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99% of the folks who go into those units with a rifle have their hopes crushed. Don’t be so hard on the guy who wants to take a bow and is 99.8% sure of having his hopes crushed.😂🤦‍♂️
At least he’ll be getting his hopes crushed doing it the way he wants to.
99% of the folks who go into those units with a rifle have their hopes crushed. Don’t be so hard on the guy who wants to take a bow and is 99.8% sure of having his hopes crushed.😂🤦‍♂️
At least he’ll be getting his hopes crushed doing it the way he wants to.
Good point.

I secretly wish everyone except me was using a bow in the unlimiteds. I should be more encouraging.
I pretty much figure I have more success than anyone else I know with my bow usually taking elk,deer, antelope and most years turkey also starting to get into black bear hunting. But I see the common trend for the unlimited units is your buying a experience and putting money towards conservation.
I carried my bow and bear spray around with me one year there. No side arm.
Can't hit the broadside of a barn with one anyway. I would save the last bullet for my self and still miss. Hiking permit was only $125 for me though.😉 Good luck. You sound like the kind of guy that will enjoy your time in there!
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WOW!!!!! Might I give you a bit of advice. Take a rifle the first year (leave the bow because of weight) and assess your options for using a bow. Plus, the rifle will help you keep the bears in check. I think it could be done with a bow in the right location but that is a big undertaking. I do believe that a guy a bunch of years ago did shoot one with a bow but it would be the ultimate archery kill in my book.......except for maybe killing a charging bear that dies on top of you while he is chewing on you. That would be the ultimate story!!!!!! Maybe you could accomplish both.
It's doable with a bow. 502 would be my last choice, 501 would be my second to last choice for using a bow. I would talk to the biologists in both areas (300's and 500's) and ask them about bear densities (yes everyone sees them. I have found they like to share a bit of you mountain house meal). I would also ask about the chances of killing a ram with a bow. They will tell you zero so ask them about the topography. That would probably be my limiting factor when choosing a unit to use a bow. Fewer bears and terrain that might work for a bow.
Hey guys first off I have been secretly reading everything for as far back as 2015 lol but on a serious note have decided I will be heading into the unlimited units next year with my bow, I know crazy right lol but anyways as a Wyoming resident I know my chances of getting a sheep tag are very low actually about as low as the Unlimited success rate. And I have been completely obsessed for the last year reading forums, harvest reports, and trying to talk buddies into going with but none are willing to even go so I will be hitting it solo. I have been training hard not just for hunting season but for next year.

I say go for it with the bow 👍I would bring side arm. Sounds like you might want to reconsider unit for archery
Thanks guys I would carry a side arm or rifle but to put it in a easy way I was young and dumb so rifle isn’t a option for me but I don’t let my past define me. But as for units to look into I have a few other ideas except getting ahold of a biologist has been a chore in itself, coming from Wyoming it’s not a long drive so will probably take a few trips in during the summer but any real insight y’all have let me know cause I won’t be much competition with my bow against y’all firearms lol
From the things I have been reading it might be possible but it’s kinda vague and just not worth the risk lol but my brother in law has decided to come along and he can carry so he’s gonna pack his rifle and a side arm to back me up with my bear spray now I have to decide on unit and is it worth grabbing a black bear tag and wolf tag ? Was gonna get a wolf tag just to have anyway
If you are going to bow hunt for sheep I would spend my time hunting in the timber. Sheep spend a lot more time in the timber than most people think. Look for fresh beds and sign. Hunt them like mountain elk less the bugling. Listen for rams butting heads, it's a distinct sound. They do it in September if you get some colder weather. 303 has a lot of timber, maybe even too much. 500 units have pockets of timber mixed in with burnt snags and alpine. Not to mention places where the regen is coming in thicker than thick. Good luck on your sheep hunt!
I've probably hunted the Unlimited Sheep units as much as anyone. Not only with a sheep tag in my pocket but also in them hunting a mountain goat, elk, and moose. In all the years that I hunted in those units I only encountered 2 bears, one black and one grizzly. Both of those encounters were one year when we were camped at the end of a FS road and we had the quarters of 2 elk and a moose hanging in the stock rack in the back of my truck. I respect bears, but I don't worry about them.

