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Go hunt Landowner Tags

If I recall correctly, the landowner tags is how Go Hunt was started. I could be wrong and it was long ago, but in 2015 when I was introduced to Go Hunt from a friend it was presented to me as a website that connected a hunter with a landowner selling a tag. I could have my facts messed up, but I do recall knowing that they sell landownder tags and still I chose to use their services and tools.
Landowner tags, auction tags, content creators, companies that peddle tags...all have one thing in common: commercial exploitation of a limited public resource (wildlife).

I'm no absolutist on any of it - but I think a good bit of the commentary here really comes down to how much commercial/for profit exploitation is acceptable.

For me...I'm ok with a tiny bit of heavily regulated commercial exploitation...which is vague but I generally categorize as ensuring a substantial benefit to the public and very strict requirements, fees, and limitations.
Please tell more. Who is this person who did this "pre-scouting?" What state? What hunt? What year?
Deflection is usually used when denial of a question isn’t feasible.

Here’s an easier one: has OYOA / FT ever employed services for prescouting animals and not disclosed it?

Nevada mule deer hunt with Scott Jones, 2016 or 17. Wounded buck at the fence. There was an elk too but I don’t know the particulars. My friend keeps a low profile and I’ll respect that.
Deflection is usually used when denial of a question isn’t feasible.

Here’s an easier one: has OYOA / FT ever employed services for prescouting animals and not disclosed it?

Nevada mule deer hunt with Scott Jones, 2016 or 17. Wounded buck at the fence. There was an elk too but I don’t know the particulars. My friend keeps a low profile and I’ll respect that.
Do you have a girlfriend who lives in Canada?
No deflection; Mule deer hunt with Scott Jones. Nevada. Wounded buck. Yup. All correct.

Here's an easier answer to your question - No, we've never employed services for pre-scouting animals and never will.

Tell us who the mystery man is who is supposedly doing our pre-scouting. Only person I talked to about that hunt was Scott and a guy I know from Fallon, with whom I've shared information on hunts in Montana and other places. We share quite a bit of information about tags, hunts, etc.

So, now you have a friend who keeps a low profile and you can hide behind that BS. Talk about deflection.

Ask him what I supposedly paid for that pre-scouting service. I would have sent him a Form 1099, as being a CPA I'm pretty much above board on that stuff, so maybe your low profile friend will show you a copy of his 1099 I sent for his pre-scouting services.

This shit is getting hilarious. I get that what I do puts me in a fish bowl and makes me an easy target for anyone who might want to take a crack at us and what we do. I've heard some really funny stuff from people who "know something about me." It comes with the territory I operated in. This "my friend keeps a low profile" bullshit when you are making some pretty serious claims is a new level of that.

So since you can't tell us who your pre-scouting service provider is, send me a PM and tell me who it is. I suspect if this is a person I am employing/paying, I would have their contact information. I'd gladly ring them up and ask for some clarification.

Maybe the dozens and dozens of people I share information with or who share information with me are now considered "employed pre-scouting" services.

You have the luxury of tossing out bullshit accusations that are pretty damn serious, without having any accountability to back up your claims. I don't have that luxury. You get to roll a live grenade out there and I have to be the one who gets to deal with it while you sit back and giggle.

You've got about an hour to send me a PM with the name of that person, or your account will gone from this forum.
No deflection; Mule deer hunt with Scott Jones. Nevada. Wounded buck. Yup. All correct.

Here's an easier answer to your question - No, we've never employed services for pre-scouting animals and never will.

Tell us who the mystery man is who is supposedly doing our pre-scouting. Only person I talked to about that hunt was Scott and a guy I know from Fallon, with whom I've shared information on hunts in Montana and other places. We share quite a bit of information about tags, hunts, etc.

So, now you have a friend who keeps a low profile and you can hide behind that BS. Talk about deflection.

Ask him what I supposedly paid for that pre-scouting service. I would have sent him a Form 1099, as being a CPA I'm pretty much above board on that stuff, so maybe your low profile friend will show you a copy of his 1099 I sent for his pre-scouting services.

This shit is getting hilarious. I get that what I do puts me in a fish bowl and makes me an easy target for anyone who might want to take a crack at us and what we do. I've heard some really funny stuff from people who know something about me. It comes with the territory I operated in. This "my friend keeps a low profile" bullshit when you are making some pretty serious claims is a new level of that.

