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I have yet to hear a bull bugle back there. I have found some basins that look perfect for elk, with perfect holes for wallows that are void of any elk sign.

I have seen a little elk sign here and there, and did see 1 raggy 6x7 last early August.

I have seen a few cow elk in another place but they were outside of an early rifle zone.
Much easier places to get into a lot better elk hunting, but if you have stock might as well give it a go if you want.

I dread the day I kill a ram in some of the places we go. Couldn't imagine dealing with an elk.
I crossed 1 nice fresh bull track in the snow on the 14th last year. Had a recent small wallow and rub near my camp. Small group of cows walked right past my tent one night talking away. No bugles heard at all. Big country, not a lot of elk.

On a positive note, I bought my sheep tag today! Starting to get pumped for the coming season.
Well Elk or not Im gonna be climbing some rocks this Summer/Fall. I honestly hope I dont see a Bull like yours way back there...that would be a tough one too pass. ;) Good luck too all heading that direction, maybe we cross paths scouting. Ill be solo scouting most of the summer...Id gladly hike with another huntalker. PM me if you want a scouting partner.
Not me. Still too scared and I'm still a little too, uhhh, fluffy to be wondering around up there. Haha. Though I do have some plans this summer to go up and try to find some for the hell of it. Good luck to all who're going for it.
I will be back this fall after my 7 year wait is finally up. Not sure how much time I will be able to put in this year since I am hunting moose in Alaska in early September.
Pulled the trigger on 300 the other day, first time sheep hunter! Through my research I've found only a handful of sheep have been killed the last few years, in comparison to 2007-2012 where there were more rams being killed. Anyone know if this just happened to be bad luck, or are sheep numbers down in the unit?
Photos look like winter range rams by the mine. Often rams in 300 stay in the Park during the hunting season so no harvest occurs in those years. Just part of the deal hunting that unit.
Good luck to all this season. Hunt smart and be safe I'm predicting a redemption for gomer!
Hey guys. I'm moving to the Madison Valley next month. I don't think I'm ready to tackle this hunt this year, but maybe next. Does anyone know if good hunting in unit 300 can be accessed from the western side of the unit? That would make my drive much easier. Also how does 300 compare to the other units? Would I be better off looking at another unit all together?
Hey guys. I'm moving to the Madison Valley next month. I don't think I'm ready to tackle this hunt this year, but maybe next. Does anyone know if good hunting in unit 300 can be accessed from the western side of the unit? That would make my drive much easier. Also how does 300 compare to the other units? Would I be better off looking at another unit all together?
Unit 300 has a 10 day season, starting on 9/1. The others are 2 months plus, unless the quota gets filled. Most of the hunting in 300 is done along the Park line, so access from Tom miner road is easiest. The application period has come and gone for this year so next year is the soonest you can do this hunt. Spend some time this summer back packing and camping in the different units and figure out which area suits you best. Good luck with your move to Montana.
Thanks BHR. I didn't realize the season was shorter in 300. Maybe I should look into some of the other units. I'm looking forward to spending time in some of that country, even if it's just hiking/camping.
Thanks for sharing I'm sure those guys will be in the safe zone soon.