DO you support the minute men

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Go to each page of the thread and use the "Ctrl+F" command and it will pop up a search/find window. Then type out the word you want to look for, and you will find each occurrance of the word you are searching for.

Not trying to blow you off, just passing along a helpful hint on how to find things on a web page.

The racist comments you are looking for was yesterday, so that will help you narrow down your search.

Thank you on the refresher course for finding specific words on a page, and perhaps someone has benefitted from your response.

I know you are not blowing me off as I was addressing the question to Matt. Unless you are Matt or can read his mind, I would not expect you to be able to answer for him.
As my question to Matt was not how to search for words on a page, I can wait patiently for a reply if it is coming.

I do want to thank you for taking the time to post a helpful tip, tho. So often on forums people are posting inflammatory or untrue statements, or calling others obscene names. It is refreshing to see a post that is helpful and accurate.

I was answering your comment where you said :

Could you point out to me where DanR used his Gangsta accent?"

It was in post #120 of this thread, by you, and directed to Elkgunner. Since Elkgunner is busy, I, Jose took the liberty of answering you. Sorry for interrupting.
JoseCuervo said:

The racist comments you are looking for was yesterday, so that will help you narrow down your search.

Ok, maybe I can help explain the two diiferent posts, and you can see why I assumed you were responding about the one directed to Matt:

In the post to Elkgunner I was asking about DanR's use of a Gangsta accent.

In the post to Matt I was asking for a reference point on the derragotory use of the word "beaner".

In your response, after the helpful hint was this comment:

"The racist comments you are looking for was yesterday, so that will help you narrow down your search."

I had asked Elkgunner about the Gangsta accent , not racist comments. Perhaps when Elkgunner has a spare moment he could direct me to that.
JoseCuervo said:
Please help those of us who don't know what racism is understand what to look for.

I realize you had directed this request to WH. In the spirit of Elkgunner's helpfullness I would like to give you an example:

JoseCuervo said:
..... Nothing more repulsive than some 60 year old piece of white crap trying to be "hip"....
TB- please tell me where I said the term "illegals" is racist. I believe it is the proper description of someone who is crossing the border (at least a shortened version of the word).
April- I was doing more of a hypothetical than he said... If you use the word "beaner" what would you construe the meaning to be? In other countries it may mean something entirely different but I can only think of one way to interpret the word. Maybe you feel it has a different meaning...
I am hearing some "rumors" that Tom Tancredo the anti illegal congressman from Colorado... is going to ask the Minutemen to Declare Victory and break off the project a little early so he can take the leaders/commanders to Washington D.C. to testify before Congress. I think that would be great.
cjcj- I believe the battle has probably been one. I don't know that I would declare victory though. Time is the problem when dealing with illegal immigration. The portion the minutemen are patrolling has slowed according to all accounts that I have heard or seen. Other areas have increased. Another hit to anyone against illegal aliens is coming to fruition as I type. Unless something drastic changes, the current bill for emergency funds for iraq has a rider for an amnesty for any (illegal)migrant worker. It is an agricultural amnesty program (or some such wording).
MATTy, if the word "beaner" brings to mind only one thing, and that one thing is racially related, then I beleive you are the very racist you purport others to be.
TB- Please let me on the other secret meanings of "beaner"... I have yet to find any.
BTW MATTy, I have worked with a guy in the mines that had the last name Beaner (same last nameas his father, and his father before him), and I don't believe he was here illegally (or even hispanic if that's what you keep referring to).
Matt, give it up, it isnt nice to pick on the mentally challenged...

Ten beers is a complete dumbass.

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