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Some UL hunters might recognize the area, but the photo was shot decades ago when it was a different unit opening much later in the year. (Sorry about the blue shift, but neither the photographer nor the slides have aged well.) Moreover, all the legal rams in the unit were killed last year.

View attachment 198665

Now, the snow to which I refer is not the obvious foreground and middle-ground stuff in the photo. What looks like clouds or fog farther up the valley is all spindrift. MT Gomer, EYJONAS and others have actually encountered more severe and deeper snowfalls in recent years than what I had to contend with in the 1980's. I guess, by mid-November, the stuff was largely worn out when I hunted. The bigger challenges were the sub-zero temperatures and the incessant high winds, which blew me off my feet on several occasions.

As Shawn Stewart explained to me ages ago, the reason that Bighorn sheep can survive Beartooth winters at all is that the wind blows so frequently and severely it constantly sweeps portions of the high plateaus to expose forage. The next photo might provide a hint of that. (It was taken near the site where I missed a nice ram by horribly under-estimating the range. I wrote about that much earlier in the thread in "More Than One Way To Miss A Ram.") Note the striations in the foreground snow.

View attachment 198666
My understanding is that the herd in that unit has not used the traditional, mountaintop wintering grounds in over 30 years and now all winter down at the mine(s).
Boddington Ram | Definition of 'Boddington Ram' by Merriam-Webster


1. An adolescent bighorn ram that has not yet reached 4 years of age.
2. An adolescent bighorn ram who's harvest is questionable from a legal perspective.
3. An adolescent bighorn ram who's harvest by a 'conservationist' contradicts that person's conservation motives, therefore deeming their actions to be hypocritical in nature.

Synonyms for 'Boddington Ram'

Banana Ram, 1/2 Curl Ram, Dink, Adolescent, 3 year old


He/She should not have harvested that 'Boddington Ram'.
That 'Boddington Ram' was with the ewes all summer.
I wonder what that 'Boddington Ram' would have been in 7 years.
To harvest a 'Boddington Ram' is the opposite of wild sheep conservation.
Post of the year right here. The goat speaks....
Boddington Ram | Definition of 'Boddington Ram' by Merriam-Webster


1. An adolescent bighorn ram that has not yet reached 4 years of age.
2. An adolescent bighorn ram who's harvest is questionable from a legal perspective.
3. An adolescent bighorn ram who's harvest by a 'conservationist' contradicts that person's conservation motives, therefore deeming their actions to be hypocritical in nature.

Synonyms for 'Boddington Ram'

Banana Ram, 1/2 Curl Ram, Dink, Adolescent, 3 year old


He/She should not have harvested that 'Boddington Ram'.
That 'Boddington Ram' was with the ewes all summer.
I wonder what that 'Boddington Ram' would have been in 7 years.
To harvest a 'Boddington Ram' is the opposite of wild sheep conservation.
AKA a 3/4 slammer to brag with other “conservationists” about
Boddington posted this photo in reply to my Facebook request for a profile picture. My opinion is that this is not a profile, and the head could be tipped to whatever angle needed for the straight line to intersect the eye. Based on this photo I am less confident that it meets the MT definition of 3/4 curl.

I doubt there is a person on this planet who could look through a spotter and say with confidence that it's legal. To shoot that thing was to be reckless. I too have my doubts it was legal, but regardless, shooting it was irresponsible and a gamble. Perhaps for somebody of his stature it was less of a gamble than it would be for me, but his stature doesn't change the irresponsible nature of it all.
The horn shown in Oaks photograph is 100% not legal. There’s no question in my mind about that. Of course, a person could always say that the left side might be, and we do not have photos of the left side. The right side is not legal.
The horn shown in Oaks photograph is 100% not legal. There’s no question in my mind about that. Of course, a person could always say that the left side might be, and we do not have photos of the left side. The right side is not legal.
Doesn't the line between horn tip and horn base just have to bisect the eye at any point? If so, looks legal to me. Although, had he used some 10 pound Trilene instead of bailing twine I'd say it's illegal.
Doesn't the line between horn tip and horn base just have to bisect the eye at any point? If so, looks legal to me. Although, had he used some 10 pound Trilene instead of bailing twine I'd say it's illegal.
The determination must be made from a perpendicular side profile angle.
That is not what is shown here.

If you saw that ram, from the angle required to make the determination, the horn would have the appearance of still being in the stage where it is dropping down vertically, as opposed to being in a horizontal portion of the curl. It must, in nearly all circumstances, be in the horizontal portion of the curl to be legal
If the MTFWP plugged it, it's legal I guess.

I saw 2-3 similar UL rams come into a taxidermy shop I used to work part time in when I was going to college in Missoula.
I guess I’d never truly know until I had a “legal” ram in my spotter and crosshairs one day but some of these sure seem like shooting a spike whitetail back here in the East. Yeah it’s legal, but it’s not making my heartbeat faster before or if I was to touch the trigger. I always hear the ole “any ram in an UL District is a trophy”. I guess I can understand some of that but hell after all the work we put in this year I feel like my trophy was surviving it and being able to go hunt it again one day....hopefully for one that I’d be proud to display for anyone wanting to see, from any angle, with a giant smile on my face. Maybe one day I’d eat my words but my hunts for any species have always been more about age than score, a mature animal is the trophy and if the score adds up that’s a bonus. But I guess some people could be hunting for something different and I’ll always try to respect that too....but these pics make that hard to do.
If the MTFWP plugged it, it's legal I guess.

I saw 2-3 similar UL rams come into a taxidermy shop I used to work part time in when I was going to college in Missoula.
It’s like the speed limits, there’s 81 in a 75, and then there’s the speed that the trooper will cite you for. I’m not sure what that is yet actually
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