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Google Earth Layers


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2019
What's everyone downloading for free Google Earth KML files to add? I've got eh NOAA data along with the USGS topo maps.
hunt units, historical fires, timber harvest, MVUM, goverment property ownernership, and earthpoint topo.
Eye from the sky is cool, but boots on the ground is a whole another thing. I stare at imagery & topo, a lot. Boots on the ground is, where it is real.
Eye from the sky is cool, but boots on the ground is a whole another thing. I stare at imagery & topo, a lot. Boots on the ground is, where it is real.
Duh! Just wait until you've ticked-off 3/4 of century though. You might find armchair exploring and vicarious adventuring through reading other's hunt reports and watching wilderness videos much more appealing than they seem today.

I spent Monday night, 27 January, sleeping on the front seat of my pickup in 0-degrees F at the end of the snowbound right-of-way that leads in to an undeveloped property I have in western MT. Exiting sleeping bag and truck in the morning, I found that I was simply too cold and unstable on my feet in the crusted snow, which made a hernia ache at every-other step, to anticipate the 5.5 mile round-trip as anything other than torture. Four decades ago, that slog would have been a metaphorical walk in the park, and likely extended a couple more miles and 1000' of elevation to gain the high point of the property. Unfortunately, I didn't own the property four decades ago; and, I don't own the same body now.

However, I do still enjoy perusing maps and satellite imagery, together with other data, to strategize hunting adventures that I might never make. Moreover, in a meager effort at mentoring, I share some of the information with younger hunters who evidence similar enthusiasm for backcountry hunting.
Just found this a couple weeks ago. It works if you have Gaia, not sure for others. Not sure if this what your looking for.
