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I was just getting over my harebrained desire to hunt the UL's when the last four pages of conversation happened. Thanks fellas. I needed that like a hole in the head! Guess I'd better hit leg day a little harder. Maybe my sanity will return when it's time to send $1200 dollars in... I still can't believe I never tried this hunt when I was living in MT.
Incredible! Looks as big as some of the rams from the breaks.
Yeah that ram is better than a lot of breaks rams I've seen as of late.

There isn't a breaks ram that holds a candle to a ram like that in the UL IMO.

I'm very happy for the successful hunter, don't know him personally but what I've heard is he's a go gettin SOB and he definitely deserved a ram like that. CONGRATS TO BOB!
Some UL hunters might recognize the area, but the photo was shot decades ago when it was a different unit opening much later in the year. (Sorry about the blue shift, but neither the photographer nor the slides have aged well.) Moreover, all the legal rams in the unit were killed last year.
EDIT: "Moreover, all the legal rams in the unit were killed last year." TO READ: "The last legal ram in the unit was killed this year.*"

* And it was a bruiser!
Ok now who wants to crop the hunter's face and IG handle out of that photo and post it to Mr. Boddington's facebook saying "That's not an unlimited ram, THIS is an unlimited ram."?
I was just getting over my harebrained desire to hunt the UL's when the last four pages of conversation happened. Thanks fellas. I needed that like a hole in the head! Guess I'd better hit leg day a little harder. Maybe my sanity will return when it's time to send $1200 dollars in... I still can't believe I never tried this hunt when I was living in MT.
Ha! I’ve been talking chit about doing it for a few years now. A few weeks ago my GF bought me a fancy coffee table book about wild sheep writing in it “…hope you get one someday!” I’m going to have to put my money where my mouth is and get after it.