Go hunt Landowner Tags

If you look at the website, "landowner tags" is really a poor choice of wording. It is more outfitted and drop camp hunts. Some of the hunts include a landowner tag but they aren't directly selling the tag. It is a listing service. If their premise is to get people hunting then Land owner tags are a way to do that. Do I think the tags are dumb and should be banned yes? However, that doesn't mean that someone utilizing a legal means to make a buck is the devil.

I'm sure I will get accused of trying to stir up controversy. I am in a way.
I don't actually see anything wrong with me sharing a link to go hunt's landowner tags and starting a discussion. I don't think I was the one who ratcheted up the drama on this thread, even though I am the OP.


Just not sure why it matters THIS MUCH that GoHunt hosts a spot where folks can sell their tags, they are going to get sold either way, and it appears many of them did not even get sold at all! They are also not, as you say, "GoHunt's landowner tags", whatever that means. I looked through the Colorado list, and most of them are just ads for guided hunts or trespass fees with a couple landowner vouchers mixed in, and it is clearly stated that you still have to draw the tag or buy an OTC tag for the unit. Drama is fun though, memes crack me up, so ratchet away...
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Just not sure why it matters THIS MUCH that GoHunt hosts a spot where folks can sell their tags, they are going to get sold either way, and it appears many of them did not even get sold at all! They are also not, as you say, "GoHunt's landowner tags", whatever that means. I looked through the Colorado list, and most of them are just ads for guided hunts or trespass fees with a couple landowner vouchers mixed in, and it is clearly stated that you still have to draw the tag or buy an OTC tag for the unit. Drama is fun though, memes crack me up, so ratchet away...
Some of the tags are clearly unit-wide landowner tags that are good for public land. I never said anything about Colorado.

I really don't understand what I did wrong. I posted a link to something I don't like and gave my opinion Again I'm not demanding that Gohunt stops this service. All I've said is that I think that go hunt service goes against BHA's and Newberg's message. Then Newberg gave his opinion.

So because what I said riles people up I shouldn't share it? Even if I think it's not the best thing for hunting?
Some of the tags are clearly unit-wide landowner tags that are good for public land. I never said anything about Colorado.

I really don't understand what I did wrong. I posted a link to something I don't like and gave my opinion Again I'm not demanding that Gohunt stops this service. All I've said is that I think that go hunt service goes against BHA's and Newberg's message. Then Newberg gave his opinion.

So because what I said riles people up I shouldn't share it? Even if I think it's not the best thing for hunting?
I don't think you did anything wrong. Just because your thread was hijacked by someone spreading rumors is not your fault...and I don't see any of your posts as wanting to start drama...I saw it as a genuine effort to discuss something important to you that conflicts with your values and tenants of the NAMWC. People had varying opinions on the matter...and absent the 'prescouting' drama...lots of good perspectives and discussion. my $0.02.
I don't think you did anything wrong. Just because your thread was hijacked by someone spreading rumors is not your fault...and I don't see any of your posts as wanting to start drama...I saw it as a genuine effort to discuss something important to you that conflicts with your values and tenants of the NAMWC. People had varying opinions on the matter...and absent the 'prescouting' drama...lots of good perspectives and discussion. my $0.02.
I agree with this. No problem with what @atlas posted.
Some of the tags are clearly unit-wide landowner tags that are good for public land. I never said anything about Colorado.

I really don't understand what I did wrong. I posted a link to something I don't like and gave my opinion Again I'm not demanding that Gohunt stops this service. All I've said is that I think that go hunt service goes against BHA's and Newberg's message. Then Newberg gave his opinion.

So because what I said riles people up I shouldn't share it? Even if I think it's not the best thing for hunting?

Nothing wrong with your post. It's a worthwhile discussion.

I think where part of the rub may be is that while many of us don't particularly care for landowner tags we don't perceive their association as antagonistic to GoHunt or Randy's message. While Randy's platforms are focused on the self guided public land hunter he's said numerous times he's not against guys going on guided hunts, or guides themselves. The private land folks just aren't who his business model is seeking to engage.

Because one is engaged with public lands hunting doesn't mean they need to be against private land hunting.
GoHunt only exists so Lorenzo and his family can go on the finest hunts money can buy.

You all are financing his high $ hunts while squabbling about odds on 1-2 point draw units.
The sartini’s aren’t hurting for money. I think gohunt is probably a rounding error compared to the casino and gaming machine money
Some of the tags are clearly unit-wide landowner tags that are good for public land. I never said anything about Colorado.

I really don't understand what I did wrong. I posted a link to something I don't like and gave my opinion Again I'm not demanding that Gohunt stops this service. All I've said is that I think that go hunt service goes against BHA's and Newberg's message. Then Newberg gave his opinion.

So because what I said riles people up I shouldn't share it? Even if I think it's not the best thing for hunting?

Sigh, why am I typing this...I'm just irked in general today...

