Extra Stupid Window Stickers

Never got a photo, but saw a "Think Habitat" sticker on a pickup rear end which was also happened to be sporting a National Rifle Association sticker..............:confused:
There is a direct correlation to the level of douche-bagged-ness and the number of stickers on one's back window. It goes downhill after zero.
Agreed. I don't think I've every been any place where this phenomenon was on a greater display than around SLC, UT. If it was on a lifted pickup it got a 2X multiplier. Another 2X for a diesel, which would bump to 100X if the exhaust came out of the bed.
I hate all the stupid truck brand bragging stickers...can't dodge it ram it, blah blah blah, bowties, blah blah blah, fixed or repaired daily...just drive your damn truck and shut up. What do you care what anyone else drives?

And thank God we no longer have to see Calvin pissing on whatever you don't like...that fad was almost as bad as truck nuts.

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