Success in killing a ram in an Unlimited unit is very low with a rifle and even lower with a bow, but it can be done.

One year I was hunting rams moving up through the timber adjacent to a wide avalanche chute. I had my Golden Retriever with me. About half way up the mountain I came across two legal rams in the edge of the chute and close enough that I picked up a golf ball size rock and threw it underhand and hit one of the rams. I had already killed two rams in previous years, and the year before I had shot a full curl ram, so I wasn't interested in these two rams.

When my rock hit the ram they both ran up the avalanche chute where a guided hunter shot one of them. The shot was low and back in the belly and the rams ran back by me where they split with the wounded one running deeper into the timber and dragging his intestines like a rope. I didn't want to see him suffer so I followed him into the timber and killed him. I then went back and found the hunter and guide and took them to their dead ram.

When I first saw those rams I could have easily killed either of them with an arrow. I did go back into that unit the next year and shot the other ram.

The last time that hunted sheep in an unlimited unit I was hunting with my son and again, my Golden Retriever was with us. The day before the season opened, I saw a great full curl broomed ram below us in the timber. On opening morning that basin was full of hunters and their camps and I never saw that ram again. But my son, dog and I did get close enough to a bunch of ewes, lambs and young rams that we could hear the sheep biting off the grass that they were eating. They were definitely close enough for a bow shot.
I've probably hunted the Unlimited Sheep units as much as anyone. Not only with a sheep tag in my pocket but also in them hunting a mountain goat, elk, and moose. In all the years that I hunted in those units I only encountered 2 bears, one black and one grizzly. Both of those encounters were one year when we were camped at the end of a FS road and we had the quarters of 2 elk and a moose hanging in the stock rack in the back of my truck. I respect bears, but I don't worry about them.

Success in killing a ram in an Unlimited unit is very low with a rifle and even lower with a bow, but it can be done.

One year I was hunting rams moving up through the timber adjacent to a wide avalanche chute. I had my Golden Retriever with me. About half way up the mountain I came across two legal rams in the edge of the chute and close enough that I picked up a golf ball size rock and threw it underhand and hit one of the rams. I had already killed two rams in previous years, and the year before I had shot a full curl ram, so I wasn't interested in these two rams.

When my rock hit the ram they both ran up the avalanche chute where a guided hunter shot one of them. The shot was low and back in the belly and the rams ran back by me where they split with the wounded one running deeper into the timber and dragging his intestines like a rope. I didn't want to see him suffer so I followed him into the timber and killed him. I then went back and found the hunter and guide and took them to their dead ram.

When I first saw those rams I could have easily killed either of them with an arrow. I did go back into that unit the next year and shot the other ram.

The last time that hunted sheep in an unlimited unit I was hunting with my son and again, my Golden Retriever was with us. The day before the season opened, I saw a great full curl broomed ram below us in the timber. On opening morning that basin was full of hunters and their camps and I never saw that ram again. But my son, dog and I did get close enough to a bunch of ewes, lambs and young rams that we could hear the sheep biting off the grass that they were eating. They were definitely close enough for a bow shot.
Buffy could I pick your brain a little bit I’m actually doing some research on
I've probably hunted the Unlimited Sheep units as much as anyone. Not only with a sheep tag in my pocket but also in them hunting a mountain goat, elk, and moose. In all the years that I hunted in those units I only encountered 2 bears, one black and one grizzly. Both of those encounters were one year when we were camped at the end of a FS road and we had the quarters of 2 elk and a moose hanging in the stock rack in the back of my truck. I respect bears, but I don't worry about them.

Success in killing a ram in an Unlimited unit is very low with a rifle and even lower with a bow, but it can be done.

One year I was hunting rams moving up through the timber adjacent to a wide avalanche chute. I had my Golden Retriever with me. About half way up the mountain I came across two legal rams in the edge of the chute and close enough that I picked up a golf ball size rock and threw it underhand and hit one of the rams. I had already killed two rams in previous years, and the year before I had shot a full curl ram, so I wasn't interested in these two rams.

When my rock hit the ram they both ran up the avalanche chute where a guided hunter shot one of them. The shot was low and back in the belly and the rams ran back by me where they split with the wounded one running deeper into the timber and dragging his intestines like a rope. I didn't want to see him suffer so I followed him into the timber and killed him. I then went back and found the hunter and guide and took them to their dead ram.