Ok, take away the whole side plot with the member-formerly-known-as-Cheesehead and Randy, which was absolutely off-track and irrelevant to your original post. You posted your opinion about the tag sales system, then you posted message to BHA where you requested that they end their relationship with GoHunt over it, then you said that Randy should end his relationship with them too, you clearly don't have a good grasp as to what exactly the tag sales system on GoHunt entails (they are not all landowner tags but you're are outraged about it anyway), you actually said you were trying to stir up controversy but then you come back with this "but I didn't mean to stir the pot" victim mentality when the controversy reared its head. I don't know if any of that is really wrong, I didn't say you were anyhow, and I really don't care if you're a zealot as long as you clear up your message and your facts and own it.

...man, I just gave myself a flashback to @mtnprst, now THAT guy was a real zealot 🤣
Sigh, why am I typing this...I'm just irked in general today...

Ok, take away the whole side plot with the member-formerly-known-as-Cheesehead and Randy, which was absolutely off-track and irrelevant to your original post. You posted your opinion about the tag sales system, then you posted message to BHA where you requested that they end their relationship with GoHunt over it, then you said that Randy should end his relationship with them too, you clearly don't have a good grasp as to what exactly the tag sales system on GoHunt entails (they are not all landowner tags but you're are outraged about it anyway), you actually said you were trying to stir up controversy but then you come back with this "but I didn't mean to stir the pot" victim mentality when the controversy reared its head. I don't know if any of that is really wrong, I didn't say you were anyhow, and I really don't care if you're a zealot as long as you clear up your message and your facts and own it.

...man, I just gave myself a flashback to @mtnprst, now THAT guy was a real zealot 🤣
Yeah, me trying to play the victim card huh? Playing the tactic of calling me a zealot and victim so I lose my credibility or something.

I purposely stayed away when the thread got wild and didn't ever attack anyone's character. Might have been a little harsh or blunt to Randy but hey, I found something I didn't like and this seems like the most appropriate place to bring it up.

Also, I'm not following your point. Not all the tags are unit-wide landowner tags so I shouldn't care???

Seems like you're just mad at me for having my own opinion.
Yeah, me trying to play the victim card huh? Playing the tactic of calling me a zealot and victim so I lose my credibility or something.

I purposely stayed away when the thread got wild and didn't ever attack anyone's character. Might have been a little harsh or blunt to Randy but hey, I found something I didn't like and this seems like the most appropriate place to bring it up.

Also, I'm not following your point. Not all the tags are unit-wide landowner tags so I shouldn't care???

Seems like you're just mad at me for having my own opinion.
Go On GIF - Excited Listening Go On GIFs

How does everyone feel about this? They are a sponsor and a donor of BHA. I would think that this does not represent BHA's core values.

I just feel uncomfortable with a sponsor of BHA making a profit from privatizing wildlife.
Atlas, You said nothing wrong and men respect men who stand by their beliefs!

My belief; why are BHA cultists prone to applying and pushing their purist opinions and positions on everything? States own wildlife and if a state issues landowner tags and those tags are sold, resold, packaged by outfitter and someone posts pics of big buck/bull then get over it! If you or others have issue with GoHunt involvement with landowner tags, then talk to your state elected officials about state policy to issue landowner tags and how they might be used or resold.

My opinion; if a rancher tolerates elk in his pastures during the winter and he receives a few tags and sales for lots of cash; it keeps his ranch viable and cows are better than cabins! The Green Decoys on this and other forums lack understanding and appreciation of reality and complexity associated with public lands, wildlife and life of rural residents. BHA is Greta Thunberg; shouting indignation but rarely work with other public land stakeholders, generate funding, or show up to do hands on work.
Atlas, You said nothing wrong and men respect men who stand by their beliefs!

My belief; why are BHA cultists prone to applying and pushing their purist opinions and positions on everything? States own wildlife and if a state issues landowner tags and those tags are sold, resold, packaged by outfitter and someone posts pics of big buck/bull then get over it! If you or others have issue with GoHunt involvement with landowner tags, then talk to your state elected officials about state policy to issue landowner tags and how they might be used or resold.

My opinion; if a rancher tolerates elk in his pastures during the winter and he receives a few tags and sales for lots of cash; it keeps his ranch viable and cows are better than cabins! The Green Decoys on this and other forums lack understanding and appreciation of reality and complexity associated with public lands, wildlife and life of rural residents. BHA is Greta Thunberg; shouting indignation but rarely work with other public land stakeholders, generate funding, or show up to do hands on work.
Painting Land owners as the injured party is pretty laughable considering how much we subsidize them on all fronts. But by all means tell us more about how they are trading hay and unit wide tags for government cheese to fend off starvation, sorry I mean development .
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Painting Land owners as the injured party is pretty laughable considering how much we subsidize them on all fronts. But by all means tell us more about how they are trading hay and unit wide tags for government cheese to fend off starvation, sorry I mean devopment.
Thanks for opinion from NY and proving my point.
Says arrogant retired govt wonk with distain for those dang locals. Imagine you idealize and dream of Bruh Dan rounding up stray cows, armed morning raids, and hanging at Burning Man.
I think you meant disdain. Good thing spelling isn't a requirement for you to cast a ballot for your favorite public land transfer candidate.
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