Yeti GOBOX Collection

Drought for the west

We were teased a couple of times this week with thunder, lightning and heavy overcast, but just a few drops. Not even enough to completely wet the pavement.
We drove through a pretty good ran about five miles away while coming back from fishing yesterday eve, but it missed us. The Bighorns appeared to be getting slammed with rain at the time.
We were blessed with decent moisture throughout the spring, but the drought has returned. Very dry here. Non-irrigated pastures and prairies have browned up.
I spent the last couple of weeks at our cabin overlooking Zion National Park. Lots of huffing and puffing, flash flood watches in the park but little moisture. Maybe 1/3 ". Home (Las Vegas) had its first dose of rain in months Thursday.
We have dropped from Extreme to Severe here in SW NM. I have gotten close to 3.5" so far this monsoon season. 2 and a half months more of monsoons, hopefully.
Same up here - lots of steady rain for two weeks in June. Streams obviously show signs of the burn, but the burn scar area I have seen is far over 90% green - Cerro Pelado was apparently did not burn super hot in most of the area.
Kolob mountain in Southern Utah got a good soaking today with more on the way.

I'm heading to central Nevada Wednesday and it looks like it's getting rain also. Hope so. Hunting in 90+ degree heat wears me out.
So my Girlfriends engineering firm has been purchased by an American firm. She was thinking about applying for a promotion the could take us to Salt Lake but after this report. I'll still push for Flagstaff
