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I don't have the time at the moment to give the full story, trying to get caught back up in the real world, to get back to the sheep world, but I got out of there last night after 9 days.
I missed a very nice ram on Saturday and couldn't get back on him in the time remaining.
I just botched the shot. Caught sheep fever and missed, I guess. Really no excuse for it. I had a solid rest, decent distance, a little wind, but a shot I could make 100x over again, probably even off hand.
Quota and weather permitting, I hope to catch back up to this guy, but he's in DEEP.

The trip was amazing, beautiful, great company, rough, all kinds of weather, everything you'd expect from an unlimited sheep hunt, but blowing my chance at this guy will haunt me.

I haven't been following this thread. That is some story and song Gomer, thanks for telling it.

I had heard about the guy they found but didn't know his background. This spring someone at the BHA campout told me they had found a bunch of lighters around him as we were discussing how useless lighters are in cold, wet weather - based on our mutual experience. I thought he was making up the part about the lighters for drama, but it looks like it played a role in his demise.
Gomer, thought we lost you up there somewhere for a bit. Any grown man would get sheep fever running around those mountains. I've got not doubt you'll get back in there and find him. After all the time you've spent in the unlimiteds that would be a worthy ram. Can't wait to hear about the rest of the season. Good luck!
I don't have the time at the moment to give the full story, trying to get caught back up in the real world, to get back to the sheep world, but I got out of there last night after 9 days.
I missed a very nice ram on Saturday and couldn't get back on him in the time remaining.
I just botched the shot. Caught sheep fever and missed, I guess. Really no excuse for it. I had a solid rest, decent distance, a little wind, but a shot I could make 100x over again, probably even off hand.
Quota and weather permitting, I hope to catch back up to this guy, but he's in DEEP.

The trip was amazing, beautiful, great company, rough, all kinds of weather, everything you'd expect from an unlimited sheep hunt, but blowing my chance at this guy will haunt me.

View attachment 61778

an old standby for these situations
I don't have the time at the moment to give the full story, trying to get caught back up in the real world, to get back to the sheep world, but I got out of there last night after 9 days.
I missed a very nice ram on Saturday and couldn't get back on him in the time remaining.
I just botched the shot. Caught sheep fever and missed, I guess. Really no excuse for it. I had a solid rest, decent distance, a little wind, but a shot I could make 100x over again, probably even off hand.
Quota and weather permitting, I hope to catch back up to this guy, but he's in DEEP.

The trip was amazing, beautiful, great company, rough, all kinds of weather, everything you'd expect from an unlimited sheep hunt, but blowing my chance at this guy will haunt me.

View attachment 61778

Congrats on the adventure mate, living my dream there?
That looks like a real nice ram for the unlimited's. I am sure you are not the first to get a bad case of sheep fever.
Nice looking ram Gomer. If it's any consolation, at least you don't have wait 7 years to get another sheep tag. I have feeling your 7 year wait is coming to you soon enough anyway.
Here are a few more pictures from my hunt.

Opening morning was foggy but cleared of in the afternoon.

Some nice looking country.

After 3 days of climbing through the blowdown (snags from 1988 Yellowstone fire), I decided to take a break and glass from a small ridge right above my camp, which was in the green trees on the left.

Nice looking sheep hill.
I had the HONOR of spending a few days in the Beartooths with two young men who took some of their time to help a OLD DOG realize a Lifelong DREAM. They are members on this forum. I am not going to call them by name they know who they are. I just want to say THANK YOU I will FOREVER be GRATEFUL. I LOVE YOU BOTH AND WILL NEVER FORGET WHAT YOU DID FOR ME THANKS Coy

How did you do?

Most of the season was spent stomping around solo in a surprisingly snow free high county.
It ended kind of like it started, though. In some fresh snow with some other guys.
It was a great year up there. I learned a lot. Was humbled by a big old ram, got a glimpse of a band of rams mid season that presented me a brief opportunity I didn't take due to distance, wind and the potential fall he'd take if I killed him. Passed on a ram not 7 yr wait worthy, saw some ewes and got another wolf.
All in all I have 34 days into the unlimiteds this year of just hunting, plus summer scouting.
September 15, 2017 can't come soon enough.
I feel like you're getting close to getting it done MTGomer. Hang in there and keep taking us along for the ride.

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