So since you can't tell us who your pre-scouting ser, send me a PM and tell me who it is. I suspect if this is a person I am employing/paying, I would have their contact information. I'd gladly ring them up and ask for some clarification.

Maybe the dozens and dozens of people I share information with or who share information with me are now considered "employed pre-scouting" services.

You have the luxury of tossing out bullshit accusations that are pretty damn serious, without having any accountability to back up your claims. I don't have that luxury. You get to roll a live grenade out there and I have to be the one who gets to deal with it while you sit back and giggle.

You've got about an hour to send me a PM with the name of that person, or your account will gone from this forum.
It was in your inbox before you posted
Yeah, I just saw it and you got a reply. You might want to get your shit straight with whoever that mystery dude is. For inquiring minds, here is my reply to that PM, just a minute ago.

Who the hell is (mystery man)? I've never met a person of that name, I don't know a person of that name. Where does he live? Is he an outfitter, guide, what?

You better get your shit straight with whoever (mystery man) is. He's bullshitting you and you're making a complete ass of yourself.

Give me his number. I'll call him.

We never have and never will employ any pre-scouting services. You can take that to the bank.

Ask him what pre-scouting he supposedly did for me. Ask him where I camped. Ask him what bucks he scouted that I supposedly hunted. I mean if he did all of this, surely he can point out the bucks on the video.

Un-effing believable.
I’m not particularly interested in sticking around

I communicated personal info to Randy via PM as that seemed more appropriate.

Not interested in this drama any more so I’m going to peace out. ✌️

It’s funny to me the fact that @Big Fin is an emperor with no clothes who goes ballistic offline when people ask basic questions about how the sausage is made. Profiteering off wildlife is a business like any other, and the bottom line comes first. Daddy’s gotta get paid.
@Cheesehead replied to my PM. Hard evidence to support his claims, for sure. Legit guy, ya know.
Go ahead delete my profile. Not interested in this anymore.

Then this....
If you want, I’m at XXX.XXX.XXXX. Like I said, (Mystery Man) is a NV guide; in the loop with Mossback/Greg Krogh, knows the Sartinis/guides gov tags and silver state stuff. Not hard to find.
Told me he prescouted for you. He has more antler inches on the ground than CWD. legit guy.
I’m not interested in having an angry old man swearing at me. Used to look up to you. #*^@#* that.

And here is my reply.
So, you toss out a bunch of false BS, make a big parade of it on the forum like you are in the know about some conspiracy, then when it turns out to be BS, you want to run and hide because someone used a word you don't like?

Did you talk to (mystery man)? I've got a call into folks who would know him. I'll get to the bottom of this. I'm pretty sure I'll have (mystery man's) number by morning and I will find out if he knows you.

One of you guys are full of shit. Or, maybe both of you.

And his reply.
Like I said, go ahead and remove me from this stupid forum. Not interested in this drama. Or influencers that profiteer off wildlife to line their pockets.

So, I guess it's my fault that he posted some serious BS accusations that he and his mystery man can't back up. Now, I'm the bad guy because I'm asking him for the proof and he has none.

Sorry for the drama folks. Every once in a while this kind of BS gets thrown on the walls in hopes it can stick. Just a part of my world.
Good chance cheesehead is telling “his” truth and believes what he was told. We’ve all known or worked with a guy that continuously lies out his ass everyday because of low self esteem, and some people eat it up because maybe the guy has indeed done some shit or is just the senior/veteran on the shift.
I currently work with a guy like that and newer/inexperienced guys buy into his crap. We were talking about Africa at the lunch table a few weeks ago and I lured him into a trap. I started talking about how I had to get the Ebola vaccine before I deployed to Somalia for Gothic Serpent/Tears of the Sun/Body of Lies/and a hodgepodge of other truths and lies mixed into one story and at the end he says “yeah, me too”.
Funny thing is I’m about a decade too young to have been deployed for Gothic Serpent(my mentors were there) and he is about a decade younger than me. Also last I checked there is no Ebola vaccine. Yet the new guys ate it all up until I took them aside.

How does everyone feel about this? They are a sponsor and a donor of BHA. I would think that this does not represent BHA's core values.

I just feel uncomfortable with a sponsor of BHA making a profit from privatizing wildlife.

Do really you care how everyone feels or just trying to make noise? Did you voice concerns to BHA and GoHunt first or just post on a forum to see where public opinion pushed you before doing so?
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