Elkoholic Retired!

I'm gutting a 100 year old house...if you want to ease in to retirement I have a spare sledgehammer and crowbar you can borrow to wail away on things.
That sounds like work, I'm done with that :p. Plus I used up all my frustration demolishing an old house 2yrs ago after I built new beside it.
I’m happy to share with my HT friends I’m retiring! After 36yrs in the auto industry with one employer, hitting the age of 55 I’m eligible for retirement, my last day is Monday, Aug. 5th for the obligatory exit interview & laptop/phone turn in, then I’m free! Many co-workers and friends have asked leading up to this “What are you going to do?” My Answer --> NOT WORK EVER AGAIN!

I’m planning to keep my home base in Ohio and travel wherever the heck I want, when I want, with who I want. Mainly lots of scouting, hunting, fishing, hiking and camping trips are my plans. I’ve have some points built up in a few states it’s time to use, including tagging along with friends on as many of their hunts that I can, packing meat and enjoying the experiences with them.

I’ll be hitting the road Monday with my trusted best friend, my Golden Retriever (Kodiak), he’s 12yrs old now and slowing down, but I’m glad he’s still around to head west with me.

First up is…
  • Aug. 5th head west to Co. to camp, fish and moose scouting for a friend that has a tag this fall.
  • Next, I’ll swing up to Wy. for a week scouting for elk, camping and fishing.
  • I want to learn to fly fish somewhere in between all this.
  • Continuing north I’ll swing up through MT. for more camping, fishing, hiking and visiting with friends and family.
  • Sept. 7th I’ll drop back down into Co. to join my friend for the opener of his moose hunt.
  • Late Sept./early Oct. back to Wy. Team up with @teamhoyt to help @Kiwi and his son on their elk hunt.
  • Early Nov. archery WT rut hunt my place in Ohio.
  • Mid Nov. back to Mt. to tag along with @Gerald Martin & his boys along with other well-known members on their deer hunts.
  • Christmas heading to Fla. for few weeks to relax and visit friends that have moved south.
I’m 55yrs young, single and in good health, can still carry a pack, and think I get around pretty good for an old, retired guy. As the last 4-5yrs has been an absolute grind at work and in life I plan to “stoke the fire” that’s been half lit recently. Hoping I don’t turn into some who retire and end up feeling they have no purpose… I’ve got plenty of purpose --> it’s me time, and I really don’t care what anyone else thinks about that.

I plan to visit all my ‘happy places’ more often and find new undiscovered happy places. I could potentially fall into the “whatever happened to?” thread at times, as I plan to be off grid as much as possible enjoying our Public Lands. Hopefully along my way I can have a few beers with some of you. I want to catch a small-town rodeo (never been), maybe need to hit up Chris. I plan to volunteer for some fence pulling or clean-up projects now that I'll have the time. Highly doubt in retirement I’ll shank any tents however I will be on the look-out for mountain yoga. If I run across some midget strippers, I know a guy I’ll be visiting (would hate to show up empty handed). Don’t hate on me if the ‘Sunday pic of the day’ becomes ‘Dave’s pic of the day’. I don’t plan on finding out the best grizzly protection, but imagine I’ll spot a few from time to time. And I definitely don’t plan to miss any more spring HT Bear hunts with the crew!

I’m extremely blessed and thankful, looking forward to this next chapter in my life. Best wishes to you all and hope each of you who haven't already done so get to have this feeling some day in your lives. If you happen to see me around during my travels say hi!

- Dave
Sounds like fun and congrats on the retirement.
I'm back.... time flies when you're having fun! After taking some extended time off social media I figured I'd get back to seeing what everyone has been doing on HT.

It's been since Aug., the quick recap of my travels - I spent 4wks out west, didn't get to do all the things I had planned this fall as I cut the trip short due to my dog's health, that roller coaster kept me busy most all fall. Good news is he's still with me, and surprising doing extremely well as of this writing, steroids & other med's are amazing! On three different occasions I was going to have him put down, but then he fools me.

Retirement report: It's flipping amazing, I highly recommend it! Amazing how busy each day can be but none of it's work, just whatever you want to do! Only hunting I got to do this fall was WT at home, didn't see anything that interested me. Most days are doing things around the house, trips to the gym and Pickleball, and then the BIG change in my life... a female has entered the picture :oops:.

Hope everyone is safe & well, and I've got lots of HT catching up to do.
GREAT to hear all is well and going great, Crisp!

Even doing that... dance, eh? Best to ya! You find a woman that can tolerate a man - you've found paradise.

Good to hear all is well. Miss you and the lot. Were some enjoyable times back then.
Congrats on retirement! I'm close, within the next 3 years is the plan for me and my wife.
If you get out to OR ever, look me up. I'd be glad to show you around some good bear and blacktail hunting.
Man I love to read a good retirement story! Thanks for sharing! I think more and more about it, but still 5 years away.
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