DO you support the minute men

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Matt, You should not consider the "PC" label as a compliment, at least when it comes from me. Most people whom I would consider to be "PC" have allowed some carefully trumped or perhaps more correctly "Clintoned" up rules of living to replace common sense and a persons sense of individuality. I guess it would be the exact opposite of what is considered "Gangstarap" or "Bitchrap" where phrases that would have worth fighting over some years ago, become common in exchange between men and women. How many of you would consider calling your mother or sister.. well, your mother, a bitch? Had I done that when my father was alive, I wouldn't have lived to type this. Had anyone else referred to my mother as a bitch, I probably would have had more than just words with them. Today however, it's common for "Gangstas" to call women bitch and they think that's cool. They think it proves thier maturity and manhood. Well, if the women don't take exception to it, then who am I to object as long as it's not my mother or sister or wife etc etc.

The point being, the PC attitudes on the other end of the spectrum where women feel free to use the F*&K but take selective exception to the word being used in front of them and men much the same way, is a phoney attitude that will eventually be replaced with something else.

So if you consider being referred to as being PC a compliment, good for you. I don't use it in that context. I am glad that we see this from different points of the spectrum.

Matt politically correct[P.C.] is just a pussy ass way of avoiding the truth I.M.O.
Whats wrong with the "straight" truth?

W.H. yes its called the "jackpot baby" which makes the kid an instant citizen.... a few senators are looking at ways to stop it [don`t hold your breath]

It [jackpot babies] are a huge, huge welfare these illegal birthing machines are popping them out at an alarming rate.
That is funnier than hell, DanR using his Gangsta accent..... Nothing more repulsive than some 60 year old piece of white crap trying to be "hip".... Yeah DanR, I bet you roll in the Escalade with 50 Cent!!!!
JoseCuervo said:
That is funnier than hell, DanR using his Gangsta accent..... Nothing more repulsive than some 60 year old piece of white crap trying to be "hip".... Yeah DanR, I bet you roll in the Escalade with 50 Cent!!!!

:eek: Dan, I'm guessing he didn't care for the psychological evaluation you provided a couple of days ago. :eek:

I can't figure out if he is a real Doctor like Freud or a fake doc like Dr. Dre'

My guess is all the Psycholgy and Sociology ol' DanR ever read was the Kinsey Report when it was released Originally. I bet he wore that thing out, every night....:wank:
Washington Hunter said:
I didn't get the "50 Cent" part. :confused:

Would you mind explaining that to a dummy? (Elkgunner)

50 Cent (pronoucned "Fittee Cent") is what is playing in DanR's Ipod... Probably in his CD player in the Esclade when he is rollin' with the Hunnys...
JoseCuervo said:
50 Cent (pronoucned "Fittee Cent") is what is playing in DanR's Ipod... Probably in his CD player in the Esclade when he is rollin' with the Hunnys...

LMFAO.... It was Funny for WH to ask me to explain what 50 Cent was!!!! :D :D Gunny Bunny YOU crack me UP Sweetie hump
Jose/Hose B....don`t you think calling Danr a 60 yr old and white crap is a little extreme?... how about racist? [white crap] don`t you think you will ever get 60? with your "dicked up tude" some little punk might just bust a cap in your ass. bet you don`t shoot your mouth off in "REAL LIFE" like that.....
I'm still impressed with the way HoserB responded to my last post. Such insight and depth of character reflected in his respones. Especially when he can't come up with anything of substance to refute what's stated. I believe that in court it's referred to as "cut and run" tactics or "diversionary litigation". If you can't win on the issues, then try to change the topic. Ha Ha Ha.. true nature always shows through.

Old, you bet I'm old. I'm proud, given all the places I've been and the things I've seen, to be old. Hang in there. Maybe, if you get very lucky, you'll get a chance to get old also.

DanR- Which part of this is wrong to you: which part do you say we should not have, in matters of sex or in matters of race?

conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated
Matt, Political sensabilities are a creation of someone's mind. In the real world, where people work together, you don't waste time worrying about words. You spend more time considering actions that define a persons being. Example. What do you think would happen in England if you made the remark that a woman had a cute fannie? Would people laugh or would you risk getting your face slapped?

Some people in this country that don't have enough real life things to concern themselves with get aritificially inspired by all of this politacally correct crap. Be more concerned with a persons actions and presentation than with a persons words. Like the analogy of the two black men calling each other nigger. It's not the word it's the presentation and the meaning behind the words.


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