Go hunt Landowner Tags

I’m conflicted. NoHunt helps me draw tags. Not that I’ve ever subscribed…I just do the opposite of what I think all the lemmings will do.

Now NH goes off and facilitates private land tag purchases, so I suppose I should go find my pitchfork.
Serious question for anyone that wants to answer. Do you guys wake up in the morning looking for something to bitch about?

The tags are for sale no matter what. I don’t care who the middle man is. I also have no problem buying them. If they are available for anyone to buy then I’ll take advantage of that whenever I feel like it.

BHA is very much a fan of R3. It could be argued that GoHunt has made the barrier to entry significantly easier and therefore been a proponent of R3.
I never really liked GoHunt but I waited til I had really a problem with them to make a fuss. I'm also not demanding that they stop.

But BHA often takes a stand against further privatization of wildlife. Therefore I don't think they should have GoHunt as a sponsor and let them advertise all over their platforms. This is because GoHunt is brokering these tags and making a bunch of money off of something that BHA often seems in direct opposition to. I could probably make some good parallels with politicians and interest groups but that wouldn't help. This seems pretty straightforward to me.
I never really liked GoHunt but I waited til I had really a problem with them to make a fuss. I'm also not demanding that they stop.

But BHA often takes a stand against further privatization of wildlife. Therefore I don't think they should have GoHunt as a sponsor and let them advertise all over their platforms. This is because GoHunt is brokering these tags and making a bunch of money off of something that BHA often seems in direct opposition to. I could probably make some good parallels with politicians and interest groups but that wouldn't help. This seems pretty straightforward to me.
What makes this further privatization of wildlife? They didn’t help get landowner tags established. Also, how do we know they are making money off them? The Colorado ones would be illegal if they are serving as the middle man. From what I can tell it’s just a place for you to see the contact info for a landowner.
All of them are making money off wildlife. Randy, BHA and Go Hunt.

Why anyone is a member of BHA is beyond my compression. Don't you remember they supported development of energy on public land as well? Hahaha. Why it was even considered let alone supported should show you how easily their leadership is persuaded.

Look at the W$F who pimp gov tags under the guise of putting sheep on the mountain. How many more sheep is there today vs 20 years ago? Want to talk about exploiting wildlife, round up a bunch of super rich dudes and let them bid on a pre identified, scouted, and pictured animal. It's not a one-off, its an auction for dozens and dozens of permits for specific animals. I can't think of a more disgusting display of exploiting wildlife. It's a modern day "slave" auction. Keep sending them money maybe you'll win that <1 hunt... that's just them giving you the crumbs. Those donated hunts are nothing more than a public resource sold by an outfitter to promote their business and make you send W$F your membership dues.

Does BHA auction/raffle tags as well? The answer is yes.
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All of them are making money off wildlife. Randy, BHA and Go Hunt.

Why anyone is a member of BHA is beyond my compression. Don't you remember they supported development of energy on public land as well? Hahaha. Why it was even considered let alone supported should show you how easily their leadership is persuaded.

Look at the W$F who pimp gov tags under the guise of putting sheep on the mountain. How many more sheep is there today vs 20 years ago? Want to talk about exploiting wildlife, round up a bunch of super rich dudes and let them bid on a pre identified, scouted, and pictured animal. It's not a one-off, its an auction for dozens and dozens of permits for specific animals. I can't think of a more disgusting display of exploiting wildlife. It's a modern day "slave" auction. Keep sending them money maybe you'll win that >1 hunt... that's just them giving you the crumbs. Those donated hunts are nothing more than a public resource sold by an outfitter to promote their business and make you send W$F your membership dues.

Does BHA auction/raffle tags as well? The answer is yes.
I just knew it was gonna be a fun fight, lol.

I don’t disagree, reading your post made me think of that video and laugh. More money than skills buys sheep should of been the title.
Not that I disagree with anything that’s been said, but where do we draw the line? I’m not a BHA member so I couldn’t care less who sponsors them. Go Hunt is a private company selling goods and services - they exist to make a profit. I can get the same service from each states wildlife management service, so I don’t send them money.