When I first saw those rams I could have easily killed either of them with an arrow. I did go back into that unit the next year and shot the other ram.

The last time that hunted sheep in an unlimited unit I was hunting with my son and again, my Golden Retriever was with us. The day before the season opened, I saw a great full curl broomed ram below us in the timber. On opening morning that basin was full of hunters and their camps and I never saw that ram again. But my son, dog and I did get close enough to a bunch of ewes, lambs and young rams that we could hear the sheep biting off the grass that they were eating. They were definitely close enough for a bow shot.
Buffy could I pick your brain a little bit I’m looking at 303 which I see is a 10 day season but judging off the BaseMap image I can tell it’s definitely looking more conducive to archery
Buffy could I pick your brain a little bit I’m actually doing some research on

Buffy could I pick your brain a little bit I’m looking at 303 which I see is a 10 day season but judging off the BaseMap image I can tell it’s definitely looking more conducive to archery
300 is a 10 day

303 is a full season
I've probably hunted the Unlimited Sheep units as much as anyone. Not only with a sheep tag in my pocket but also in them hunting a mountain goat, elk, and moose. In all the years that I hunted in those units I only encountered 2 bears, one black and one grizzly. Both of those encounters were one year when we were camped at the end of a FS road and we had the quarters of 2 elk and a moose hanging in the stock rack in the back of my truck. I respect bears, but I don't worry about them.

Success in killing a ram in an Unlimited unit is very low with a rifle and even lower with a bow, but it can be done.

One year I was hunting rams moving up through the timber adjacent to a wide avalanche chute. I had my Golden Retriever with me. About half way up the mountain I came across two legal rams in the edge of the chute and close enough that I picked up a golf ball size rock and threw it underhand and hit one of the rams. I had already killed two rams in previous years, and the year before I had shot a full curl ram, so I wasn't interested in these two rams.

When my rock hit the ram they both ran up the avalanche chute where a guided hunter shot one of them. The shot was low and back in the belly and the rams ran back by me where they split with the wounded one running deeper into the timber and dragging his intestines like a rope. I didn't want to see him suffer so I followed him into the timber and killed him. I then went back and found the hunter and guide and took them to their dead ram.

When I first saw those rams I could have easily killed either of them with an arrow. I did go back into that unit the next year and shot the other ram.

The last time that hunted sheep in an unlimited unit I was hunting with my son and again, my Golden Retriever was with us. The day before the season opened, I saw a great full curl broomed ram below us in the timber. On opening morning that basin was full of hunters and their camps and I never saw that ram again. But my son, dog and I did get close enough to a bunch of ewes, lambs and young rams that we could hear the sheep biting off the grass that they were eating. They were definitely close enough for a bow shot.
We must hunt a different unit. I've seen bears every time I go hunt sheep. black and griz. To be honest the black bears are so big it is unreal. You can almost not see their legs. We saw one black bear and a guy I met up on the hill had a black bear tag. I mean this bear was an absolute monster. We looked at that bear and he thought about what it would take to get the bear back to the trailhead. It would have been a multiple day adventure and he would have been wrecked for a few more days. Our guess is it would have ended his sheep hunt. He wasn't willing to pull the trigger to shoot a monster bear. So, I would not get a black bear tag. A guy could bring a wolf tag. I would shoot one in a second if I saw one. I don't thing that would end my hunt but it might shorten it a bit. I personally don't bring anything but a sheep tag. I believe in total focus.
Now coming fro Wyoming would you hunt the park side or deeper in those areas
20+ years ago the early rifle 316 unit portion of 303 was a gong show. People everywhere. Now that the elk hunting has gone downhill back in there, maybe it's not so bad? I would look into areas outside of 316 if I was bow hunting 303. Not all harvested rams are taken along the Park line.
Grizzly distribution and population has changed a lot in the last 20-30 years, and I’m assuming since @buffybr has hunted it.

You need to be prepared for grizzlies in any unit you hunt. Even more so if you’re looking along the park line in the Hellroaring, Buffalo Fork, and Slough Creek drainages.