Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

I made a free draw odds site for Montana

Nice stab at this. I think for it to be useful for most folks and to keep people coming back you need the estimated draw for the coming year. I calculate this for myself using the FWP spreadsheet. Basically I assume that everybody that put in the previous year (and did not draw) will put in again in the same district and they now have one more bonus point. I also assume the same number of people with 0 points will start applying in the district for the coming year as did the previous year. Neither one of these things is necessarily true but it gives a good estimate of what to expect for the coming draw.
that's awesome man, good work. I'm guessing it will pay off for you at some point, way to tie in your love of hunting with coding.
Can Montana FWP hire him ASAP? Seems like he is knowledgeable about statistics and computer programming.
Haha too flattering. I can't imagine drawing one of those tags just to have it taken from you

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