Where do we differentiate good making money off wildlife vs bad? So W$F is bad, agreed - never been but it looks like a douche bag circle jerk. How about the outfitter - he’s not taking people out in trade for some homemade chili, he’s making a profit. Is he also just as “bad?”

Fish are wildlife, so is my buddy Shane who guides steelhead in Lewiston evil because he’s making money off public wildlife?

A guy that I grew up with sells custom made flies. Does pretty well with it. Those flies are used by fisherman to catch a public resource. Is Josh to be condemned because he’s profiting?

The school district I was educated in was mainly supported by timber sales off public ground. Those trees were a public resource. Was my education financed by a blood diamond equivalent because timber companies profited?

When all is said and done really the only thing we can do as individuals is vote with our wallets. Don’t agree with GoHunt advertising land owner tags? Don’t buy them. Don’t agree with BHA being sponsored by them? Don’t send money to BHA. Don’t like Josh profiting by selling flies, don’t buy them.
Not that I disagree with anything that’s been said, but where do we draw the line? I’m not a BHA member so I couldn’t care less who sponsors them. Go Hunt is a private company selling goods and services - they exist to make a profit. I can get the same service from each states wildlife management service, so I don’t send them money.

Where do we differentiate good making money off wildlife vs bad? So W$F is bad, agreed - never been but it looks like a douche bag circle jerk. How about the outfitter - he’s not taking people out in trade for some homemade chili, he’s making a profit. Is he also just as “bad?”

Fish are wildlife, so is my buddy Shane who guides steelhead in Lewiston evil because he’s making money off public wildlife?

A guy that I grew up with sells custom made flies. Does pretty well with it. Those flies are used by fisherman to catch a public resource. Is Josh to be condemned because he’s profiting?

The school district I was educated in was mainly supported by timber sales off public ground. Those trees were a public resource. Was my education financed by a blood diamond equivalent because timber companies profited?

When all is said and done really the only thing we can do as individuals is vote with our wallets. Don’t agree with GoHunt advertising land owner tags? Don’t buy them. Don’t agree with BHA being sponsored by them? Don’t send money to BHA. Don’t like Josh profiting by selling flies, don’t buy them.

These complaints seem like a bit of an absolutist litmus test here. Most conservation organizations deal in some form of auction/ raffle tags for fundraising. That's the nature of the beast. That shouldn't negate any good work an org. does though.

We can be generally opposed to this type of tag, but it's a systemic issue we need to take up with our game agencies and state legislatures. I'm not interested in burning the system down because a player is playing within the rules dictated to them by the state.
These complaints seem like a bit of an absolutist litmus test here. Most conservation organizations deal in some form of auction/ raffle tags for fundraising. That's the nature of the beast. That shouldn't negate any good work an org. does though.

We can be generally opposed to this type of tag, but it's a systemic issue we need to take up with our game agencies and state legislatures. I'm not interested in burning the system down because a player is playing within the rules dictated to them by the state.
Don’t hate the playa, hate the game homie!
Content creators gotta have some way to always be at the front of the line while everyone else waits their turn
This is so true….. How else are hunting industry/influencer/celebrities gonna keep the content rolling so they call sell that merch? They have to feed their families and keep their sponsors happy. Tag pimps….. pretty good description. Maybe I am in the M Rinella camp more than I realized….
GoHunt cringe factor seems to increase every year

Buddy of mine is a guide in the hunting industry. Guides the top end of US Southwest stuff. Said there were four or five security checkpoints when he went on the Sartini compound (worth a google to see how the other half lives). Jay Scott was there and constantly referred to himself arrogantly in the third person, as in ‘Jay Scott would never do things that way!’

Prescouted Randy’s animals for some of the Fresh Tracks shows. Oddly enough, that was never mentioned on the shows.

Also guided Aron Snyder. Apparently he’s an arrogant, carbon-spraying, gut-shooting asshole to be around. Whooda thunk?

