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I'll be back up there as long as my second kid's arrival into this world doesn't throw too big of a wrench in my plans.
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My 7 year wait is finally up. I will be back hunting up there this fall and most likely every September until I get ram number two.

Most of the reason to do it is just to spend time there.....
I will preface this post with the fact that I know very little about the unlimited sheep areas.......I've only hunted near the Beartooth's one time. I had an interesting enounter a few years ago that I thought I would pass on.
I was hunting 4th season near Kremmling, CO when I ran into this guy waiting for our dinner in a local restaurant. We started talking hunting, mule deer, and such. He mentioned he was from Montana. He was older, and had hunted through the "glory days" up there. Interesting guy. He had written a book, and gave me a copy. Turns out he has apparently taken 5 SHEEP from the unlimited area. Seems like a pretty big accomplishment. His book is called "The Versatile Trophy Hunter" by Bill Butler. He mentions the unlimited areas, and his sheep success in the book, but I'm sure if someone was serious about getting a sheep in there, he might be a guy to look up and talk to. You could tell he really enjoyed talking hunting. Anyway, thought this might be interesting to some. Good luck on your hunts.

FYI, just looked on Amazon and they have some used copies of that book. I ordered one shipped for about $6.
At the Sheep show this year we had 3 guys at our table that had taken 7 sheep between the 3 of them from MT unlimited units.. One was taken last year scored 180"
I will preface this post with the fact that I know very little about the unlimited sheep areas.......I've only hunted near the Beartooth's one time. I had an interesting enounter a few years ago that I thought I would pass on.
I was hunting 4th season near Kremmling, CO when I ran into this guy waiting for our dinner in a local restaurant. We started talking hunting, mule deer, and such. He mentioned he was from Montana. He was older, and had hunted through the "glory days" up there. Interesting guy. He had written a book, and gave me a copy. Turns out he has apparently taken 5 SHEEP from the unlimited area. Seems like a pretty big accomplishment. His book is called "The Versatile Trophy Hunter" by Bill Butler. He mentions the unlimited areas, and his sheep success in the book, but I'm sure if someone was serious about getting a sheep in there, he might be a guy to look up and talk to. You could tell he really enjoyed talking hunting. Anyway, thought this might be interesting to some. Good luck on your hunts.

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I met and talked with Mr. Butler several times back in the '90s. He sold his book at gunshows (like Duncan Gilchrist) and when there would be a lull in isle traffic and our tables were close I loved to spend a few minutes chatting with him. He's an extremely polite and interesting gentleman, he autographed a copy of his book for me and I've read it several times, most recently a few months back. He worked hard at the hunting he loved and is obviously very skilled at it, it has paid off for nicely for him. He's an accomplished taxidermist and a one rifle man, the old saying "Beware the man with only one gun; he knows how to use it." must have been about Bill. I recommend his book, it's always leaves me smiling and eager for next season.

Speaking of Dunc, no serious sheep hunter is without copies of his books, ;). I bought them all from him at gunshows too, another gentleman that was fascinating to talk with. RIP Dunc.
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