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What possible justification for outlawing game cameras?
Who pushed for that restriction?
Is it prohibited year around?
Where the hell does leave people who place cameras for general wildlife observation and photography.
OH DEAR!!!!!!! This has been discussed at length in AZ. I see both side to be honest. Now keep in mind that I've walked up to water sources and seen 15-20 cameras around the tank. There is so much human activity at some of these tanks that it really interrupts the game. It turns them very nocturnal. I think the solution was to only have cameras banned in northern AZ. That is where all the problems exist in regards to game cameras. Either cams are gone next year.
OH DEAR!!!!!!! This has been discussed at length in AZ. I see both side to be honest. Now keep in mind that I've walked up to water sources and seen 15-20 cameras around the tank. There is so much human activity at some of these tanks that it really interrupts the game. It turns them very nocturnal. I think the solution was to only have cameras banned in northern AZ. That is where all the problems exist in regards to game cameras. Either cams are gone next year.
Thanks for providing the insight.
Hey guys first off I have been secretly reading everything for as far back as 2015 lol but on a serious note have decided I will be heading into the unlimited units next year with my bow, I know crazy right lol but anyways as a Wyoming resident I know my chances of getting a sheep tag are very low actually about as low as the Unlimited success rate. And I have been completely obsessed for the last year reading forums, harvest reports, and trying to talk buddies into going with but none are willing to even go so I will be hitting it solo. I have been training hard not just for hunting season but for next year.
501 is the unit I have pretty much settled on lol
Rugged man, I had a buddy tell me he was gonna bring his bow. When he got to the trailhead he turned around drove back home and got his boomstick. Good luck, bring a 357 atleast. I think you got a better shot killing a ram with a pistol.

FWIW yes and no, the last 2 trips however have presented some very close griz scenarios. If @MTLabrador or @andrew11 care to share their experiences. Both are within about 40 yards. Which is more than close enough.
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Like @EYJONAS! mentioned. I was in some of that country last weekend and had a griz at about 40 yards.
Isnt my first time seeing them in that country either. You spend enough time up there you bound to run into them.
I personally wouldnt be comfortable without bringing a firearm with me.
0.2% is a gross and egregious overestimate.
$1250 hiking permit.
I pretty much figure I have more success than anyone else I know with my bow usually taking elk,deer, antelope and most years turkey also starting to get into black bear hunting. But I see the common trend for the unlimited units is your buying a experience and putting money towards conservation.