Commercializing wildlife is an industry, after all.


It is what it is.
GoHunt cringe factor seems to increase every year

Buddy of mine is a guide in the hunting industry. Guides the top end of US Southwest stuff. Said there were four or five security checkpoints when he went on the Sartini compound (worth a google to see how the other half lives). Jay Scott was there and constantly referred to himself arrogantly in the third person, as in ‘Jay Scott would never do things that way!’

Prescouted Randy’s animals for some of the Fresh Tracks shows. Oddly enough, that was never mentioned on the shows.

Also guided Aron Snyder. Apparently he’s an arrogant, carbon-spraying, gut-shooting asshole to be around. Whooda thunk?

Commercializing wildlife is an industry, after all.


It is what it is.
Aron can eat my fumunda, who is Jay Scott?. I'm gonna sit out commenting on the Randy statement until I hear more facts about it.
Either way, the hunting world is something I relate to less and less every day, have to imagine I'm not the only one.
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All of them are making money off wildlife. Randy, BHA and Go Hunt.

Why anyone is a member of BHA is beyond my compression. Don't you remember they supported development of energy on public land as well? Hahaha. Why it was even considered let alone supported should show you how easily their leadership is persuaded.

Look at the W$F who pimp gov tags under the guise of putting sheep on the mountain. How many more sheep is there today vs 20 years ago? Want to talk about exploiting wildlife, round up a bunch of super rich dudes and let them bid on a pre identified, scouted, and pictured animal. It's not a one-off, its an auction for dozens and dozens of permits for specific animals. I can't think of a more disgusting display of exploiting wildlife. It's a modern day "slave" auction. Keep sending them money maybe you'll win that <1 hunt... that's just them giving you the crumbs. Those donated hunts are nothing more than a public resource sold by an outfitter to promote their business and make you send W$F your membership dues.

Does BHA auction/raffle tags as well? The answer is yes.
I agree with much of what you said.

Auction and raffle permits are not necessary to raise money for conservation. They are the "easy" way. But I wonder where you and others land on the definition of "making money off wildlife." I have purchased and raffled two outfitted hunts this year and made more money for RMBS than we make (for RMBS) with an auction sheep license. Where does this fall on the exploitation scale?
I am a member of BHA for the same reasons I’m a member of RMEF. Both are certainly flawed - The former being susceptible to political capture from the left, The latter having a strange fetish for a certain carnivore and a propensity for silence when politicians engage in things that clearly run contrary to their mission statement. But then again, the former speaks up loudly for the DIY Hunter in Montana - something so few seem to do on an organizational level - and the latter is as good at setting land aside for wildlife as any org that’s ever existed.

The cases are cumulative and are that of a net-good. That could change of course, and to each their own.

I don’t know what the F a GoHunt is. When I am king for a day the only way any tag will ever be acquired will be through equal opportunity in the drawing process - none will be sold,auctioned, or raffled. It’s as clear as day that anytime favor or money gets involved with the acquisition of hunting tags, weird stuff happens, mission capture is at play, and it seems that organizations have to play the money game on some level.

If it sounds like I’m apologizing for them, I’m not. But there certainly comes a point where these types of misgivings seem so super secondary to the real meat of the issue, like the absolute shit that will be shoved down our throats by the legislature in a few months- shit that my children will be left to shovel - that it’s tough to discern what is genuinely concerning right now and what is an imperfection best dismissed.

TLDR: maybe there’s bigger fish to fry
I'm 58 and remember growing up in Utah the news would have stories of culling elk off private fields. Constant conflict with ranchers and farmers over grazing on private property.

Utah's CWMU program changed that dynamic and wildlife is now accepted and protected because it provides revenue to landowners. Public gets access to millions of acres and some great opportunities we would otherwise never experience.

Wildlife rightly public property of each state and managed based on how citizens determine. Enabling property owners to make money from wildlife on their property is fair tradeoff if the state has mechanism to gain public access for hunting.

As for BHA; they are the Greta Thunberg of professed enlightened hunters and anglers.
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