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Foraged Food Thread

Two new ones for me. Deer mushrooms are mostly flavorless, but fried crispy in bacon grease they were wonderful.

I took about 5 lbs of resinous Polypore, which yielded down to about 2 cups of useable flesh after trimming off all the woody parts. Only the outer rim was soft enough to eat. It was good - did not taste like anything I’ve ever eaten.
Anyone ever get sick eating these? 30 some years ago a friend and I found a large clusters. We each took half. My wife and I ate on my half and he and his daughter ate on the other half. His wife wouldn't eat mushrooms of any kind. Nobody had any ill effects except my friend, he got sicker than a dog. I'm talking projectile vomiting, chills, profuse sweating and severe stomach cramps. I wish I would just hurry up and die, kind of symptoms. He had eaten them before with no problems, but I haven't been able to get myself to eat them since that incident.
Anyone ever get sick eating these? 30 some years ago a friend and I found a large clusters. We each took half. My wife and I ate on my half and he and his daughter ate on the other half. His wife wouldn't eat mushrooms of any kind. Nobody had any ill effects except my friend, he got sicker than a dog. I'm talking projectile vomiting, chills, profuse sweating and severe stomach cramps. I wish I would just hurry up and die, kind of symptoms. He had eaten them before with no problems, but I haven't been able to get myself to eat them since that incident.
I've not gotten sick before, but online sources do mention GI issues are possible. Definitely need to be cooked, not eaten raw. And everything i've read says to only harvest off of dead trees, especially not living Eucalyptus, Yew, or conifers. Not sure if you remember what type of tree you harvested from.
