himself.
If he’s going to comment on his view of a woman who advances her political career by having an affair with a married politician, the least he could do is stick by it.
Your daughter will soon be of the age where she'll be the target of slanderous and/or unfounded accusation and rumor. Something to think about when you go repeating unfounded accusations. I'm no huge fan of Harris, but this kind of stuff pisses me off. Let's end the double standard between male and female judgement.
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Back to the committee, I'd suggest you guys reach out to some of the committee members and chat with them. John is a very personable guy, one of the best commissioners I've known. His father in law used to be a Representative, don't know if he's still in office or not.
Kerry White aside, I have heavy reservations for Cheryl (and Rob) Arnaud. My recollection is they are pro private landowner privatizing for lease/outfitting and opposed to block management. Understandable considering their Yugge outfitter influence (and Rob's presentations while with the PLPW Council) though this seems a grave concern for this influence to permeate within Big G's Advisory Team...

Or am I thinking of another Arnaud? BMA's are a vital value to the joe public hunter for opportunities and needs to be further tweaked to support / promote further enrollment though I fear the Arnaud's would be the leading hinderance within this "Team" for the future of our Block Management.
Kerry White aside, I have heavy reservations for Cheryl (and Rob) Arnaud. My recollection is they are pro private landowner privatizing for lease/outfitting and opposed to block management. Understandable considering their Yugge outfitter influence (and Rob's presentations while with the PLPW Council) though this seems a grave concern for this influence to permeate within Big G's Advisory Team...

Or am I thinking of another Arnaud? BMA's are a vital value to the joe public hunter for opportunities and needs to be further tweaked to support / promote further enrollment though I fear the Arnaud's would be the leading hinderance within this "Team" for the future of our Block Management.
Rob has been the outfitter on the Flying D for many years, and also leases a large ranch in SE Montana. I don't know I would consider him anti BMA, unless his stance has changed over the years. As outfitters go, I guess I'd consider him a decent pick.
Rob has been the outfitter on the Flying D for many years, and also leases a large ranch in SE Montana. I don't know I would consider him anti BMA, unless his stance has changed over the years. As outfitters go, I guess I'd consider him a decent pick.
I am personally acquainted with Rob & Cheryl Arnaud and think highly of them. They are supportive of wildlife and wild places, but also understandably supportive of outfitting in Montana and elsewhere. Rob does outfit on private lands and is supportive of private landowners' wildlife management, but I don't think he is opposed to Block Management or other FWP programs shown to benefit wildlife. I expect that Cheryl will be a positive and reasonable influence on this group. She is someone respectful and open.
Your daughter will soon be of the age where she'll be the target of slanderous and/or unfounded accusation and rumor. Something to think about when you go repeating unfounded accusations. I'm no huge fan of Harris, but this kind of stuff pisses me off. Let's end the double standard between male and female judgement.
My comment about Kerry sticking to his accusations if he’s going to make one was more about him than Harris.

I thought Harris’s relationship with Willie Brown was a matter of accepted public record and not just speculation?

For the record, I agree with ending the double standard between men and women.
At any rate, perhaps the original topic is best returned to.

I’m probably just ticked off that I am working instead of chasing rutting whitetail bucks.
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I thought Harris’s relationship with Willie Brown was a matter of accepted public record and not just speculation?
Correct, the relationship was certainly no secret. He'd been separated from his wife for years, she was single.

I've seen nothing factual that shows her career was advanced as a result of the relationship. It is my speculation that if she was a guy, it wouldn't even be an issue. Since she's a woman, she's now a hoe. and is only where she is at because of her "affair".

When you're trying to help a tearful teenager understand this disparity of how society judges the actions of men and women, it makes you view things a little differently.
At any rate, perhaps the original topic is best returned to.
Probably so.
My comment about Kerry sticking to his accusations if he’s going to make one was more about him than Harris.

I thought Harris’s relationship with Willie Brown was a matter of accepted public record and not just speculation?
It is, and anyone commenting without knowing that is either dumb (which I doubt) or playing dumb. This from Willie Brown:

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians."

As far as is known, he didn't sleep with Pelosi, Feinstein, or Newsom, although, being California, who knows? Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)
I am personally acquainted with Rob & Cheryl Arnaud and think highly of them. They are supportive of wildlife and wild places, but also understandably supportive of outfitting in Montana and elsewhere. Rob does outfit on private lands and is supportive of private landowners' wildlife management, but I don't think he is opposed to Block Management or other FWP programs shown to benefit wildlife. I expect that Cheryl will be a positive and reasonable influence on this group. She is someone respectful and open.

I respect your acquaintance, SA and appreciate your comment in support of their operation though it sure appears he's not supportive of BMA's. It is good to hear your perspective that she is someone respectful and open.

To each his/her own for how they make their money however, taking into account their business and then reviewing the presentation (See attached .pdf / slideshow) by Rob Arnaud / Montana Hunting Company (Cheryl, presented as "Owner of Montana Hunting Company") has me a bit skeptical considering his interest to promote leasing land outfitters versus enrolling into the Block Management Program.

Rob has incorporated wildlife management principals into properties leased by Montana Hunting Company. He's past president of Montana Outfitters and Guides Association and currently is on the MT Board of Outfitters.

Mission Statement​

Montana Hunting Company strives to be the best in the hunting industry, providing outstanding guide service and customer care to our clients all the while representing our great landowners; sound wildlife management principals are practiced to ensure harvesting the oldest age class of trophies possible.

Since forming Arnaud Outfitting, Inc. in 1996, Rob has contracted the wildlife management and outfitting with the Flying D as well as several other properties in Montana, California, Colorado, and Wyoming. In January of 2011, Arnaud Outfitting combined the big game and bison hunting under the name of Montana Hunting Company.

The success of our hunting company is four fold: The superb hunting properties, hospitality of the land owners, our professional staff, and our loyal customers who have supported us for years. Thank you to all.


  • Arnaud_PLPW Presentation Notes_2-19-2014.pdf
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I just skimmed through it, but he's not wrong. The Block Management program gives higher reward to higher hunter numbers, period. That is counterintuitive to rewarding someone for providing a higher quality hunt.
It is, and anyone commenting without knowing that is either dumb (which I doubt) or playing dumb. This from Willie Brown:

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians."

As far as is known, he didn't sleep with Pelosi, Feinstein, or Newsom, although, being California, who knows? Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)
Wow...politicians helping politicians. Who would have thunk?
Still a chauvinistic approach to degrade the accomplishments of a woman by suggesting she slept her way to the top.
I just skimmed through it, but he's not wrong. The Block Management program gives higher reward to higher hunter numbers, period. That is counterintuitive to rewarding someone for providing a higher quality hunt.
Comparing the two... there are most definitely benefits for leasing to outfitters vs opening it for a public "managed" access (BMA). I don't believe anyone would argue that p.o.v.

That appears to be his point. I agree.
Wow...politicians helping politicians. Who would have thunk?
Still a chauvinistic approach to degrade the accomplishments of a woman by suggesting she slept her way to the top.
Didn't imply that at all. Simply stated facts, as opposed to those who "speculated" whether or not this was true. Any inferences are your own, and are telling.