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Extra Stupid Window Stickers

I never understood why you provide free advertising for someone unless they were a friend or family, it provides zero benefit for you. Just like all this "brand manufacturing" coming out of Utah. It's all geared towards commercializing hunting and benefitting a few people at the top of the pyramid. Live this life, live that life, buy our supplements, buy our shirts and hats, take a picture in our hat or T-shirt.....makes no sense to me. Most of those companies are owned or connected to the same group of people.
I never understood why you provide free advertising for someone unless they were a friend or family, it provides zero benefit for you. Just like all this "brand manufacturing" coming out of Utah. It's all geared towards commercializing hunting and benefitting a few people at the top of the pyramid. Live this life, live that life, buy our supplements, buy our shirts and hats, take a picture in our hat or T-shirt.....makes no sense to me. Most of those companies are owned or connected to the same group of people.

To be cool
A little close to home but....

"Happiness is a Gut Pile" - nothing like fueling an unnecessary fire!
This thread reminds me of a window sticker my dad had on his truck...
"If I wanted to hear from an a55hole I would have farted."
The only sticker i have ever put on a vehicle that I own was in the year 2000 with all the crap about a potential meltdown when the computers may not roll over correctly.

"AMMO, the currency for the new millennium
Decided to do a search “hunting bumper stickers”. Then click images. There’s enough stupidity to scan for hours
I lost the pic when I switched phones, but I saw one in Jackson, WY that said, "Hunters are better lovers cuz we eat what we shoot."

Never could quite figure that one out.

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